The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 220: don't steal my nest 16

Mu Bai glanced at him coldly, what does it mean to grab a little fox?

Can you grab the cub if you want? She ignored you at all, and responded to you perfunctorily before.

It's a good thing to find a partner, so that he won't miss his little fox. The male beast who is free from the single must be single-minded, and this stupid lion will be useless in the future.

But he didn't show it on his face, "Then you should thank me, now I have a company, not a single lion."

Hill said in a low voice, "I thank you. My fiancee is coming tomorrow. It is said to be a tigress. I'm done woo woo..."

He still wants gentle female beasts, the kind that are small, don't want violent madness, woo woo woo...

Mu Bai: "..."

Too cowardly, I have never seen such a cowardly lion, with the blood of a golden lion.

No need to quibble, it must be the blood of the golden retriever dog.


"Yeah... people from another tribe will come to us tomorrow, and there will be a bonfire party. The purpose is to match the male beasts of our tribe." Hill showed a hopeless expression.

Mu Bai didn't care much, and didn't even want to go, but still asked the little fox, "Do you want to go to the bonfire party?"

Luo Ci nodded her head, "Go."

"Then go."

Hill resented the white tiger and the white fox cub, these two are too light to say.

If there is no tigress, he must be very happy to go, but now... he has to go if he doesn't.


At night, the little fox tossed and tossed the white tiger awake. He watched it for a while, and the little guy finally stopped moving before continuing to sleep.

When she woke up the next day, Luo Ci looked at her little paws, and it seemed that she could transform into a human shape. There were also three more tails. Last night, my whole body was hot, so I kept moving around. Later, when Mu Bai continued to sleep, the three tails behind her exploded and turned into six.

I don't know if it is because of the maturity stage, the tip of the snow-white tail is a little more confusing and red, and the eyes that were originally clear and ignorant have been added a little bit, and the eyes that tend to be young and round tend to be more charming.

In his sleep, Mu Bai found that his face was itchy, something fluffy was bothering him all the time. He should have scratched it with a paw, but he probably felt that the breath was familiar and he was not willing to scratch. He just slowly opened his light brown vertical pupils, and when he first woke up, he was still a little foggy, with inexplicable grievances, as if he was complaining.

Aggrieved white tiger.

Luo Ci climbed onto Baihu's head, and her small paws grabbed his semicircular ears, "Get up quickly!"

The white tiger lying on the animal skin slowly turned into a human shape and sat up with a snow-white little fox lying on his head. He took the little fox off the top of his head and pinched her plush tail as usual.

Something seems wrong.

The fur seems to have increased.

Although the little guy's tail was fat and fluffy before, it was only the result of fluffy. In fact, he could grab three tail roots with one hand, but now... it doesn't feel like there are more than three.

The originally chaotic mind was a little clearer, and Mu Bai looked down at the little fox in his arms. She tilted her little head, looking at herself with beautiful fox eyes, somehow, he felt that the little fox cub was seducing him. Looking down slowly, she has several more tails, her hair is softer and more fluffy, and there is a striking red on the tip of her tail.

Kind of wanted to take a bite.

It seems to be delicious.

There was a burning, unspeakable longing in his heart.

Mu Bai suddenly felt a little hot, and two semi-circular ears popped out of his head. The tailbone was itchy, and something was about to come out.

The white tiger's tail is about to be exposed.

He quickly picked up the water next to him and poured it on his face, and the warmth slowly faded away.

Luo Ci was a little confused. She actually didn't know this plane very well. After all, this avatar was only born not long ago, so how could she know anything. So I don't understand Mu Bai's reaction.

Mu Bai looked down at the innocent little fox, and said in a hoarse voice, "How come the cub's tail has grown so much?" And the dazzling fiery red on the tip of the tail, as if it was burning, with a heart-warming charm.

Luo Ci said seriously, "It exploded last night."

She is telling the truth.

Mu Bai seemed to remember something, and said with a faint smile, "No wonder I heard an explosion in my dream, and thought my house was bombed."

Put the little fox on the hide, washed the red congealed fruit with water, "Eat this first."

Luo Ci took it with her two small claws and slowly gnawed with her head down.

Although he is an adult, his stature is not very long, but he is a little more charming and beautiful than the cute and ignorant before.

While preparing breakfast, Mu Bai asked, "Do you want to go out with me today?"

In fact, it's a bit uncertain. After all, she couldn't go out until yesterday. Maybe she's going to find some playmates today.

He thought about it, the little guy has her own thoughts, and she can't decide what she likes and what she doesn't like, so let her go.

It's okay if she doesn't want to be with her.

Luo Ci said lazily, "Let's go together."

"Didn't you want to go yesterday?"

"Yesterday was yesterday, I want to go out now." She replied lazily, she finished eating the fruit, lay on the hide, half-squinted her eyes, and looked lazy.

Mu Bai was dumbfounded. This little brat is a little changeable every day.


The two white dumplings went out.

The white fox nestled on the back of the white tiger, clutched the white tiger's fur tightly, and looked a little cheerful against the wind. But the white tiger under his body was pulled and hurt so badly that he didn't dare to make a sound. After all, the cub was on his back, if he didn't hold on tight, it would definitely hurt to fall.

She is so squeamish, she may look at herself wetly at that time, and she will feel distressed if she hurts herself.

And hard to coax.

But... he could already imagine a small patch of bald hair on his back.

Going out today is mainly to accompany the little brat to relax. He has not cared about her these days, and now he is just making up for her.

The white tiger stopped, and they came to a mountain hot spring, which Mu Bai discovered when he was exploring the forest.

Luo Ci's eyes lit up, she pulled it off him, and ran towards the hot spring with cheerful steps. Mu Bai, who turned into a humanoid, was a little helpless, why was he so impatient?

The little fox cub jumped into the hot spring water and fluttered happily. Mu Bai stood on the shore and watched quietly. In a trance, he seemed to see the figure of a woman. It's a beautiful silhouette. Her hair is silver-white, with a dreamy blur. The slender and white hands gently picked up a handful of water and sprinkled it on the body, the silver hair was sparkling, sparkling with sparkling water.

I don't know if she felt the scorching gaze behind her, the woman looked back, revealing half of her face, exquisite and beautiful, with a hazy beauty, but the most attractive thing was the pair of charming but immature eyes.

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