The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 227: Don't rob my nest 23

Mu Chen once persuaded him to take a good rest, "If she gets better, but your body breaks down, your younger siblings will also worry about you."

But Mu Bai, as if he hadn't heard it, regarded himself as a robot, set aside time every day to contact various doctors, and mobilized human and material resources to find talented people.

Maybe it wasn't that he didn't hear it, but he didn't want to hear it.

Mu Chen saw the deep guilt and grief hidden in his eyes, and suddenly understood.

The self-blame and guilt that stemmed from his heart lingered him over and over again, stimulating him to wake up.

If he knew that the little fox would get weaker and weaker when he came here, he would never mention going home.

Of course, he disappeared without a trace without being able to tell his relatives, making his parents more sad and asking his elder brother to search every day, which is unfilial.

But if he had to choose, he would choose the little fox.

Because the little fox is something that can be met but cannot be found.

The parents and the elder brother take care of him, so he has no worries for the rest of his life.

Mu Bai thought, if she returns to the little fox's house, she will get better.

His bloodshot eyes stared deeply at Luo Ci who was sleeping. He would wash her body every day, and he would take care of changing and washing clothes himself.

He bowed his head slightly and kissed her lips with a very soft voice, "Get well soon."

The housekeeper said respectfully at the door, "Little young master, Chief Lin has already invited me."

His wrinkled face was full of worry and worry. Both young masters were brought up by him, and now... the second young master is a woman... alas.

Mu Bai lowered his head and straightened Luo Ci's hair seriously, his eyes were gentle, but when he looked at the door, he became indifferent and his voice was cold, "Please come in, everyone else will leave."

The Taoist priest in a Taoist robe twisted his beard and walked in slowly. He looked at Mu Bai and then at Luo Ci who was sleeping, with a little surprise in his eyes, "Second Master Mu, how do you have this spiritual energy? And this girl, she has a lot of spiritual energy, and there are still people like this now."

Mu Bai looked at him suddenly, "What do you mean?"

Lin Daochang looked more and more surprised, "Er Shao Mu doesn't know anything, except for our Daomen, we can still absorb some spiritual energy, which is almost impossible for people in the world to come into contact with. Even Daomen does not have such a pure spiritual body. "

As he spoke, he frowned, "But this spiritual energy is a bit unusual. The spiritual energy in this girl is gradually decreasing, and she is a natural spiritual body. Once there is no spiritual energy, it is very likely that—"

Mu Bai frowned as he listened, and interrupted, he didn't want to hear the words behind him, his little fox would definitely be fine!

Thinking of that ending, his lips turned pale and his eyes dimmed.

"Can the priest save her?"

Lin Daochang didn't care about Mu Bai's attitude. He knew some facial expressions, and he could see that Mu Ershao had great luck in his body. Such a humanistic sect would never be provoked. It is best to be a friend, and never an enemy.

Besides, he also knew that Mu Ershao was in a hurry, so naturally he would not have any comments.

Lin Daochang said frankly, "Unless the aura in her body can be kept in a stable state, but there is no such environment at all. Even Daomen can only detain a part of the aura by relying on some techniques, which is very thin."

Mu Bai's mind moved slightly, so as long as the little fox returns to her world, will it be all right?

"I have a Lingyu that has been cultivated for many years here, which can make her condition a little better, but this is only a temporary cure." Lin Daochang shook his head and left with a sigh.

Mu Bai took Lingyu, looked at the figure of Lin Daochang leaving, gritted his teeth, but still made up his mind, "Please stay."

He decided to tell about another world, and he was going to take the little fox back! Since the priest can tell the reason, there may be other ways.

Lin Daochang was a little surprised, "What else is there to do with Mu Ershao? This girl is really helpless because of her illness."

Mu Bai carefully put Lingyu on for the little fox, and then said, "She is not from this world."

Lin Daochang was a little shocked, looked at the little fox again, and muttered to himself, "So, what Master said is true."

He turned out a booklet out of nowhere, with unknown words and pictures on it, and he flipped through it for a long time.

Lin Daochang's tone was a little serious, "I didn't find it."

Mu Bai originally saw that he took out a booklet and turned it over, and thought there was a way, but the other party said that he couldn't find it. Is he playing tricks on him?

Immediately, the anger surged up, even evoking the bloodthirsty violence caused by the unconsciousness of the little fox during this period of time. His eyes were almost dyed red, like a fierce **** who fell into hell, with blood rising from the sky.

Lin Daochang stepped back subconsciously, he cried and said, "Wait! Wait! Let me think about it!"

Sure enough, people with great luck are not good people.

Mu Bai glanced at him coldly, silently, with a faint flash of purple in his eyes, he caressed Luo Ci's pale cheeks, cherishing and cautious.

Little fox, did you know that such a thing would happen if you left with him...

Surely you know.

But she still promised to come back with him because she didn't want to make herself feel knotted. If he stayed there for the rest of his life, as long as he thought of his parents and eldest brother going to find himself, who didn't know his life or death, he would feel extremely guilty in his heart.

She didn't want to embarrass herself, so she didn't say it, and he didn't ask if she would be okay.

She had never considered whether it would hurt her to travel to other worlds.

As before, self-righteous thought that since he could go to that world and become a white tiger, the little fox would definitely be able to live in his world.

He regretted it.

I would rather be unfaithful and unfilial than to have the little fox be hurt.

Lin Daochang finally said, "Otherwise, Mu Ershao can bring this girl to our Taoist sect to cultivate and relieve the symptoms."

Mu Bai didn't hesitate, "Okay. But I want to follow along."

When he left, he went to look for Mu Chen, "Brother, my parents will take care of you from now on."

Mu Chen didn't understand, but he nodded at the complicated and unspeakable emotions in his eyes, "Don't worry, Abai, bring your younger siblings back soon, we are all waiting for your wedding!"

The wedding...not possible.

He knew that his parents and eldest brother had been cautious in front of him during this time, for fear of irritating him.

When he brought the little fox back, he arranged her identity without asking her where she came from.

Because they are the people he likes, they are full of tolerance.


There was only one word of apology left in the air.

Mu Chen suddenly had a feeling in his heart that his younger brother might not come back.

I was a little sad in my heart, but I didn't complain.

He said silently, "Abai, as long as you live happily, my parents and I will be very happy."

That girl is Ah Bai's life.

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