The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 566: Rhythm that no one can understand

"I don't want to die..."

Don't look at the little scammer selling small fish and flattering, flattering and showing loyalty, teasing Bibi and talking about a lot of reasons for wanting to mess with Mai Xiaoyu, in fact, there is only one real purpose-he doesn't want to die. ???


Mai Xiaoyu is now a well-known cute film and television owner. He has many stars, and almost all film and television dramas are making money. He has become popular one after another.

However, he has an unbearable past-the origin of a liar.

Even if he has landed now, it has not been completely whitewashed. Once it is exposed, even if it is forced down by various means, it will have a lot of impact on him and Mengren.

Therefore, his experience with lambs must be kept secret, and no one should know it!

There is a saying, the more you know, the more you feel ignorant; you will die if you know the secret you shouldn’t know!

In Yangcheng, the little liar had seen Mai Xiaoyu's energy.

There is nothing wrong with the police. The head of the branch bureau personally came forward. The big taxpayer, the president of the Junhao Group who has participated in the two meetings as a representative and the guest of the provincial and municipal leaders sent a car to pick it up... Is this energy low?

He now knows the secrets of Mai Xiaoyu Tianda. If he doesn't take refuge in Mai Xiaoyu, can he leave alive?

The little liar whispered crying pleading, half sincere and half pretending, and talked a lot.

He is really scared.

Mai Xiaoyu nodded: "You IQ, now you are barely qualified to mix with me."

Fuck, he really wanted to kill me!

Don't look at Mai Xiaoyu's mouth, the little liar is still very scared.

"Thank you boss for taking me in, I will definitely..."

"Don't change your words in a hurry, and answer a few questions first. If I am not satisfied, it is not certain whether you can get out of here alive today."

While speaking, Mai Xiaoyu glanced at Tong Liya next to her.

Killed this innocent girl, then set the blame on me, and then let me commit suicide in it?

Just because of that glance of Mai Xiaoyu, the little liar made up a bunch of things on his own, and was startled in a cold sweat.

This is not his unfounded worry, the same thing, Mai Xiaoyu just said to Miao Hongxia before!

"Old...Mr. Mai, just ask, I will say everything, and I will never lie to you."

"No hurry, you go to eat something first, and then you can answer me when you are full and have the strength."

The little liar didn't dare to refuse, like chewing wax and ate a few pieces of cold pizza and fried chicken, and finally went smoothly with a can of beer before returning to Mai Xiaoyu.

"Mr. Mai, I'm finished, you can ask."

Mai Xiaoyu looked at his watch and found that only three minutes had passed.

"I'm quite satisfied with your attitude. Now I ask you, who made you pretend to be me and deceive?"

"No one instigated me."

"Then you pretend to be me?"

"Mr. Mai, if I say it is a misunderstanding, do you believe it?"

"What do you say?"

The liar didn't know how to explain it, so he took out his ID card from his wallet and handed it to Mai Xiaoyu with both hands.

The name on the ID is: Selling Fish.

"Are you really selling small fish?"

"That word is pronounced "yu"." Selling Xiaoyu explained in a low voice, "I grew up in a fishing village, so my parents named me Xiaoyu."


Mai Xiaoyu took out his mobile phone and checked the Internet. Sure enough, when he sold the word as his surname, he pronounced "yu".

But this does not mean that Mai Xiaoyu will believe the other party. He still has two ID cards. Who can guarantee that the ID cards of Xiaoyu are not fake?

"Jing Wang, help me check my ID card and see if it is true or not..."

Mai Xiaoyu called Wang Changgui, and instead of calling "General Gui", he called "Wang Ju" by mouth, and then reported the seller's name and ID number, and asked him to check the authenticity as soon as possible.

This "king bureau" was shocked to sell Xiaoyu again. Mai Xiaoyu secretly said that his hands and eyes were open to the sky, and he went directly to the Director of the Public Security Bureau to check his ID card.

This is the capital city, even if it is a branch director, the level is not low!

"Mr. Mai, my ID is real."

"It's best to be true, but I only trust the police in this regard."

Selling small fish: "..."

After deducting his ID card, Mai Xiaoyu asked again: "If you don't stay in Yangcheng, why come to Yanjing?"

"I'm running..."

The seller of Xiaoyu said he ran to Yanjing and talked about his experience of cheating in Yanjing.

He really didn't intend to fake Mai Xiaoyu, but because Mengren Film and Television has been relatively popular in the past two years, and there is a membership mechanism suitable for impersonation, so he cheated under the banner of Mengren Film and Television.

As for his surname, few people know to pronounce "yu", and most people will pronounce it as if there is a fish after seeing it.

When he cheated at the gate of Daguanyuan a few days ago, he accidentally deceived the Moeren member and was exposed on the spot by the Moeren member. Therefore, he learned that the name and sound of the owner of Moeren Film and Television was exactly the same as his name.

In order to increase credibility and increase the success rate of deception, he simply pretended to be Mai Xiaoyu, claiming to be the boss of Mengren film and television, and deceived outside the gate of Daguanyuan. Specially deceived those players who came to participate in the "Dream of Red Mansions" audition. Many players came from other places, even if they knew they were deceived, there was no way.

"Mr. Mai, this is how it No one really told me."

Mai Xiaoyu was noncommittal: "How many people did you lie to after you came to Yanjing?"

"Six or seven."

"Six or seven?"


"How much money did you swindle?"

"Twelve thousand three thousand... six hundred yuan."

"Are you cheating?"



"Really not. It's too dangerous to happen easily, and if you have money, you can find any kind of woman."

"You are considered a sensible person." Mai Xiaoyu nodded, "Those who were deceived by you, can you still contact them?"

"Yes, I have their contact information..."

Before the seller is ready to take the money and run away, he has to keep in touch with the victim. If you can't get in touch all of a sudden, or if something goes wrong that arouses the suspicion of the victim, he will be done as soon as he calls the police.

He would change his mobile phone number and delete the victim's contact information until he had enough money to leave Yanjing. It was impossible to just throw the phone away.

Mai Xiaoyu nodded, and faintly ordered: "Return the money to others."


"Why, any comments?"

"Don't dare. The main reason is that it has spent a lot of money and not enough money."

"How much is the difference, I can cushion it for you."

You pad me?

What is rhythm?

Will you take my knees?

Otherwise, why let me whitewash?

Or do you pay?

Secretly happy selling small fish.

At this time, Mai Xiaoyu received a call from Wang Changgui.

"Maizi, the ID information is true, but there is a case for selling small fish. At present, he is wanted by the Yangcheng police for multiple frauds. The amount involved is over 200,000. Where did you find his..."

ps: I built a V group: 6o76828, and the Buddha is waiting. 8

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