The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 226: Don't rob my nest 22

the next day.

Grandma Wu looked helplessly at Luo Ci and Mu Bai in front of her, "Is Cici really going to leave with him?"

She is not an ordinary orc, she can predict certain future events, and she also knows some things that do not belong to this world, so when she sees Mu Bai, she knows that he is not a real orc.

Luo Ci's eyes were firm, "Go!"

Seeing her resolute attitude, Grandma Wu couldn't force it, but while giving them purple bracelets, she also handed Mu Bai an obsidian-like pendant.

"You go. Don't tell the other orcs about it."

She waved her hand.

"Thank you, Grandma Wu." Luo Ci thanked her and went out of the cave with Mu Bai.

"Are we going to say goodbye to Hill?"

Mu Bai rubbed her hair, "Forget it." It was also troublesome to explain, and that Grandma Wu told them not to say it.

In fact, it is normal to think about it. If other orcs know the existence of another world, they all come to disturb the wizard, because of curiosity or other reasons, they want to go to that world, it will be messed up. And the orcs may not be able to survive in that world.

"Okay." Luo Ci hugged Fragment's waist tightly and rubbed it softly.

"Do you want to stay for a few more days before leaving?" Mu Bai held her face in one hand and asked seriously.

After all, she is going to follow him to a strange place, and this is the home where she was born.

She shook her head and smiled brightly, "No need, we can leave now."

She had come for him.

The two dripped blood into the bracelet at the same time, and the light flashed, and they were never seen again.

Grandma Wu stepped out and took a look, then shook her head helplessly.


After Luo Ci and Mu Bai dripped blood on the bracelet, they held their hands tightly together.

When the light flashed, she lost consciousness in her mind, and when she woke up, she found herself lying on a large bed, her body a little limp and unable to exert herself.

She stretched out her hand on the bed, got up slowly, and leaned weakly against the pillow. Looking around a little, it was a very spacious bedroom with a simple style and a familiar atmosphere.

It's the fragmented room.

The clothes on his body were not the original ones, they were changed into comfortable home clothes.

The door was opened, Mu Bai looked tired, his eyes were full of red blood, the bottom of his eyes was a thick blue, and his clothes were a little messy. Seeing that she was awake, he hurried to the bedside, hugged her tightly, buried his head in her neck, his voice was a little panic-stricken, with trembling, "Cub, you're awake, do you feel any discomfort? ?"

Luo Ci was a little confused, and her voice was a little dry and weak, "I... what's wrong?"

Feeling the weakness of her body, thinking that it took a lot of strength to sit on the bed, especially the exhausted look on Fragment's face, she had a bad premonition.

"You've been in a coma for three days." Mu Bai's voice was unstable, with a little vibrato, his head buried in her neck.

There is some regret in my heart, is it that he should not bring the little fox back.

Obviously they returned to his world together, and he had almost nothing, but the little guy had been in a coma.

The personal doctor he invited couldn't find out the condition, and could only maintain her vital signs with daily injections. She didn't wake up until today.

Could the little fox not survive here?

Luo Ci checked her body, and there was some grumbling in her eyes. Obviously, she was not so restrained before, but now she can't tolerate it at all.

Probably sensing her little complaint, there were a few thunders in the sky outside, and she responded in a low voice, expressing its dissatisfaction.

It's fine to let that guy stay in the beast world, why do you want to go back with him?

The rules are very unhappy with this.

However, Fragment has his relatives, who came to her world indistinctly, and those relatives would definitely be worried.

So she would not and would not force him to stay.

It's just that the rules are still underestimated.

The rules are also very aggrieved. It is obviously a spirit fox, and it has to rely on the special environment of the beast world to gradually grow up. Now, he is just an adult, and he was abducted and left by others. Leaving that environment now, there is no spiritual energy to support her to become a human form, of course, it will consume her vitality.

Mu Bai can no longer become a white tiger now, after all, he is a human being, but the essence of a little fox is a little fox. This is also the reason why Grandma Wu told them not to tell other orcs. Orcs can survive in modern times, but to maintain life, they can only appear in animal form and have the same lifespan as ordinary animals.

And Luo Ci is still in human form, the body will automatically sleep to reduce life consumption,

Luo Ci's body was limp, and even her outstretched hand was a little weak. She gently stroked Mu Bai's broken hair, "I'll be fine."

Mu Bai raised his head, his light brown eyes were filled with remorse and heartache, and his voice was hoarse and dry, "Cub, I will cure you."

If the doctor can't find out the reason, then go to the Taoist priest, and always find a way to cure the little fox.

Seeing his uncomfortable expression of self-reproach, Luo Ci's heart also tingled.

She seemed to worry him again.


During this time, Mu Bai was with her most of the time, and he did not dare to leave, for fear that his little fox would not wake up.

Many doctors have come to see it, and they have said nothing can be done.

Mu Bai became more and more gloomy in front of outsiders, and his handsome face became pale and haggard, a little unhappy.

He sat on the edge of the bed, caressing the little fox's delicate and delicate eyebrows, his eyes stained with sadness.

The little fox fell asleep again.

She has very little time to wake up and usually has little energy.

It was obvious that he wanted to take her to see his family, to give her better living conditions, to buy her a lot of small skirts, and to dress up beautifully.

There is nothing in the little guy's world, but he wants to give everything of himself and spoil her on the tip of his heart.

But it caused her body to become thinner and thinner, and she even fell into a deep sleep from time to time.

Now he just wants her to get better soon, no matter what the cost.

"Abai." Mu Chen appeared at the door of the room with a worried and distressed expression.

The younger brother left for a while, and when he came back, he was holding a little girl, and they were happy for him at that time.

Because Mu Bai found his sweetheart, they didn't have to worry that he would be single for the rest of his life.

But the little girl didn't know what was wrong, and there was almost no smile on Bai's face.

Seeing him guarding the girl all day long, tirelessly looking for a doctor to treat her illness, every time aroused hope, but the result was bleak.

He was almost dead in front of them, like a walking corpse, only when the girl was awake, did he have a bit of popularity.

Mu Chen once saw the girl awake and gave A Bai a soft smile. A Bai hugged her and wanted to hug her tightly, but he was afraid of hurting her, little Yiyi.

He wouldn't show his negative emotions in front of the girl, only when she couldn't see it, his light brown eyes showed sad and helpless emotions, like a fragile cub who lost his way.

Sad and powerless.

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