The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 219: don't steal my nest 15

At this moment, when he saw the little fox running out of someone else's hole dirty, Mu Bai narrowed his light brown eyes, and there was still blood in his eyes that had not dissipated after hunting the beast, but he didn't say anything, and squatted down slightly. , his voice was flat, "Climb up."

There was no emotion on his face, Luo Ci pulled and crawled onto his shoulder in a few moments.

Mu Bai looked slightly stiff, looked down at the small dirty paw prints on his white tiger skin clothes, and the corners of his mouth twitched. He should have thought that the little guy's little paws are also dirty.

He glanced at the little fox, the corners of his lips slowly curved up, and there was a bit of warmth on his handsome face.

Back in the cave, he put down the things in his hand, hugged the little fox from his shoulders, and looked at him, "Why is it so dirty?"

The little fox tilted his head, a sly light flashed in his eyes, and stretched out his small paws directly to his face, "It's stamped."

Mu Bai was stunned, and an unspeakable emotion welled up in his heart. All the sounds in the air seemed to have stopped, and there was silence, only the beating of the heart and the crisp and sweet voice of the little fox echoed.


Little Fox…

For some reason, there was a kind of happy mood in the top of his heart, his narrow eyes narrowed slightly, and he lightly pinched the little fox's little paw, and was about to open his mouth.

But I heard the little fox's laughter, which was also warm and soft, just like her, "Your face is dirty too."

Mu Bai blinked slightly, suddenly a little disappointed.

Little fox... just wanted to make him dirty too.

He squeezed his soft little paws, "Wipe it clean for you." Wet the fur with water, and wiped off the dirt for the little fox little by little.

"I'll take you out in the sun today."

Mu Bai realized that he seemed to have ignored the little guy for a long time.

Left early every day, leaving only the food prepared for her, and didn't come back until the sun was about to set.

What about the little fox at this time?

She lay obediently in the nest almost every day, waiting for her to come back, without complaining in her eyes, she would still scratch him naughty a few times, as if everything was impermanent.

But during this period, whether she will be bored, whether she will feel lonely, I don't seem to have thought about it.

Because he subconsciously thinks that he has something to do, and it seems normal for the pet to wait at home.

Just like those who keep cats and dogs, go out to work early and come back from get off work at night, while their pets will guard the door and wait obediently.

Very normal.

But for small pets, the owner is the pet's only support, and the only person to trust is its whole world.

They can't go out on their own, they can only stay at home, be obedient, and do nothing.

No playmates, no voices, no one to accompany it.

Unlike humans, you can play mobile phones, play games, and have a lot of pastimes.

They have nothing.

Only the owner.

How could it not be boring?

During so much time, even if it is eating, even sleeping, no one will accompany you.

Mu Bai held the little fox in his arms, his drooping eyelashes trembling slightly.

Suddenly, I feel very guilty.

She is not only a little fox, she is very spiritual, can speak, understand a lot of things, and will become a beautiful human in the future. She is no different from people.

Small pets will feel irritable and boring for the time being, why can't the little fox?

No, she just never showed it.

And he didn't notice.

Before, he had always regarded her as a pet, as if he had carefully guarded and pampered her, and let her rush up dirty, even if the little guy scratched him and bit him, leaving a lot of marks, it didn't matter.

But he didn't accompany her, nor did he think to accompany her.


So today, not long after she left, she went to the cave of other orcs and accepted the feeding of others.

In fact, the little guy is also afraid of being alone.

She is not a small pet, nor his accessory, she belongs to herself.

She was willing to show up that night, to follow him, to heal his wounds, and to help him stabilize the human form.

But if she doesn't want to, doesn't want to be with him anymore, maybe she will leave suddenly like that night.

That stupid lion was right, he had no right to decide where to go for the little fox, and she had no reason to follow him.

He was really domineering, and he didn't think about what the little fox thought at all. He hid her and didn't let the orcs beside her see her, and didn't tell her that she could go out and play with other orcs, but he left her at home.

He took it for granted that he liked this little fox and wanted to keep her. He was her master, so she had to follow him.

So she has to be obedient, be a little pet obediently waiting for its owner to come back, and rely on him.

Obviously not.

She is a little fox and can live well.

She belongs only to herself.

Not his little pet.

Mu Bai whispered, "I will take you with me when I go out."

There will be no danger, and he can protect her now.

The little fox shook his head, "No."

He froze, "Don't you want to go out with me?"

Because he kept her at home before, so now she doesn't want to go out with herself anymore?

He didn't accompany her, so she didn't need him either, did she find a new companion?

"I don't want to go out, I want to stay in the tribe." Luo Ci sensed the strength in her body a little. She is not suitable for going out recently, and she has to figure out why she is still not human.

She clearly had enough energy in her body, and the fruits she picked in the depths of the forest that day had already allowed her to grow rapidly.

I have to find time to ask Grandma Wu, um... and the tribal leader.

But Mu Bai didn't know what she was thinking. After all, he wasn't a real orc, and he didn't understand the matter of cubs reaching adulthood.

In the afternoon, Mu Bai took the little fox to bask in the sun on the undisturbed grass.

He didn't clean the small dirty paw prints on his clothes, and now he turned into a white tiger lying on the grass, and the cute little paw prints were clearly visible on the white fur.

Of course Luo Ci saw it, but she didn't say it, and secretly smiled in her heart.

A big lion with golden hair appeared, and he was a little surprised to see Mu Bai, "Why are you here? Wasn't this spot still outside?"

He glanced at the black paw prints on Baihu's body, "And don't you clean the dirty marks on your body?"

It's like asking yourself, "I see, this is the dirty paw print of the little fox, so you can't bear to wipe it."

Hearing the first few sentences, Mu Bai's face turned dark, but when the reluctance appeared, the fluffy, semi-circular snow-white ears became a little warmer.

He was reluctant to...

Hill squatted beside the white tiger, his tone was a bit vicissitudes, "I can't **** the little fox with you in the future, the leader found me a partner." He was a little annoyed when he said this, "I was just for this. I went to the cave outside alone, but you beat me back."

There is also a little resentment.

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