Chapter 917 Too wise and calm

It would be fine if we just fight alone with the third prince. Since the power of the prince and the third prince gradually became clear, they have often fought each other in private. But after all, the emperor is still here. Even if there is a winner or lose in the fight, he will be exhausted. It's just a hamstring injury.

 But now this matter...

 The one implicated is the Emperor.

 To put it bluntly, it is not only the third prince who is fighting, but also the emperor.

No matter how stupid the emperor is, he is still the emperor of Xiliang. At first, the Hua family just made the emperor suspicious, and all the men in the family were killed. This time, they want to stand up to the emperor. On the opposite side, if one is not careful...

 It will be destroyed forever!

Prince Heshuo looked at Fan Qingyao and wanted to ask, but there was another way. However, when the words reached his lips, he couldn't say a word and swallowed it back in his stomach.

Does the prince know that this trip is dangerous?

If there is another way, who is willing to risk his life?

The third prince is indeed hateful, but now the emperor has tasted the sweetness. Even if they can really quietly make the third prince stop doing evil, can the emperor really let it go?

How can it be.

 Evidently everyone has tasted the sweetness...

 So both Hua Yaoting and Prince Heshuo knew very well that if they really wanted to stop letting innocent people pay their lives, solving the problem at its root was the key.

 And this root is naturally the emperor.

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is really brave..." Prince Heshuo didn't know what to say. Although he had known for a long time that the Crown Prince had always been hiding his edge, he really dared to say that he was fighting against the Emperor. Looking at Xiliang, he could find How many come out?

Fan Qingyao knew what Prince Heshuo was worried about, and said softly, "This matter is said to be an expose, but how to expose it and how to expose it requires long-term planning, but no matter what, the key is to grasp the evidence of the crime first."

There is no evidence, and everything you say is empty talk.

Fan Qingyao intends to expose, but she has no intention of actually fighting the emperor to the death. No matter how much she hates the stupid and unscrupulous emperor in her heart, she will never risk everyone's life for such a person.

 It’s just that it’s too early to say this now. You have to eat your meals one bite at a time.

 “Xiao Qingyao is right, let’s do what we do first.” Hua Yaoting said, finally deciding the matter.

Although this is risky, if you want to achieve great things in this world, which one can't be achieved by stepping on the tip of a knife and licking blood?

 If he doesn’t even believe in his own granddaughter, who can he believe in?

 Besides, this matter also involves the lives of innocent children in Xiliang, so it cannot be delayed any longer.

Seeing this, Fan Qingyao carefully analyzed the current situation with his grandfather and adoptive father, as well as the various possibilities once exposed. He always had to worry about things in advance in order to be prepared.

The Prince of Heshuo County has long known that Fan Qingyao is a calm and dignified person, but he did not expect that he could be so calm and mature. Even if he faced life and death without blinking an eye, he could still calmly analyze the situation.

Had Fan Qingyao not stood clearly in front of him, he would have felt that the person he was talking to was an old man who was strategizing.

  When Prince Heshuo returned to his mansion, he went directly to Prince Qingchuan's yard under the full moon above his head, lit a lamp and boiled oil to check his son's homework. Prince Qingchuan is young, but he has never been sloppy in his homework. When he saw his father coming to check his homework in person, he quickly got up from the bed and waited for his father's exam.

The Princess of Heshuo County heard the commotion and rushed over. She saw that the Princess of Heshuo County was taking the test seriously and Prince Qingchuan was answering the questions seriously...

Facing such a strange scene, Princess Heshuo didn’t know what to say.

 It’s so late at night, why are you so crazy?

After finishing his son's homework for the school entrance examination, Prince Heshuo walked out of the house with satisfaction. He looked at the lady waiting in the yard and said, "What did that kid from Qingyao eat when he grew up? Why did he grow up so young?" Do you have that kind of courage and wisdom?”

 Princess of Heshuo County, “…”

 It turns out that I was stimulated.

“That child from Qingyao has seen too many things since she was a child. Children who have had a hard life have long been in charge. Speaking of which, she is the most distressing.” Princess Heshuo County sighed.

Prince Heshuo frowned, "God is always fair. The more hardship you endure, the more thoughtful you will be. Starting tomorrow, we will give Qingchuan more basic lessons, and we should also hire a martial arts master." …”

 The Princess of Heshuo County was speechless.

Xiao Qingyao’s city and wisdom can only be learned by studying hard?

As the saying goes, the master brings you in, and the cultivation depends on the individual. If your son is not born with that kind of material, even if you invite all the masters in the city, he will not be able to keep up with Xiao Qingyao's one thousandth.

Prince Heshuo didn't care about his wife's resentful look. Before going out early the next morning, he sent someone to call in the more famous martial arts masters in the imperial city.

Hua Yaoting also left early. No matter how disgusted he was with the emperor's selfishness and cruelty, he still had to go to court. However, he thought about going to Heshuo County Prince's Mansion to discuss matters before leaving. I specifically told Aunt He that she didn’t have to wait for him to eat today.

Fan Qingyao had already guessed that her grandfather would be extremely busy today, so as soon as her grandfather left the house, she got up and planned to go to the main courtyard to have breakfast with her grandmother.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she finished washing, Ninghan hurriedly ran in the door and said, "The lady is not good, the old lady has a headache again!"

After hearing this, Fan Qingyao took his medicine box and went out.

Grandma is getting older. Even if the fall from the mountain didn't hurt her life, it won't be a day to really recuperate her body and bones.

In the main courtyard, the daughters-in-law of each room came after hearing the news. Cao Leshan, who had not seen her for many days, was kneeling beside Tao Yuxian's bed, holding Tao Yuxian's hand and crying bitterly.

“It’s all my fault. I shouldn’t have mentioned what happened that day to you again. Don’t let anything happen to you, otherwise I really won’t be able to survive...”

As soon as she saw Fan Qingyao entering the door, Cao Leshan turned around and knelt in front of Fan Qingyao and admitted her mistake, "It was my fault. I originally wanted to ask my aunt what happened that day and why. My mother is dead... I didn't expect my great-aunt to suddenly faint from a headache..."

In fact, even if Cao Leshan didn't say anything, Fan Qingyao was able to diagnose and treat her. Grandma fainted because of depression. Although the problem was not serious, Fan Qingyao's face naturally turned cold when he saw his grandmother's pale face.

The matter has already passed, why do you keep mentioning it over and over again?

 Could it be that Cao Leshan really couldn't see that her grandmother was also feeling guilty about what happened that day?

 (End of this chapter)

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