The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 843: The best way to exercise at night

"Yes, Yaya is not my girlfriend, but she is my woman, do you understand?"

Mai Xiaoyu hugged Tong Liya and officially declared his sovereignty. Fastest update

Tong Liya didn't object, she was clever, and the bird fell in Mai Xiaoyu's arms like a human.

Chen Sicheng's complexion became colorful, and it took him a long time to endure his heartache and said, "I don't believe it. Mr. Mai, I know that you are a good boss and maintain the artists under your banner. I also know that Yaya is not that kind of girl, you are so I did it just to dispel my thoughts of pursuing ya ya."

"Yah, would you give me a chance? I'm sincere to you, maybe after you get to know me, you will find..."

Chen Sicheng couldn't continue.

Because he saw that Tong Liya suddenly stood on her toes, hugged Mai Xiaoyu, and kissed her.

Chen Sicheng was messy in the wind.

Mai Xiaoyu didn't expect that this Xibe girl would be so aggressive that she would kiss if she didn't agree.

At the moment of being forcedly kissed, Mai Xiaoyu had a very brief astonishment.

However, as an excellent old driver, he adjusted after a quarter of a second, hugged Tong Liya, and kissed her small mouth.

In front of Chen Sicheng, Mai Xiaoyu and Tong Liya hugged tightly together unscrupulously, deep kisses, long kisses, wet kisses...still French.

The single dog received tons of crit damage.

Mai Xiaoyu's tongue pierced into Tong Liya's cherry mouth, one hand kneaded Tong Liya's buttocks, and she did not forget to sway at Chen Sicheng with the other hand, signalling him to get out and don't get in the way here.

Chen Sicheng left in despair...

Wang Bao is here.

"Brother, it's not good for you two, so pay attention to the impact. What a bad thing if you get caught by a reporter."

One thing drops one thing.

Wang Bao kindly reminded that Mai Xiaoyu and Tong Liya had to be separated. The "Aunt Tiger" character Tong Liya, also rarely bowed her head and blushed.

Seeing the horse clinging to Wang Bao, Mai Xiaoyu frowned slightly and asked Wang Bao, "Why did you run out?"

"Hey, brother, I want to discuss something with you."

"what's up?"

"I have a friend who wants to come to our company. I know that our company has a system for recruiting people, but my friend is nice and reliable..."

When Wang Bao finished complimenting the so-called friend, Mai Xiaoyu asked, "Your relative?"

"No, it's a friend, a very good friend, Yanjing, just because the team on my side is short of staff, I want him to come and help me."

Mai Xiaoyu glanced at the horse, seemingly casually asked: "What's your name?"

"Song Jiji."


Mai Xiaoyu sneered in his heart, his expression getting colder: "Baoqiang, do you think you are popular? You are a celebrity when you become famous?"

"Brother, what's up?"

"What's wrong with me? You can get bigger now! I ask you, Chen Sicheng is pursuing Ya-Ya, have you swayed from it? Do you know how much trouble it caused Ya-Ya? You know that the company has a system for recruiting people, even Huang Bo Deng Chao, Huo Jianhua, Liu Tao, Chen Qiao'en, and Chen Qiao'en never dared to recommend anyone to me, so dare you to recommend it, and put someone in your team!"

"You don’t know how each of your team members are selected? There are a bunch of people in each department of the company. Can’t you be transferred from each department if you lack manpower! The scout department is the company’s first entrance, and now there are more than twenty scouts. You don’t know how many people are waiting to be transferred!"

"How many times have I told you that you are not allowed to call me ‘brother’. But for you, screaming ‘brother’...what’s the matter, you really think you are my brother, you can be a cute half-home!"

"I tell you Wang Bao, you are too inflated! Looking back at the end of the second season of recording, after filming, within five years you will learn cultural knowledge and adjust your mentality. Don't even think about receiving any announcements. Of course, you can file a lawsuit and tell me that I'm not hiding. If you request to terminate the contract, the company will accompany you to the end."

"Within five years, you have to dare to take the notice privately. Don't blame me for not being affectionate and suing you. You can also seek to quit, but don't forget, you just signed a ten-year contract with the company. I think who will be stupid enough to pay for you. High liquidated damages!"

"Even if you can terminate the contract successfully, let me see which company dares to sign you and which crew dare to use you! I don't believe in this evil. Who will offend my Mai Xiaoyu or my cute movie for you!"

"Go ya ya."

Before Wang Bao could react, Mai Xiaoyu had already greeted Tong Liya to get into the car, fastened her seat belt and started the car and drove away, leaving Wang Bao in a mess in the wind.

It took him a long time to react, and an embarrassing smile appeared on his face: "What's wrong with my brother, what did he just tell me? He said too fast, I didn't hear clearly."

"He said he would block you." Ma said blankly.

"Impossible. He was joking with me, he must be. If you don't believe me, I'll call him now. I just recommend a friend. It's not that serious."

"You still don't understand? He blocked you not because you recommended Ji Ji, but because Tong Liya."

"Tong Liya? What does it have to do with her?"

Ma was a little annoyed: "Chen Sicheng is not an artist in your company. He pursues Tong Liya. He can't do anything to Chen Sicheng, but you are different. You are not only a cute artist, but also Chen Sicheng pursues Tong Liya. Who is Tong Liya? It's his woman. , His forbidden, with his strength, can anyone care about it casually!"

Now, Wang Bao understood a little bit.

"Then, what should I do?"

"You should call Mr. Mai as soon as possible to explain, and see if there is a chance to save it."

"Yes, you are right."

However, Wang Bao called Mai Xiaoyu's cell phone, but Mai Xiaoyu did not answer.

Fight again and hang up directly.

"My brother doesn't answer my call, what should I do?"

"Don't always yell ‘brother’ or ‘brother’. He is a big boss, can you pay attention!"

"But I yelled like that before, he never said anything to me."

"That was before, now it's different, now Mr. Mai has to hide you!"

"Then, what should I do?"

Ma thought for a while: "You go to the company to talk to him tomorrow, and see if there is a chance to get it back. If it doesn't work..."

"What if it doesn't work?"

"If he insists on hiding you, you will terminate your contract and quit!"

"How can I do it! If it wasn't for my brother... Mr. Mai, I was still working at the gate of Yanying Factory, how could I do that kind of thing?"

"But he wants to hide you for five years!"

"He just said let me learn more cultural knowledge... I think this is also good."

"Very good? Haha." Ma sneered and shook his head, "Let's go, I'll go back first. By the way, I have something to do tomorrow, so I won't have dinner together tonight."


Ma ignored Wang Bao who was chasing behind him, returned to the villa, continued to smile, talking and laughing with others, but turned his face to Wang Bao and ignored him.

Luan Dong's birthday party is still going on. Mai Xiaoyu's appearance and birthday gifts have added a lot to the party.

Everyone had a great time eating, drinking and having fun, even the horses were smiling and smiling, with the exception of the difficult brothers Chen Sicheng and Wang Bao.

Let me talk about Mai Xiaoyu and Tong Liya.

After driving away, Mai Xiaoyu sent Tong Liya back to Sunshine Star City.

The car stopped downstairs, Tong Liya got off the car in no hurry and said, "Thank you, Mr. Mai, I will invite you to dinner."

"No, I have something to do later, I have to go out."

"Can I ask a question?"

"Why do you have so many questions?"

"I'm just wondering why you didn't even answer his phone to Brother Baoqiang like that. He just recommended an employee to the company. Isn't it a big deal?"

"Then you can also ask Xiao Zhao to pretend to be your boyfriend, why bother looking for me?"

Tong Liya smiled bitterly and shook her head.

Chen Sicheng's pursuit of her was fierce, and Wang Bao created opportunities from it, and Tong Liya was miserable.

Since Chen Sicheng did not confess, Tong Liya is not good at rejecting people's kindness directly.

Employees in many industries will spontaneously group together to keep warm, and the entertainment industry is no exception. From newcomers to celebrities, they have their own small circles. It's just that the small circles of newcomers and unknown artists are more about comforting each other and sharing opportunities.

Afterwards, Chen Si was very mature, Tong Liya was a newcomer, and because of Wang Bao's acquaintance, she also often contacted their circle. This Chen Sicheng provided convenience in pursuit.

Tong Liya has always wanted to reject Chen Sicheng, but the method is very important.

She told Zhao Chupeng about this, and she also thought about letting Zhao Chupeng pretend to be her boyfriend, which made Chen Sicheng retreat. Zhao Chupeng did not object, but considering Chen Sicheng's popularity and Zhao Chupeng's weight in the circle, the two gave up.

"I see. Chen Sicheng is too strong and smart, and Xiao Zhao's identity is far less famous, isn't he? Ya-Ya, you have to work hard, and the company will help you too. Get up. He is your agent and is only in charge of one artist. You two share the same honor, you know?"

"Well, I know, he is a good agent. Mr. Mai, you haven't answered my question yet."

"Then you answer me first, where did you dare to kiss me forcibly?"


Tong Liya was speechless.

After a moment of silence, she explained: "I wanted him to believe and don't come to pester me again. Besides, it was my first kiss. You are a man again. Are you at a loss?"

"It's not a matter of eating or not, it's that you kiss me forcibly without my permission. It's not a good habit."

"You still touched my ass!"

"Oh my God, are you Xijiang girls so bold and unrestrained in speaking?"

"I don't know about others, but I am. If you scared me that time, I wouldn't be ready to hit your head with an ashtray." Thinking of that experience, Tong Liya smiled and wrinkled her nose, "You were still Lie to me to give you artificial respiration, this time you are satisfied."

"You're really a shame, do you know what it means for a woman to satisfy a man?"

"You are too bad, and your mind is too dirty. I will go up first and ignore you." Tong Liya released her seat belt and jumped out of the car without forgetting her exhort, "Be careful when driving at night."

Tonight, it was the first time that she experienced the joy of being "bullyed" by Mai Xiaoyu, and she also understood why Zhao Liying, Liu Shi, Yang Mi and others, although often "bullyed" by Mai Xiaoyu, always enjoyed it.

Mai Xiaoyu watched her walk into the corridor, restarted the car, and drove away from the community with a dozen steering wheels and headed straight to Hepingli.

Liu Yan is still waiting for him at home.

For more than a year, Liu Yan has been on fire. Regardless of whether she took advantage of her "chest", Liu Yan, who changed her **** route, became a well-known host. She frequently received announcements from various large-scale events and evening parties, as well as guests and host announcements for variety shows.

Changed from the previous pure style of painting, no longer showing people with vases, dressing and dressing behavior exudes a strong sexy. The propaganda team secretly contributed to the flames. The media maintained a high degree of attention and exposure to her "chest", and Liu Yan's fans also rose sharply.

Some fans even said on the Internet that Chi Guoguo was getting fans on Liu Yan's chest.

After more than a year, Liu Yan became famous and bought a mansion in Yanjing, ready to move in. Moreover, the two-bedroom house in hardcover is relatively close to the elementary school, and there are too many people in the previous year. It is indeed not suitable for her to continue living.

Liu Yan will move away the day after tomorrow, and Mai Xiaoyu will not attend her housewarming banquet. So tonight, she cooked a few dishes in person and put a bottle of red wine on it, which is a good wish for the housewarming in advance.

"Why come here so late, I am starving to death."

"Take care of something trivial, it will take a while."

"It's too small for you to deal with it yourself? Don't you fight with someone again?"

Seeing the red wine on the table, Mai Xiaoyu grinned: "Don't worry, keep your energy to fight with you."

"Whoever fights with you, wash your hands and eat quickly. After eating so late, you all have grown up."

"It's okay, exercise more at night to ensure that everything is digested."

Mai Xiaoyu washed his hands and sat at the dining table.

Liu Yan opened the red wine and poured two glasses.

The two ate and drank, chatting about what happened in the circle recently.

After dinner, Liu Yan cleaned up the dishes and sat on the sofa with Mai Xiaoyu.

"I move the day after tomorrow, are you really not going?"

"It's all people from your company and your friends, what am I doing in the past?"

" are a weird person. By the way, I will not refund this house. This is the rent for the second half of the year."

After receiving the money, Mai Xiaoyu smirked and said, "What's the matter, is it a golden house that is reluctant to hide, or do you want to create a private place for rendezvous?"

Liu Yan gave him an angry look: "Do you men like to use your lower body to think about problems? I don't want to work hard to pack things, and the location is so close to the company. If it's too late, I can come back and stay for one night."


"Nonsense!" Liu Yanjiao slapped Mai Xiaoyu's chest, "I have something to discuss with you. Your company crew has asked me to continue to play'Hu Yifei', I want to ask your opinion."

"Big White Rabbit, you are not behaved. Pharaoh asked you to ask, right?"

"Who is the white rabbit!" Liu Yanjiao said, "We have the meaning of Mr. Wang, and I also want to ask your opinion. After all, I changed the **** route and succeeded because of you."

"The main reason is that you have a good foundation. As for you, you don't need to give me face, you just don't want to pick it up."

Mai is right.

Neither Liu Yan herself nor her agent wanted her to continue acting.

The drawbacks of character stereotypes are on the one hand, and on the other hand, urban sitcoms are too low paid. It takes more than a month to shoot. Liu Yan can receive multiple large-scale announcements, and the sum of the announcement fees far exceeds the film remuneration.

There is also a third reason: Mengxin Yang Ying and Zhao Liying are no longer in the role, which can be understood as Mengren's right attitude.

Liu Yan and her agent have never rejected the crew, just because of Mai Xiaoyu's factors.

Now that Mai Xiaoyu spoke, she didn't have any worries anymore.

Seeing that zero is coming, Mai Xiaoyu leaned close to her ear, touched her belly, and whispered, "Are you still holding on?"


"Exercise to promote digestion..." rw

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