The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 827: Mr. Mai, you play the male No. 1 as the leader of the blood sea £ fragrance plus three

Mengrenguan has a strong combat power, and Feng Dagang's "big steel cannon" is not just a name.

The entertainment reporters are all looking forward to a faintly torn and forced battle between the two sides, which will allow them to report something happily.

Mai Xiaoyu did not disappoint the reporter, and Mengren Guanwei responded quickly.

"The meat and wine have passed through the intestines, and the Buddha's heart is left. If the world learns from me, it is like entering the magical way."

Seeing the title, the entertainment editors who are guarding Mengren's official microblog are excited.

Judging from the title, Moe Ren not only has to confront Feng Dagang this time, but is also ready to anger the follower depending on the situation!

Is there something wrong with making things big?

"Recently, there have been a lot of criticisms about the big movie "Running Man". As the director and screenwriter of this film, I have a few words to say..."

On Weibo, Mai Xiaoyu first introduced the shooting experience of "Running Man". He admitted that the shooting time only took ten days, but the preliminary preparations took several months. If there is no time for shooting variety shows and the running-in of the various departments of the program group, how can the tacit understanding in the filming of the big movie come from the filming of the big movie "Running Man" in ten days?

In terms of sincerity, a crew of thousands of people is not so easy to coordinate and dispatch.

Not to mention anything else, the 29-person camera team follows the shooting positions of the star from all angles. There are more than 120 cameras, which is inseparable from the tacit cooperation and deliberate investment.

Although the filming cycle is short, the investment is a lot of money. It really needs to be averaged to the amount of investment per day, which is higher than that of many movies...

On Weibo, Mai Xiaoyu gave various examples to rectify the name of the thousands of people who filmed the big movie "Running Man". The whole story is not torn or forced.

This greatly dissatisfied the squatting Yuji editor.

What fighting declaration is clearly the title party!

Do you really bully us and don't understand the title party?

The headline party is that our business is not good, no good!

These contents really have no news value in the eyes of the media. Also the last words in Weibo, let the editors of Yuji shine.

"The birth of any new thing is not smooth sailing. It always has to go through various criticisms and doubts, and then use time to prove the value and significance of its existence. The "Running Man" movie marks the birth of the new thing of the variety show. , And the vitality of a variety show movie needs time to test."

"Some people think that the birth of variety movies, with such a high box office, will ruin the domestic film scene. I am very curious. Now that a lot of hot money is constantly pouring in, is the domestic film scene good?"

"I think the big variety movies provide a pouring hole for these hot money. If you want to make money and make quick money, you will definitely be interested in the big variety movies. But I am a villain first and then a gentleman, and the ugly words are in front: If the world learns from me, it is like being in the way of demons, and there is risk in following the trend, so don’t blame me for losing money.”

And Feng Dagang and other people in the industry tear it up?

It's totally unnecessary.

It's not that Mai Xiaoyu is afraid of the other party, but Mai Xiaoyu in the strange dream, who bombards the "Running Man" movie even more powerfully.

Strictly speaking, the criticisms and concerns of the industry cannot be wrong.

It is uncertain how long a film needs to be prepared, but even a small-cost film with an investment of several million yuan usually takes one or two months. For blockbuster films of some famous directors, it usually takes a year and a half to shoot, and post-production often takes several months to ensure the basic quality of the work in terms of dubbing, scoring, pictures, and editing.

Just like the cute science fiction blockbuster "Inception", it is expected to be released this summer. In other words, it takes nearly a year and a half from preparation to release.

But Hollywood blockbusters like "Wonderland and Wonderland" and "Alice in Wonderland" will take longer.

The birth of "Running Man" was a bad start, and investors would see a shortcut to making money.

If a movie costs RMB 10 to RMB 20 million, it takes a total of two to three months, filming for ten days, and the box office easily exceeds RMB 100 million. What would the investors think? Just as those in the industry such as Feng Dagang are worried, more and more investors are keen to make quick money, or express dissatisfaction with the long return period of traditional movies, and then intervene.

It is not uncommon for outsiders to guide insiders in China.

In reality, Mai Xiaoyu does not like to slobber like in dreams. What he fancyed was money and the box office, but he was also happy to clean up a batch of hot money that came to the entertainment industry and made quick money.

Just like the theater people said, he doesn't shoot, and sooner or later someone will do it.

It's better for him to shoot first, make a fortune, and then sit and watch the ebb and flow.

Variety movies, the picture is fresh.

Once the audience's freshness has passed, investors should cry.

The principles of this lamb ring have something in common.

You treat the audience as a lamb pen and want to shear the wool. Shearing a lamb for three to five times may not be able to respond, but the lamb is not stupid. She has been sheared more often, and the lambs will vote with their feet collectively!

Therefore, he will not fight with his peers for "Running Man", let alone fight Feng Dagang, which is meaningless.

After the Weibo update, many people liked it.

Unexpectedly, Feng Dagang also liked it, and specifically stated that it was "non-slip".

When confronted by media reporters, he also changed his mind.

In addition to complimenting Mai Xiaoyu’s phrase "If the world learns from me, it is like entering the magical way", but also said that if it is really like what the Mengren official said, the variety show can teach those impetuous funds in the entertainment circle. Let those impetuous mentalities calm down, which will be of immense merit to the Chinese film industry.

Regardless of what Mai Xiaoyu said, the money that wants to make quick money will not give up the cake of the variety show. As for the cake, the sweetness and bitterness of this cake, only Mai Xiaoyu himself knows.

The interaction between Mengren Guanwei and Feng Dagang is conducive to the continued cooperation between Mengren and Yihua in the future.

But in the eyes of the media, this is boring.

What's the value of a good tear-and-force battle, and it has turned into a peddler car and flattering each other?

That is to say, Mai Xiaoyu served as the director system of the big movie "Running Man", and used "If the world learns from me, it is like a magical way" to warn follow-up funds, there is a certain news value, you can report it.

Considering that Mai Xiaoyu attended the Mengren Annual Meeting in a "high profile" this year, some media wanted to interview him.

"Mai, a media company wants to ask you for an interview."

"I haven't thought about going to the newspaper yet."

"This media has a lot of influence, and it has worked with our company for many years, and the relationship is also good..."

"Well, Aunt Liu, UU reading www.uukā, tell them, if I decide to accept an interview, they will be the first one, okay?"

After hanging up Liu Xiaoli's phone, Mai Xiaoyu walked to the reception area and sat on the sofa.

Looking at Li Hui, Sun Yaxing and Ruby Lin in front of him, he smiled and said, "The year is over, how are the preparations?"

Sun Yaxing nodded: "I have no problem here. According to what you said, the first female is Yang Mi, the second female Tong Liya, and the male one I want Feng Shaofeng."

"I'm fine." Ruby Lin smiled like a flower, "He Taotao agreed to come and help me."

Li Hui was very upset: "I have no one on hand! The female one Liu Shishi is OK, but the problem is the male number one. Huang Bodeng focuses on movies; the two of them first acted first and divided up Shaofeng; Hu Xu decided to act in a drama. Bao Qiang’s image is not appropriate; Zheng Kai and Chi Chi are too young, other roles are okay, and the male character will definitely not be able to support them."

Mai Xiaoyu responded with a sympathetic smile: "Then audition for the cast and pick someone from the outside."

"I have an idea. Mr. Mai, you come to play the male number one..."

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