The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 235: Immortal gate group pet little master 3

Ye Che's small head rested on her shoulder, and his eyes had some deep meaning.

He won't be bullied for nothing...

Those people must be scared now.

Humph, just let a few fish monsters scare them.

If it wasn't for his sister, he wouldn't let it go easily.

Luo Ci thought that he had no clothes on, so she released him and rummaged through the storage ring to see if she had any smaller clothes.

Finally found a small skirt, the style is cute and cute, she held the skirt, "Ache, I can only wear this for you now, and later let senior brother make you a fitting robe."

Yes, her clothes are all robes, and from childhood to adulthood, the style is all cute and how to come.

Ye Che looked at the cute little skirt, and asked her to help put it on a little obediently, but he didn't shirk it at all.

After putting on the small skirt, he looked even cuter, and his appearance was immature, and outsiders could not tell the gender for the time being.

Luo Ci couldn't help but leaned in to kiss him on the face, her eyes curved into crescents, and the fragments looked so cute when they were young.

Ye Che was like a cat with blown fur, his face flushed red, and his voice stuttered, "Sister, elder sister?"

"you are so cute."

The little mermaid threw herself into her arms, holding her hands tightly, and the fish tail slowly changed back to her legs.

Luo Ci couldn't help but ask, "Does it turn into a fish tail when it touches water?"

Ye Che rubbed in her arms with some attachment, and answered truthfully, "It's the way it is now, I'll be able to control it freely when I become stronger in the future."

"After that, you must not touch the water outside. If you find it, you will suffer." She didn't care if she was alone, she just let the younger generation find out, and maybe she would use the banner to let Xianmen hand over the little merman.

Although Xianmen is not afraid, there will be a certain blow to its reputation.

After all, monks and monsters have always been opposites, and so are the demons.

"Yeah." Ye Che rubbed softly in her arms again.

He likes his sister's arms, it's warm and smells good.

The body temperature of the merman is lower, and his body temperature is even lower than that of the average merman.

"Sister, you haven't told me your name yet." The little merman in his arms raised his head and stared straight at her, as if he was persistent.

"My name is Luo Ci, and I'm the little master of Xianmen." She said it all without concealment.

Not everyone knows her identity.

"Sister is amazing." The little merman's eyes were sparkling, and he seemed to admire him.

Suddenly hearing a grunt, Ye Che blushed slightly.

Luo Ci squeezed his face lightly, and took out the sweet-scented osmanthus cake from the storage ring, "A Che eat this first, I'll see if there are any others."

The space in her storage ring is still, so it can keep warm and still warm.

The little merman slowly took out a small piece from the oiled paper. Instead of eating it himself, he handed it to her slender lips. His fingers accidentally touched the lips, and the little merman became shy again and his voice was soft. Yes, "sister eat first."

Luo Ci opened her lips slightly and ate the sweet-scented osmanthus cake.

Ye Che's fingers touched the thin and soft lips again, but he didn't want to leave his eyes. He kept staring at her until she urged him to eat the sweet-scented osmanthus cake.

In fact, he doesn't like sweets, but this is what his sister gave him.

Clear eyes flashed with joy and joy.

Luo Ci took out several storage rings and rummaged through them one by one, "Well... this is the weapon given by the senior brother, this is the medicinal pill refined by the second senior brother, this is the array made by the third senior brother... um, this is It's the meal that Seventh Senior Brother cooked."

She took out a table of dishes from the ring, and she deliberately screened some fish dishes, "Ache, please eat."

She put the table in front of the bed so that the little mermaid wouldn't have to walk over.

Luo Ci didn't prepare to eat, but continued to take out the map to study. She lay on the bed and glanced at the mark on it with wide eyes, but she couldn't find a place that overlapped with this place.

Can't help but feel a little resentful, why let her be so stupid.

As the little master of Xianmen, he has been lost all the time, and he has to ask Xianmen disciples to search everywhere.

It broke my heart, even drawing such a map, but I still lost my way.

Ye Che took a small bite to eat, and Yu Guang kept looking at her secretly. He saw that there was some dissatisfaction on his sister's face, as if her hair was fried, and his little hands couldn't help but want to pinch her face, but he still didn't dare to do it, "Sister is looking at the map. ?"

My sister said he was cute, but in fact, my sister was the cutest.

Wearing a little flower dress, beautiful and cute.

It doesn't feel much bigger than him.

Luo Ci thought for a while, put the map in front of him, and lowered her head a little aggrieved, "I don't know where this place is."

Ye Che looked at her aggrieved expression that she was about to cry, and his heart moved slightly. He wanted to kiss his sister, but he should wait until her sister became familiar with him before kissing.

On the contrary, my sister kissed him anyway, and touched his tail.

It's not too much for him to come back.

The little shark looked at the map and quickly pointed out the location, "Sister, we are at this location now. Where are you going?"

Luo Ci nodded her head and clenched her fists tightly, "Some time ago, a few villains from the Demon Race bloodbathed a city, and I'm going to kill them!"

Ye Che's curled and thick eyelashes trembled, "Sister, do you know where they are?"

Luo Ci shook her head, but quickly took out an array plate, "This is the array plate that my senior brother helped me refine, and it can show the approximate locations of the demons."

Four spots of light quickly appeared on the array plate, and they were relatively close together. She poked her finger, "Does A Che know what is displayed on it?"

He looked at the little shark pitifully.

Ye Che looked at the map carefully, "It seems to be in Qingyuan City."

"Then Ah Che, let's go to Qingyuan City first, and I'll buy you some new clothes after the demons have been dealt with." She was worried that the demons would wash the city again and kill innocent mortals.

"It's all according to elder sister." Ye Che wiped his mouth and replied obediently.

"I'll adjust the direction of the flying boat, A Che will rest first." The flying boat refined by my brother is equipped with automatic driving mode, as long as the route is marked and enough spiritual stones are put in.

As soon as Luo Ci cleaned up the food on the table, she left the small room and went to the driving area to mark the route. The flying boat put road signs from various places, so she was not afraid that she marked the wrong one and ran to other places.

After the setting, when I came back, I found the little merman lying obediently on the soft couch, looking over with bright eyes, a little excited, "Sister wants to sleep with me?"

His ears reddened quietly.

Luo Ci climbed onto the soft couch, "A Che sleeps inside."

Ye Che moved his position inside, and after she lay down, he took the initiative to get close to her waist and hugged her waist, his head also resting on her neck, rubbing softly.


She fell asleep quickly with a sweet smile on the corner of her mouth.

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