The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 826: The war of words caused by "Running Man"

The big movie "Running Man" has a box office of over 100 million in three days, setting a record for the fastest domestic film to exceed 100 million at the box office.

As investors, Mengren Film and Television and Blueberry TV have made a lot of money, and the companies in charge of the distribution have not made less money. The seven fixed hosts who don’t get paid and only receive dividends are also happy-the box office dividend is definitely far more than their salary. !

In addition, the treatment of movie box office dividends is not something that any actor can enjoy!

From the first day to the seventh day of the Lunar New Year, during the Spring Festival holiday, "Running Man" sent a lot of laughter to the audience who bought tickets to watch the movie.

The most impressive thing about the hilarious laughter is Zheng Kai's "mysterious" fart.

At that time, seven fixed hosts and extremely distinguished guests were walking on the stone steps, preparing to climb the upper platform.

Suddenly, there was a flower character behind Zheng Kai's buttocks: Puff.

Then, Chen Chichi fell on the steps with a pained expression on his face.

"I know who is behind the scenes!"

"Am I out?"

"Chen Chi Chi is out!"


He lay on the ground, clutching his nose and mouth in pain, and yelled non-stop, shocking the hosts before and after.

This "Running Man" movie is where everyone breaks through layers of difficulties through the game and gets clues to the real murderer, and the real murderer will assassinate any member through different means during the game.

Chen Chichi made such a move, but everyone was terrified, and he really thought he was out of the murderer.

Until the outside voice shouted: "Chen Chichi, you are not out."

The talents are relieved.

However, Chen Chichi lay on the steps and asked with lingering fear: "Then why, I smelled a colorless and invisible poisonous gas?"

The people around the stone steps looked at Zheng Kai at the same time, Zheng Kai looked confused, looked at Chen Chichi and then at the others.

"Justice" Wang Baoqiang couldn't help it: "What are you looking at, fart looking at others, it's actually you!"


The hosts burst into laughter, and they leaned forward and back together. Zheng Kai said anxiously with a pale face: "No, I don't! Hey, the program team, you can't deliberately discredit me for the sake of the program's effect!"

However, no one believed him.

Chen Chichi was still lying on the ground, and said with a heartache: "Kaikai, we are the brothers who cut the appendix together."

Even Yang Ying couldn't help but smiled and said, "Kaikai, I didn't expect you to be this kind of person."

"I really don't have one!" Zheng Kai knelt on the ground, with both hands facing the sky, crying out in grief.

In the theater, the audience who saw this scene burst into tears of laughter.

Did Zheng Kai fart?

It doesn't matter, don't those who celebrate the New Year just want to be happy?

Also, is there any kind of tricky, betrayal, and dark scenes in the film that appear in variety shows?

The audience likes to watch the variety show "Running Man". Are these jokes one aspect of it?

The audience laughed happily, but some people were unhappy.

A few days after the film’s release, public opinion exploded, with mixed reviews and serious opposition.

"The box office exceeded 100 million in three days, and "Running Man" leads the New Year's film movie scene!"

"The box office of "Running Man" is a big hit and beats Hollywood blockbusters in the same period!"

"The box office of the big movie "Running Man" is going up, and I look forward to the return of the second season."

""Running Man" continues to hit the rock, and the movie version has a good box office record!"


This is touted. There are soft articles about Moe Ren and Blueberry PR, as well as spontaneous media reports.

But there are also a lot of derogations.

"The box office of "Running Man" exceeded 100 million yuan. Comment: Variety shows are only fresh at the moment."

"It's shoddy, high box office can hardly conceal its reputation, and the film review website "Running Man" scored a new low."

"Successfully win the box office by collecting money, is it called a movie?"

"Famous director Feng Dagang bombarded "Running Man"!"


Some of the voices criticizing the big movie "Running Man" were black for the sake of it, and some were blasted because of their dissatisfaction.

Even if the praises and criticisms in different media are mixed, the industry inside and outside is also slobbering.

It is most appropriate to describe it with the headline of a media report.

""Running Man" triggered a war of words!"

After watching the movie, many viewers complained more than ever.

"This is also called a movie? Isn't it just moving a variety show to the cinema to show it?"

"I spent the price of a movie, but watched a TV or a variety show on the Internet for free in the theater?"

"Money cheating is a bad movie!"

"The person who watched the big movie "Running Man" exposed his superficiality."


There are also many viewers who support the big movie "Running Man".

"I'm tired in real life. If you watch a movie during the New Year, you don't want to be happy. Our family doesn't know how many times we laughed."

"It's so funny, I laughed at me."

"After watching "Running Man", for the lazy person, I found a good way to exercise my abdominal muscles,"

"Movies are just a form of entertainment, so superficial? People who have **** in their hearts will only see shit!"


The audience's war of words can be described by mixed praise and criticism. The views of the industry are almost one-sided.

"Even if you are not making money, you still want to make quick money. You can make a movie in two or three months, all of which are like this. The market can only become more and more chaotic, and shoddy things can easily damage the confidence of the audience."

"A film with mediocre editing and unintended plot settings cannot be considered qualified. The box office miracle of a variety show like "Running Man" can only show that our film environment and audience aesthetics are still at a terrible level. "

"Film should be a noble art. Film company filmmakers should not only pursue box office returns, but also shoulder their responsibilities. It is a pity that many crudely produced movies have repeatedly gained inflated box office. This is a great opportunity for the future development of Chinese movies. Very unfavorable!"

Except for those well-known big v, most people in the industry criticized "Running Man" anonymously, but Feng Dagang, known as the "big steel gun", unabashedly criticized the "Running Man" movie in public~ The filming was completed in a few days, and the box office was very high. Such a strange phenomenon will have an extremely bad impact on the development of Huaxia Film, and will result in no producer who will continue to be willing to invest in a serious, A movie with a lot of effort! "

The neutral party also has them. For example, the beneficiary's theater party is very tolerant of the problems of the big movie "Running Man".

A cinematic person said: “As long as there is demand in the film market, someone will do it, and if you don’t do it, others will do it. You can skip watching it if you don’t like it, but you can’t stop others from watching it.”

This kind of satisfactory answer is the most disliked by the media. Compared with Feng Dagang's "artillery bombardment", it has no news value at all!

Therefore, the media reporters, based on the principle of watching the excitement and fearing that nothing will happen, moved the original "cannon bombardment" to the media, and waited for the cute official Wei of the explosive combat effectiveness, and the "big steel gun" Feng Dagang tore. Eight hundred rounds.

The reporters were afraid that Mengren would not be able to see them, so @了萌人官微.

Mai Xiaoyu did not disappoint the reporters who were waiting for the show, and quickly responded through Mengren's official WeChat account...

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