The cute people are getting bigger, and the lambs are also growing.

With the increase of age, acting skills, popularity, and popularity, the cute little flowers have gradually begun to try to take the lead.

Therefore, Mengren prepared three major dramas this year, and, and they were handed over to Sun Yaxing, Ruby Lin and Li Hui.

The script project was as early as the beginning of 2009. After Mai Xiaoyu returned to Yanjing, he handed it to the three people so that they could familiarize themselves with the script in advance and prepare for it.

Except for appointing Yang Mi, Tong Liya to star in Female One and Female Two, and Liu Shishi to star in Female One, all other jobs are decided by the three-person studio.

After all, the three joined Mengren in the form of a studio, and Mai Xiaoyu had to give the three parties a certain degree of autonomy.

Ruby Lin and the three are also smart people. In addition to Mai Xiaoyu's request, the leading actor and important roles in the play must still be biased towards the artists under the Mengren banner.

As a result, Sun Yaxing made the first move and pulled Feng Shaofeng away; Ruby Lin relied on the emotional card to get the help of Huo Jianhua and Liu Tao; Li Hui was blinded, and there was no suitable actor, so he paid attention to Mai Xiaoyu.

Directed by Sun Yaxing, Feng Shaofeng + Yang Mi + Tong Liya, the cast is good.

Ruby Lin's first lead as the producer, Ruby Lin + Liu Tao + Huo Jianhua, the cast is even stronger.

Directed by Li Hui, Liu Shishi+?

This cast has to say hello.

So Li Hui said: "Mr. Mai, why don't you play the male number one."

After Sun Yaxing and Ruby Lin heard this, they also joked.

"Mr. Mai, you can come to my place. I'll say hello to Shao Feng and let him give you the male one. It can also save money. Shao Feng will certainly not object."

"Mr. Mai, you know that I was the producer for the first time, and you suggested it. Wallace and Taotao both came to help me specially. You might as well help me too. Wallace took a fancy to the corner of'Liu Liancheng','Meng The corner of "Qiyou" is still empty. Besides, Taotao's guest role as a confidant of "Meng Qiyou" in the play is the most suitable for you."

After that, Ruby Lin giggled and blinked at Mai Xiaoyu, which couldn't be more obvious.

"You two... deceive people too much."

Li Hui rolled his eyes.

Mai Xiaoyu rolled his eyes: "You trust me too much, don't you?"

Sun Yaxing and Ruby Lin looked at each other and smiled.

Li Hui said solemnly: "Mr. Mai, they are joking with you. I have considered it seriously. You are very suitable for the male number one "Aisin Jueluo Yinzhen"..."

The male number one here is the fourth son of the emperor, the future emperor of Yongzheng.

According to the character biography and the play, this character is calm and introverted, with a deep mind and a fiery heart, but he would rather hide behind his cold face. He likes quiet things and enjoys loneliness. He doesn't easily believe in people and recipients. Once he accepts, he will always guard in his heart, whether it is for brothers or lovers.

Is this so similar to Mai Xiaoyu's personality?

"This role is simply tailor-made for you, and it's perfect for you to play it.

Mai Xiaoyu was speechless and said for a while, "Director Li, can we be serious? I am the boss and not an actor, and I have no reputation, no experience, and no acting skills. The production cost of this show is tens of millions. Your studio still has investment."

"Of course I am responsible for the investment. However, I have considered the several issues you have considered, and they are not a problem."

Obviously, after careful consideration, Li Hui refuted each of Mai Xiaoyu's reasons for refusal.

You said you are the boss and not an actor?

Many humble and middle-minded bosses are all actors, and it is not uncommon to say that the TV dramas that have invested in them are starring in person. Cheng Long won't talk about it. A director at the level of Feng Dagang will occasionally go into battle in person.

As for fame and experience, it is not a problem.

The biggest feature of Moe Ren drama is the drama celebrity. Just say that these celebrities under Moeren wanted to make their debut through Moeren drama, how many of them were not newcomers? How many famous and experienced ones are there?

Talking about acting, Li Hui smiled.

"Life is like a play, all depends on acting. Mr. Mai, your life is rich and colorful, and your acting is outstanding..."

Mai Xiaoyu frowned and looked at Lin Xinru and Sun Yaxing: "Why do I think he is mocking me?"

Ruby Lin and Sun Ya are happy, but Li Hui still said solemnly: "There is absolutely no meaning of sarcasm. In my opinion, the biggest difference between a professional background and a non-major background lies in whether the acting skills of life can be brought into drama. middle."

"If they can, actors who are not from a major can also become big stars, such as Huang Bo Liutao; if not, it is useless if they are from a major, and their acting skills are still rotten. Such examples abound. Just say the three major art academies in China. Only a small part of the students in the performance department of the school can enter the profession after graduation each year."

"You have a lot of experience, have experienced many things, and often deal with different people. Mengren's success today is inseparable from your superb acting skills on the stage of life. And your mentality is very good, and you can completely lead life's acting skills. In the drama, and you are used to big scenes, you will not be stage fright facing the camera."

"In addition, you are the boss of the company. Although the public rarely knows about you, you leave a deep impression on the public through the company's official WeChat account. Your starring role in itself is a good publicity selling point. Otherwise, why should I follow Lao Sun's tearing each other?"


Sun Yaxing Studio VS Li Hui Studio.

This is one of the propaganda keynotes set by Mai Xiaoyu and others early in the morning.

In order to promote film and television dramas, the producers have always used ubiquitous methods.

During the propaganda period, love affair and gossip, this type of propaganda method, even if the streets have been rotten, and the embarrassing and cancerous people have committed cancer, but - still effective.

Two dramas tearing and forcing the fight is an effective propaganda strategy, and the cute people tear each other internally, which is more exciting and more eye-catching.

You mean shameless, dirty, nasty?

Sorry, the entertainment industry has never had the soil for the survival of the white lotus!

Moreover, there is no such novel in reality, and it is too late for Mai Xiaoyu to "copy" in the name of wheat.

And the plot is similar, it is a story about a modern woman who also traveled through the Kangxi era of the Qing Dynasty and got involved in the seizure of the Nine Dragons, and caused love-hate disputes with several elder brothers. It's just that the preference is different, it's just a drama.

After getting the script, Li Hui and Sun Yaxing discovered a problem. After communicating with Mai Xiaoyu, the three decided to take advantage of He's plot similarity, write, direct and act on the scene of "infighting" and use each other to promote the new drama.

By then, the media will definitely be interested, and the people who eat melons will be willing to sit and watch. The topic, attention, and exposure will surely increase.

Mai Xiaoyu deliberately exhorted: "When the time comes, both of you will be torn apart. Don't make the fakes come true. In the end, you will turn your heads into enemies."

"Don't worry, boss, we know how to measure."

"They are all grown-ups, they won't be so naive."

"OK, then it's settled. In terms of capital, you should take good care of yourself, leave a gap of about 10%, and pull investment from the outside. Like your heart, your drama can be increased to 15%, and there is no need for more. NS."

In addition to the Mengren Film and Television and the three studios, there are two other investment releases for the three dramas, Zhang Huan Investment and Zhang Huan Investment. In addition, a small funding gap is left to attract other investors.

The gap was left deliberately, not because Mengren was really short of money, but for the three studios to consider.

How to increase the influence of the studio in the industry without bringing other people to play?

But there is no need to transfer too much, it is reasonable, the total investment of the three dramas is only 100 million tens of millions, and Mengren and Mai Xiaoyu can get it!

The three of them talked about the filming cycle, actor schedule and other issues, even if it was finalized.

Mai Xiaoyu took a sip of tea: "Then it's settled."

"Okay, let's go first."

When the three were about to leave, Li Hui turned back again: "Mr. Mai, you haven't answered my question yet."

"what is the problem?"

"You come to star."

Ruby Lin and Sun Yaxing heard this and turned back.

Before, the two were deliberately joking, but after listening to Li Hui's feasibility analysis of Mai Xiaoyu's role as the leading actor, this time they were really tempted.

"Mr. Mai, your appearance is very good. Didn't you say that I am your idol, don't you want to support me, starring with me, Wallace, and Liu Tao." Ruby Lin said in "Liu Tao "The name is specially accented.

Sun Yaxing also said, "Mr. Mai, I am also serious, and I have confidence in your acting skills. I just remembered that I used to discuss acting with Jon. When she praised her for her acting skills, she said that she learned it from you. I also said that your acting skills are better."

Mai Xiaoyu: "..."

Mom sells batches.

What Chen Qiaoen said was correct.

Life is like a play, all depends on acting, but any successful liar is a natural actor.

"What are you messing up with? I'm going to make a web drama this year, and then do a variety show. I don't have time to fool around with you..."

Mai Xiaoyu is not interested in making TV dramas, not at all.

His work this year has only two focuses, one is variety shows and the other is web dramas.

After Ruby Lin left, he called in Liang Pei, the company's vice president of marketing operations and director of the variety show production department.

After Liang Pei quit from Dolphin TV, he was like a fish in water.

Relying on his personal connections in the TV station circle, he rushed to get in touch with each other, and gave full play to the light and enthusiasm of the old comrades in the operation of Mengren’s projects. And the variety show production department under his leadership also succeeded in the first battle, and the outdoor reality show achieved remarkable results.

In addition to the fact that there is no false name for the TV station’s administrative staff, the income has doubled. At the end of last year, I took half a million in year-end dividends alone.

During the Spring Festival, when Hui Fei's hometown celebrated the New Year, he was envious of his group of colleagues when meeting with old colleagues. At the same time, he also inquired about a very happy news.

"Mr. Mai, tell you something. After our fire, I heard that Hu Ping had been dark for a long time, hahahaha!"

Liang Pei laughed heartily.

He was forced to leave Dolphin TV. He came to a "National Retreat and People's Advancement".

But if he was still the director of the film purchase department of Dolphin TV, he would definitely not quit.

Although the salary of the director of the film purchase department is average, where does the power lie? All kinds of gray income and private benefits, don't really want too much. Let’s not talk about the rebate. Sometimes, in order to sell the drama successfully, the small and medium-sized producer sometimes invites him to dinner, accompanied by the little star of the Peugeot Shui Ling in the play.

However, they are both the emperor and the courtier.

After Hu Ping came, he was assigned to the veteran cadre.

In this year's Fei Lunar New Year round, I learned from my old colleagues that Hu Ping's situation is not good. There are a hundred reasons to be happy.

Mai Xiaoyu didn't feel the ridicule.

Even if the Dolphin Satellite TV declines, Hu Ping is also a state cadre at the department level. At most, he failed to gild. As long as the relationship is strong enough, the impact on his official career can be smoothed out by time.

"President Liang, I am looking for you, mainly to discuss with you. I plan to do another variety show this year."

"Oh, in what way, or an outdoor reality show?"

When it comes to work, Liang Pei's interest has greatly increased, not as lazy as he did when working in a TV station. Because the performance of a private company is related to its own income.

"Not doing outdoor reality shows, I plan to do a large-scale inspirational professional music review program."

Large-scale inspirational professional music review program?

It's a long name, but it's a bit confusing.

After Liang Pei listened to Mai Xiaoyu's simple he couldn't help but smiled bitterly: "Isn't this just a music talent show?"

In 2000, China had an outdoor reality show, but it was quickly replaced by a music talent show. The peak of the music talent show was organized by Mango TV.

After the boom in 2005, various music talent shows from various TV stations have sprung up. Even after the State Power Administration’s beating, it was temporarily suspended, and there are a lot of waiting, this type of program feels like it is going to be bad.

It is said that Mango TV has summed up the successful experience and the lessons of the previous years. In addition to the outdoor reality show this year, it is also preparing to create a new music talent show...

"Mr. Mai, our company's hot outdoor reality show is ready for many TV stations. As far as I know, it will be broadcast at the end of February as soon as possible, which has become one of the trends of variety shows this year."

"So you think we should be doing an outdoor reality show."

"Yes, this is also the result of our department's discussion, and we have already started discussions... If you are worried about fighting with Blueberry TV, we can cooperate with Blueberry TV. As long as their bids are sincere enough, they can be used as a variety show. ."

"Mr. Liang, have you considered the result of another outdoor reality show? What if the effect is not as good as that? What if the effect is more than that?"

Liang Pei: "..."

If the effect is not as good as that, there will definitely be people outside who think that the cuteness of Jianglang will be exhausted.

If the effect exceeds, it means that the cute person suppresses himself.

"So, let's do a music audition show. If we do it well, it will be popular..."

"Grassroots singer...the tutor compete for the students...the team PK..."

One afternoon, when Mai Xiaoyu was introducing the concept and framework in detail, Liang Pei's eyes gradually brightened when he heard it...

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