The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 842: The area between girlfriends and women

The beautifully dressed Tong Liya, lovingly holding Mai Xiaoyu's arm, walked into the villa together.

Chen Sicheng was dumbfounded.

He knew Mai Xiaoyu, and knew Mai Xiaoyu's identity.

Ma Rong glanced at Chen Sicheng sympathetically.

She also knows Mai Xiaoyu, and she also knows Mai Xiaoyu's identity.

Wang Baoqiang was different and ran over excitedly.

"Brother! Why are you here?"

His bluff alarmed the others at the party.

Luan Dong’s birthday party is dominated by Luan Dong’s private circle. However, most of the artist circles are anxious, so some people recognize Tong Liya, some recognize Mai Xiaoyu, and some know that Chen Sicheng is pursuing Tong Liya.

As a result, when Tong Liya and Wang Baoqiang walked into the hall with Mai Xiaoyu from left to right, the scene became weird.

Some people asked about the identity of Tong Liya and Mai Xiaoyu; some guessed about the relationship between Mai Xiaoyu and Tong Liya; some looked at Chen Sicheng sympathetically; some looked blank.

"Hello, Mr. Mai, I am **** from **** company. I toasted you last time. Do you still have an impression?"

"Hello, Mr. Mai, I am xxx..."

"Mr. Mai..."

These are the ones who had party with Wang Baoqiang and Chen Sicheng, met Mai Xiaoyu’s artists, and took the initiative to greet Mai Xiaoyu.

Luan Dong inquired from one of the people that Mai Xiaoyu was a cute boss, and immediately greeted him enthusiastically, holding Mai Xiaoyu's hand enthusiastically:

"Hello, Mr. Mai, I am Luan Dong. I was fortunate enough to participate in your company's performance last year. I have never had a chance to meet you. I didn't expect that I lived today, and you came in person, making me shine here."

"Don't say that, you are the birthday star tonight. This is a gift from me and Yaya. I hope you don't dislike it."

"You have given me a lot of face when you came, so what kind of gift do you bring... Lafite in 1982, alas, thank you so much."

Lafite is one of the most famous wine brands in the world, but it is only one of them, but the Chinese people generally respect the brand of Lafite, especially the Lafite in 1982.

The reason seems to have nothing to do with the vintage, scoring, or quality of the wine. It is purely because in the celebrity circle and in the film and television dramas, the big names casually said "Let's get a bottle of Lafite, 82 years old", making Lafite a benchmark for the rich in the public's mind.

At the same time, it also aroused the curiosity and jealousy of the Chinese people. Any wine, as long as it is accompanied by the word "Lafite", it appears "higher than big" and is enviable.

In fact, the annual output of Lafite dry red wine is only a mere two to three million bottles, but the annual consumption of the Huaxia market is as high as 20,000 bottles. The 10-year output cannot keep up with the domestic market's one-year sales. Isn't such a huge disparity in data comparison a big joke?

Why is this happening?

An empty Lafite bottle can be sold for two to three thousand, which must be enough to explain the problem-fake wine!

People who don't really understand red wine, how many can distinguish the unique taste of Lafite?

A lot of local tyrants just use Lafite for their faces and face. As for the authenticity of the wine...hehe, they can't taste it!

Fake Lafite floods the market, and it is no secret in the entertainment circle where various dinners and cocktail parties continue.

However, no one would doubt that the Lafite sent by Mai Xiaoyu was fake.

Mai Xiaoyu is a cute boss, and his identity is there!

"Lafite in 1982, I haven't tasted it yet, this time I have a good taste."

"Tongzi, prepare to cut the cake, don't forget to drink."

"Share good things."


For the artists present, the cute person is the place where dreams arise, at least the place where they are most likely to arise.

The cute boss Mai Xiaoyu is an absolute nobleman.

Just look at Wang Baoqiang. Even his friends have to admit that he wants nothing but martial arts.

What about winning the best rookie of Golden Horse back then? Haven't you continued to move bricks and run the trick?

If it weren't for cute people, it would be difficult to get the chance to get ahead and get the enviable results now?

The set is almost!

Get close to those who might help your business, not only in the entertainment industry, but in many industries.

Mai Xiaoyu saw the thoughts of these people and asked Luan Dong with a smile: "What role are you playing in?"

"Liao Sanmin."

"Positive role, the later stage is considered to be more brilliant, I am waiting to see your figure on TV."

"Thank you Mai for giving face, I just hope that you won't be disappointed by then. Please here, please, we will cut the cake now, I don't know if I have that honor, please join me in cutting the cake."

"Don't be so polite, you are Baoqiang and Yaya's friend, and also my friend. You are the birthday star tonight, I can't steal your limelight. Besides, I have to say sorry to you, I have something to do. , If you want to take Yaya a step ahead, please forgive me."

"How do you say this, on my birthday, you made a special trip to give me a gift and give me a lot of face. I can't thank you yet. Where can I blame you." As he said, Luan Dong touched his body and took out A business card was handed over with both hands, "This is my business card. If there is anything useful to me in the future, Mr. Mai, please speak up."

"Ha, it's easy to say, we all eat together in a circle and help each other. If there is a suitable role in the future, I will let you contact you. Go ahead and leave, you guys have fun."

After receiving Luan Dong's business card, Mai Xiaoyu hugged Tong Liya's waist, declined the kindness of Luan Dong and others to see him off, and turned to leave the villa.

Chen Sicheng, who had not spoken all the time, suddenly chased him out. Seeing this everyone who knew that he was pursuing Yaya shook their heads secretly.

Ma Rong pushed Wang Baoqiang and whispered in his ear: "Jiji's matter."

"Oh, you think I almost forgot."

Sorry to everyone, Wang Baoqiang and Ma Rong also chased after them.

Not far from the villa, at a remote corner, I saw Mai Xiaoyu, Tong Liya and Chen Sicheng from a distance.

Mai Xiaoyu's Mercedes-Benz was parked there.

Mai Xiaoyu stood by the car, Tong Liya took his arm, and Chen Sicheng stood in front of them.

"Mr. Mai, this is Chen Sicheng. We met in the hotel box last time."

"I remember you, what's the matter?"

"Thank you very much for the one from your company, which gave me a good opportunity. Uh..." Chen Sichen hesitated for a moment and mustered up the courage, "I also thank you very much for letting me know Yaya."

"You don't want to tell me, you miss my woman, do you?" Mai Xiaoyu said with a faint smile, reaching out to take Tong Liya's waist, the latter naturally nestled in his arms.

Chen Sicheng looked at the two of them, gritted his teeth, and said with a wry smile: "Mr. Mai, I can see that the relationship between you and Yaya is not as others imagined."

Mai Xiaoyu asked back: "How can you see it?"

"Because I have been pursuing Ya-Ya, and she is not willing to accept me for the time being. If I guess correctly, Ya-Ya should look for you as a shield to let me get out of trouble. Is that right, Ya-Ya?"

Ah pretty smart.

Mai Xiaoyu certainly couldn't admit it.

Tong Liya deliberately looked for him as a shield, indicating that he didn't mean anything to Chen Sicheng, and he refused to even give him the opportunity to pursue. How could he allow Chen Sicheng to continue to harass Tong Liya?

"Sicheng, it was so right that the crew asked you to play'Chang Cai' back then, you are too smart. Yes, Yaya is not my girlfriend, but she is my woman, do you understand?" 8

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