The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 206: don't steal my nest 2

Mu Bai's consciousness was dizzy. He fought with a lion yesterday and grabbed a cave. One of them was bitten on his hind leg. It was not convenient for him to become a tiger, so he could only take care of it at will.

This is also his first time as a tiger, and he is not very skilled, so he has to fight with the lion to find a nest, and he suffers a loss.

In a daze, he felt that a layer of something was applied to his hind legs, cool and cool, with a little tingling.

Mu Bai knew that a little guy was busy beside him.

I don't know what it feels like.

During this period, the little guy seemed to leave again, and it took a long time to come back. Mu Bai felt it panting beside him, looking very tired.

After finally regaining some energy, he barely opened his eyes, and when he looked up, he saw the little fox cub nestled next to his head, paralyzed lazily, his fluffy belly undulating slightly due to breathing.

Its original snow-white fur has now been dyed with juice red and grass juice green, like a small tabby cat, a little dirty.

That snow-white and fluffy fox tail was also stained with juice.

Seeing that he was awake, Luo Ci raised her little paw, grabbed a piece of fruit and stuffed it into his mouth, looking a little anxious.

Those wet fox eyes looked at him nervously, and Mu Bai's heart moved slightly.

It's just a little funny in my heart, doesn't the little cub know that tigers want to eat meat? But the little fox seems to eat fruit too.

He is not a serious tiger either. It is okay to eat fruit. He simply opens his mouth, and the fruit is eaten into his stomach with a roll of his tongue.

The little fox fed him a dozen fruits in a row, and the fruits tasted pretty good.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but after eating, my body regained some strength.

He felt that the lion was poisonous, but it was only bitten on the hind leg. He barely managed to stop the bleeding, but he has been weak all the time. Now he is in a coma, and his hind legs are numb.

Even the lions here have toxins?

The little fox cub was probably very tired, and fell asleep leaning on the neck of the white tiger, and the light and thin breathing fell on his neck.

Mu Bai turned his head to look at it for a while, then rubbed his head in the direction of the fox cub, and slowly closed his eyes.

The tail behind him couldn't help but encircle the cub's fox tail.

Lest he didn't pay attention, the little brat ran out and was eaten by other beasts.

The little fox cub called out softly, even more quietly than yesterday, thinking that he was tired.

And the sound is a bit strange, as if restraining something.

Mu Bai thought about it slowly, without looking into it, his consciousness gradually fell into a deep sleep.

When he woke up, most of the discomfort had been reduced, and the rest depended on natural recovery.

He stood up and stretched his limbs unskillfully. His hind legs were obviously much better. He lowered his eyes and looked at the fox cubs that shrank into a small group of flowers. He wanted to stretch his claws, but he found that his claws were too big, and he couldn't control it Strength, simply gave up.

The little fox cub is so small, it's not good for a paw to hurt.

Mu Bai decided to go out.

First, he moved his limbs slowly, his light-brown pupils raised slightly, and rushed in a certain direction.

After ten minutes of fighting, the leopard was bitten to death by him.

But how to eat... Mu Bai was a little worried, it would be great if he could change back into a human being, so he couldn't eat it raw.

He's not really a tiger either.

Thinking so in his heart, he found that he seemed to be slowly changing back into a person, and the clothes were still the same as when they came.

Wearing a black uniform, the trouser legs are somewhat tattered, and the bite wound has healed a lot.

Mu Bai tried to drag the dead leopard, and found that he dragged it easily, and his five senses and jumping power were enhanced.

He went to a place with water first, peeled and gutted, cleaned the meat, and then went back with a few large pieces of meat.

During the period, I picked up some sharp branches, peeled off the bark and skewered the meat, and then went back slowly.

Mu Bai's mood was much better when he changed back to his human form, and his delicate eyebrows were dyed with a relaxed smile.

He was going to go back to the cave and let the little fox cub eat meat. How could a fox be a vegetarian all the time.

On the way back, Yu Guang caught a glimpse of an empty space where some kind of grass had grown, leaving only the roots, as if it had been eaten by some small animal. .

Maybe something was biting and hurting his mouth, Mu Bai thought inadvertently.

Back in the cave, he stood at the entrance of the cave, with his back to the light, blocking all the light behind him, his fair face was shrouded in half shadows, and his light brown eyes had some deep meaning.

Squinting slightly, Mu Bai found that the little fox cub had woken up and put the meat he hunted on the ground. When he came back, he found a large leaf and wrapped the meat, not afraid of being dirty.

When he stepped up, he wanted to touch the little fox, but the little guy bit him, the fox eyes were a little angry, and the tail behind him exploded, slightly tilted.

Mu Bai was a little helpless, what happened to the little brat, why did he suddenly bite him, this little tooth didn't bite him, maybe he still hurts.

He stretched out his hand to pick up the little fox cub. It was still spiritual, and it would be fine to keep it in the future.

But the little guy seemed to be very angry, angrily, turning his head away from him.

Mu Bai casually glanced at his hand that was bitten by the little brat, but his eyes were fixed.

I thought it was just saliva and teeth marks, but I saw a little blood.

He couldn't help but open the mouth of the little fox cub, and found that there was a small cut around its mouth, and there was a little grass clippings on it. At this moment, those small wounds slowly oozing out a little bit of dark red blood.

The little fox cub called out a little uncomfortable.

Mu Bai looked at the place where he rested before, there was still a small group of turquoise things on the ground, and some medicinal herbs that were not used up next to him.

After being able to become a tiger, his eyesight has become excellent, and now he can naturally see that the roots of those herbs are very uneven and jagged, with a bit of coagulated blood.


What he thought might be herbivores like little rabbits was actually a little fox cub.

The light brown eyes flashed complex light, reaching out to caress the fur on its body.

Those small wounds in the mouth must be very uncomfortable.

It's a fox cub.

Mu Bai pinched the little fox cub's chin, slowly opened its mouth, and carefully picked out the tiny grass clippings for it little by little.

After finishing the selection, he whispered, "I'll give you some barbecue later, be nice." He continued to touch the fox's fur, and it was a little over the top when he touched it.

The white hair on its body is stained and dirty, and it should be washed at some time.

But the cub is too weak to get cold water.

The little fox cub flicked him with his big tail, expressing that he didn't want to talk to him or touch him.

Left...don't tell her.

She is still angry.

The fluffy ears that stood up on his head moved.

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