It was Mai Xiaoyu's decision to recommend Miao Hongxia to "If You Are the One".

Miao Hongxia is nearly 30 years old, a single mother, looks good and well maintained, and has a well-off family, suitable for the show "Never Disturb". In addition, in Mai Xiaoyu's view, this blind date show is also suitable for her.

"During the summer vacation, there was a female member of the company just like you. She was a single mother with a little boy. She stood in "If You Are the One" for more than a dozen issues and found the other half. The conditions of the other party are very good, and the relationship between the two is pretty good. Maybe we will get married next year."

"Xu Rui?"

"Have you seen her issues?"

I have seen it, of course I have seen it!

"Do Not Disturb" is very popular, and the audience is mainly between the ages of 18 and 65, covering a wide range of people.

Seventeen or eighteen-year-old girls, eldest girls in their 20s and 30s, uncles and aunts in their 40s and 50s, and grandpas and aunts in their 60s and 70s can all find their interesting side in the show.

Miao Hongxia also watched it and loves watching this show.

She is a single mother, and she is also looking for her significant other when she is nearly 30 years old. The female guest Xu Rui in "If You Are the One" has a similar experience to her. Her successful hand-in-hand reaping happiness is a great encouragement to her.

Also, most of the male guests on "If You Are the One" have very good personal conditions. Moreover, the program has strong entertainment attributes, high ratings, and fashionable positioning to allow every female guest who loves beauty to show her most beautiful side and unique charm in front of a national audience.

"Do you still keep the previous membership contract?"

"Keep it, many people still want to sue you after they catch you." Miao Hongxia smiled embarrassedly.

"Now you still think I'm a liar?"

"No." Miao Hongxia shook her head resolutely.

The little fish in the corner stopped groaning, with bright eyes, staring at Mai Xiaoyu intently.

"Collect my business card, and come to the company with the original contract as soon as possible to find me, and replace it with a Mengren's membership contract. Mengren's membership has a lot of benefits."

"Well, I will book a flight back to Hangzhou later. Thank you, Mr. Mai."

Another deep-fried lamb was "contracted".

As Mai Xiaoyu expected, the bigger the cute person is and the brighter the light, the easier it is to "recruit an" lamb.

For these lambs with star dreams and good money, 10,000 yuan is compared with the visible and tangible opportunities, and they will choose the latter without hesitation.

With such great effort, Mai Xiaoyu didn't just want to "recruit" a lamb, his goal was the stars and the sea... Well, to be precise, it was the lamb of the entire Hangzhou city.

"Hongxia, have you formed a rights protection group in Hangzhou?"

"Yeah." Miao Hongxia nodded and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, Mr. Mai, we all thought you were a liar at the time, so..."

"It's okay. The members of Donghai and Shancheng had the same ideas as you in the past two years, but now they have become cute members. In addition to "If You Are the One", they have also participated in the filming of many film and television dramas in our company. Like "Little Devil", the little actors in it are all played by members' children."


The little fish seller in the corner sighed secretly, looking at Mai Xiaoyu, his eyes brightened.

Sure enough, Miao Hongxia said excitedly: "I am also a daughter, but unfortunately only four years old..."

"Don't worry, I said that there are many benefits for company members. "Little Magic Fairy" is only the first one, and there will be more children's dramas in the future. You can wait for your daughter to be older and take her to the local Children's Palace to sign up to cultivate a sense of art. , There must be a chance in the future."

"I know, I will."

This is taking advantage of the parents' mentality of wishing for a child to become a dragon and a daughter to become a phoenix!

Sure enough, he is a master...

No, it's a master!

Selling small fish looks admiring.

Peers are enemies, and they know the peers best, because the routines are divided into compulsory and tactics, but the principles are similar.

As he judged, Miao Hongxia had already put the anger towards Mai Xiaoyu behind her back at this moment, took the lady’s cigarette from her bag, handed it to Mai Xiaoyu, lit it, and smoked one by herself. "Mr. Mai, do you want my daughter to recognize you as a godfather? My daughter is so cute, and everyone likes it."

Mai Xiaoyu almost didn't get choked by the smoke. He stretched out his hand to embrace Miao Hongxia's waist: "At this point, I believe that my mother is so beautiful, and my daughter must be beautiful too. Not tonight we will find a quiet place and have a good chat. The future?"

Miao Hongxia blushed, and the woman's cigarette in her hand trembled, slightly twisted, but!

No, yes, reject, absolutely!

Selling small fish eyes is straightforward: Fuck, is this the legendary industry benchmarking industry model? Absolute master master master master!

"Okay, after the joke, let's continue talking about business." Mai Xiaoyu withdrew his arm and took a cigarette. "You can change the contract as soon as possible, and I will let someone arrange you to be on "If You Are the One", but you have to Keep it secret, you can't talk to the outside world."

"I will be tight-lipped and will not tell anyone."

"That's good. When the spring starts next year, I have something to trouble you for help."

Most of the burden of "Zhaoan" Hangzhou Lamb fell on Miao Hongxia's shoulders. Would she refuse?

Don't underestimate liars, especially those who teach themselves psychology.

The two chatted for a while, and the initial gap was gone.

Mai Xiaoyu asked Ke Haoyi to send Miao Hongxia back to the hotel.

Miao Hongxia took out her business card and handed it to Mai Xiaoyu: the owner of a large hair salon in Hangzhou.

Mai Xiaoyu’s business card: "Go back early and change the contract as soon as possible, so I can arrange for you to be on "If You Are the One". Don’t waste your energy on "A Dream of Red Mansions". Those kind of large-scale events can be selected in the end. No ordinary people."

He didn't deliberately slander, but compared his heart to heart.

It's the same routine if you change it to him.

How much does such a large national event cost?

Who will pay the money?

Can investors not have their own interests?

Comrade Luo is one of the investors of "A Dream of Red Mansions" and one of the investors of the new "Dream of Red Mansions" in the future. He even called Mai Xiaoyu if he was interested in investing together, but Mai Xiaoyu refused.

Therefore, he knows a little bit about the truth in it.

"Well, I got it."

Mai Xiaoyu took out a wad of money from his handbag: "Here is fifteen thousand, you accept it."

Miao Hongxia's face was ugly: "What do you mean?"

"Didn't he lie to you for twelve thousand? I will pay you back for him first, and I will ask him later."

"But it's three thousand more..."

"You were terrified when you first woke up. The extra 3,000 is your mental loss. Don't give it back to me. You don't care about the money, and I am also not bad for money."

This makes sense to force the old man to be taller.

Before leaving, Miao Hongxia shook Mai Xiaoyu's hand and said, "Mr. Mai, I am now living in Room 1107 of the **** Hotel. You can come to me at any time."


Ke Haoyi drove Miao Hongxia back to the hotel.

Tong Liya leaned on the sofa, still unconscious.

Mai Xiaoyu sat on the sofa, lit a cigarette, tilted Erlang's legs, and looked at the imposter in the corner: "Grandson, how do you think I should deal with you?"


The small fish keeps humming, seeming to have something to say.

"Something to say? Break free yourself, I can give you a chance."

Not to mention, this guy has a bit of a doorway. After struggling for a minute or so, he really struggled out.

He took off the rags in his mouth, took a few mouthfuls, then put on his clothes, put on his pants and belted, and straightened out his messy hair, Shi Shiran walked in front of Mai Xiaoyu.

"Mr. Mai, I'm a colleague, why should we worry about it?"

"What did you say?"

"I said, you are a liar just like me!"

"so what?"

Mai Xiaoyu glared, half of the cigarette in his hand was about to bounce off, but he saw the little fish **** and fell under his feet, holding his leg and wailing: "Mr. Mai, you are the pride of the industry and a role model for your peers. An object of immense respect for my generation! Idol, please accept me and let me be your thigh pendant. I am your loyal fan, crazy fan, iron fan, and super fan."


Tong Liya secretly opened a gap in her eyes, and saw the ugly face of selling Xiaoyu, her heart was infinitely resentful, and her eyes closed tightly.

If it weren't for fear of being discovered, she would like to cover her ears.

Mai Xiaoyu didn't dislike it, smoking a cigarette, looking at each other with a smile: "Want to mess with me?"

"As long as you have a word, my whole person is your idol!"

"Really?" Mai Xiaoyu raised his chin, "Go, on the table, take off your pants."

too disgusting!

Tong Liya shuddered.

When Miao Hongxia just woke up and screamed, she was awakened. It's just that the attention of Mai Xiaoyu and others was focused on Miao Hongxia, and she did not find her.

And as Smart as she also saw that it was not easy to escape from this evil, she simply pretended to be dizzy and paralyzed Mai Xiaoyu, while eavesdropping on their words, while waiting for a chance to escape.

Miao Hongxia was deceived again, which made her deeply distressed; Ke Haoyi's departure made her think that she was waiting for the opportunity and wanted to sneak away while "Li Kui" was packing up "Li Gui".

But Mai Xiaoyu, "Li Kui" sat on the sofa and stopped leaving, so she had to continue to pretend to be dizzy. The conversation between the true and false Mai Xiaoyu was really disgusting, too disgusting, too disgusting, and she wanted to vomit when she was disgusting.

Selling Xiaoyu stood up desperately, walked to the table with hesitation, turned his head and looked at Mai Xiaoyu sadly: "Idol, do you really want this?"

"What do you say?"

Selling Xiaoyu untied his belt, but the next moment he ran back and threw himself at Mai Xiaoyu’s feet, holding Mai Xiaoyu’s leg: "Idol, don’t play with me. I want to mess with you, really, I I swear that I will never betray you in this life, otherwise the sky will thunder!"

"A liar will be afraid of thunder and lightning?" Mai Xiaoyu sneered and gave him a cigarette. "Why do you want to mess with me?"

Still need to ask?

Most of the colleagues in all walks of life are in love and want to kill. Even though they believe in the most reasonable saying that the dead are not dead, they are the people who know each other best.

The little liar heard what Mai Xiaoyu and Miao Hongxia said just now, and quickly realized that the super boss he offended was with him.

It's just that they are big liars, extremely successful big liars. Successfully washed ashore, established a formal film and television company, and became the big boss of Mengren film and television, with many stars under his banner.

Reach the realm that little swindlers are pursuing all their lives-waking up to the power of the world, lying on the knees of a drunk beauty; sleeping until you wake up naturally, counting money and counting to get cramps.

"...You are the no.1 of our profession, the leader and great master of our profession. If your colleagues learn about your glorious deeds, they will definitely enshrine you as an ancestor, burn incense and worship every day. It’s my three lives fortunate to be you, and it’s my pride to follow an idol. I am willing to be a cow and a horse for you.

After all this flattering, not to mention that Tong Liya, who pretended to be dizzy, got goosebumps, and even Mai Xiaoyu couldn't listen to it anymore.

"Yu, yue, yue, I have been ashore for a long time."

"Who wants to be a liar, isn't he afraid of having a son without sex? But I can't do anything, except this, I can't do anything else. Idol, you can save a lost lamb and take me back to the right path.

This also counts as you indirectly saving those people who will be deceived by me in the future. Saving a life is better than building a seventh-level Pagoda. You idols are of immense merit! Also, idols, our fate is destined by heaven..."

"Cough cough cough!"

Mai Xiaoyu was choked by his saliva.

Tong Liya almost didn't hold back her laugh, because she endured too hard, her body jittered slightly.

Mai Xiaoyu frowned, raised his hand again, seemingly casually placed on Tong Liya's thigh, and touched it twice through the thick clothes.

Tong Liya smiled in no mood, and didn't dare to move.

Mai Xiaoyu is very satisfied.

The three lambs are solved in different ways. They must come one by one. There should be no chaos, otherwise troubles will easily occur.

Satisfied, took two pats on Tong Liya's Mai Xiaoyu raised his hand and patted the face of the little liar: "Do you want to die?"

"No, I'm serious, we are really destined."

At this time, Selling Xiaoyu already knew that they didn’t pay attention to themselves at all, nor were they chasing them from Yangcheng, but they stupid and forced themselves to rush to the people’s ground to make trouble, under the banner of others. Cheat!

"Do you still remember that I was fortunate enough to meet you in Yangcheng a few months ago. At that time, I had the eyes to play a big sword in front of Luban..."

"It's playing a big knife in front of Guan Gong."

"Yes, you are an idol, you have a high level of education. At that time, I had no eyes, I played a big sword in front of Guan Gong, and I used an axe in front of Luban. You let your bodyguard teach me a lesson. I remember deeply..."

"It's you?"

Now Mai Xiaoyu remembered. At that time, he took Yang Ying to go shopping, and was free to tease the liar. In the end, not only was the liar beaten up, but even the co-op was not let go.

"You came to Yanjing?"

I must have known that you are a cute boss and that Yanjing is your domain. I won't come to Yanjing if I kill you!

Selling a small fish to cry without tears regrets not at the beginning, and the regret in my heart cannot be increased.

However, this is not the time to regret, life-saving is the most important thing.

"Do you remember the idol? Just accept my helpless duckweed. From now on, I will work with you with all my heart. Give birth to two hearts, three knives and six holes will not kill you."

This oath is much more reliable than a thunderstorm, but Mai Xiaoyu never believed it.

He smoked and shook his head lightly: "Not enough."

The little liar was in trouble, hesitated for a long time looking at Mai Xiaoyu, and finally suffocated one sentence: "I don't want to die..."

ps: I built a v group: 607682821, and the Buddha is waiting.

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