The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 207: don't steal my nest 3

Mu Bai couldn't help pinching the little fox's ears and rubbed it several times.

He gently put down the cub, ready to start roasting.

He hasn't eaten much since yesterday, except for the fruit that the little fox gave him today.

Probably after he became a white tiger, his appetite has also increased. Seeing the raw meat at this moment, he wanted to eat it immediately without disgusting it.

Mu Bai suppressed this thought, he was not a real beast.

Soon the fire was lit, Mu Bai picked up a bunch of meat and started roasting, the little fox cub lay on the side, raised his little paws and wanted to roast the fire, because it was very warm.

But Mu Bai picked it up and kept it away from the fire.

In his opinion, the cub doesn't understand anything, even the tiger dares to approach, and he has always been a vegetarian. This is the first time he sees fire. If he doesn't look at it and jumps into the fire, it won't hurt to death. .

The little fox cub was even more angry.

Dirty little claws grabbed a fruit core and smashed it on Mu Bai.

Don't let her burn!

Mu Bai was a little helpless, what happened to the little brat, why was he always angry.

He dragged its small body with one hand, put it on his lap, and coaxed in a low voice, "What's the matter, cub, don't get too close to the fire, and bake yourself later."

He knew it was just a fox, and talking to a fox was a little funny, but Mu Bai couldn't help but coax a few words.

The little fox cub let out a soft cry, and lay down slowly and meekly, resting his head on his paws, his dark eyes staring at the firelight.

Luo Ci thought, forgive him this time.

Next time if she leaves directly...she shouldn't look for him again.

He opened his mouth slightly, and wanted to scratch it with his claws. It was so uncomfortable. Never bite that herb again.

Seeing that the little brat was no longer making a fuss, Mu Bai began to concentrate on roasting the meat, but it didn't take long for it to start moving.

Looking down, he quickly reached out and grabbed its dirty paws.

The little paw was held in his hand, and his heart was a little soft and hot, with an inexplicable joy.

Maybe this is the psychology of people who like cute things.

Really cute.

Makes people feel unbearably happy.

Mu Bai actually has a habit of cleanliness, but he doesn't dislike dirty little foxes. He never liked small pets before, and he doesn't understand his brother who likes to keep cats. It's really troublesome to be a **** shovel officer, dealing with those cat litter. Yes, it looks disgusting.

Now I like this little fox very much, and I like it when it is noisy.

His tone couldn't help softening, "There is a wound in the mouth of the cub, don't touch it."

In fact, thinking of this, he was also very sad.

Would love to quickly find something to heal these wounds.

But no.

The little fox cub drooped his head and fell back silently, a grieved and uncomfortable voice overflowing from his throat.

Mu Bai gently stroked the fluff on its back.

The technique is not yet proficient. After all, he has never kept a pet before, which probably made it uncomfortable, which made the little fox turn his head and bite him again.

He felt that at the moment he was like the old brother who had made the cat owner angry, and he was carefully trying to please and appease him.

The meat was roasted, and it was different from the meat he had roasted when he was camping before. Although there was no seasoning, the air had a tantalizing aroma.

Mu Bai first tore off a small piece of meat and tried it. The taste was okay. The meat seemed to contain salt, and the taste was not bad.

Maybe that's the specialty of this place.

The meat is delicious and his grilling skills are not bad, so there is no need to burn it.

Mu Bai tore off a very small piece of meat, and then tore the small piece of meat into small strips and slowly fed them to the little fox cubs.

Luo Ci slowly ate the barbecued meat, and still had small wounds during the period. The barbecued meat was more irritating, and a pair of dark fox eyes were stained with water, and she was extremely aggrieved.

Moreover, the small teeth have not grown well, and they are not strong at all, and they can't chew for a long time.

After tossing for a long time before he was full, the little fox turned his head and lay on his lap, closed his eyes and was ready to sleep.

Only then did Mu Bai start to eat his own.

He felt full after almost the entire leopard's flesh was eaten into his stomach.

His hands were all oily, and there was a bit of disgust in his light brown eyes.

Looking down at the little fox cub, he put it carefully in his jacket pocket, ready to go to the creek.


After cleaning, Mu Bai looked down at the little fox cub in his pocket. It was sleeping in a daze, and its two small claws were still on the seam of the jacket pocket.

It was barely the size of two palms, it was too small. The uniform pockets on the body are relatively large, and it is more than enough to fit it.

Gotta figure out a way to give it a bath.

He looked at the stones by the creek, and he probably had to grind out some utensils.

It's just that his body changed involuntarily, and he turned into a majestic white tiger again.

The little fox fell off, and Mu Bai hurriedly stretched out his two claws, carefully catching it, not daring to use any force at all, and gently placed it on the ground.

He was a little helpless. He would change if he became a white tiger. The efficiency of grinding stones with his claws was relatively high.

Soon there was a stone basin and a stone pot next to it.

It's just that the shape is not standardized and looks a bit ugly.

The animal shape is really inconvenient.

Mu Bai didn't even think that he would be able to bathe the little cubs immediately. He gently picked up the little fox cubs, glanced down at the stone tools beside him, and barely controlled his tail to circle them and take them away.

The way back was a little unstable, probably because the tail was occupied.

Mu Bai returned to the cave, his tail was finally freed, and he gently put down the cub.

The lion's cave is very simple, but the sleeping area is still covered with a layer of tiger skin. Mu Bai doesn't feel it. He is not a real tiger. Even if it is, other tigers have nothing to do with him.

However, the lion should also be able to transform into a human shape, otherwise how could a lion just skin it as a cushion.

There was a thoughtful look in Mu Bai's eyes.

He lay beside the little fox cub, cautiously for fear of pinning it down.

A pair of light-brown eyes looked at the little fox cub carefully, stretched out their paws on its side, and pushed it towards them.

The little guy slept soundly and didn't wake up for so long.

He seemed to be having fun, and began to play with the tail of the little fox cub, so that the sleeping fox cub couldn't help waving his little paws and slapping the culprit who caused the dream.

Finally, the white tiger wrapped the fluffy tail of the little fox with his long tail, and when the circle was tight, he began to sleep.


at night.

Luo Ci felt very uncomfortable, especially at the tail, from the tip of the tail to the base of the tail, it was itchy and uncomfortable, and she couldn't help but want to scratch it with her paws.

But the little body was pressed by some kind of behemoth again, and it couldn't move, and the fox cub couldn't help but scream.


The little fox cub struggled impatiently.

Mu Bai woke up, he actually had the urge to get up, but he couldn't get up with the little fox cub.

Slightly raised the big snow-white paws that were holding down the little cub, and the little fox relaxed a little.

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