The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 236: Immortal gate group pet little master 4

The little merman didn't fall asleep. His beautiful eyes at night seemed to hide stars. He propped up a little, leaned in front of Luo Ci's quiet sleeping face, and carefully kissed her cheek.


After stealing the kiss, he pursed his lips, lay back slowly, and hugged her tightly before closing his eyes and resting.


When they were on their way, the relationship between the two became more intimate, and Ye Che became more clingy.

These days, they spent all their time on the flying boat. The flying boat had a solid defense and was traveling very fast. Luo Ci was not worried about someone sneaking up on it.

A few days later, they finally arrived at Qingyuan City.

Qingyuan City belongs to the half-worldly world and half-immortal world. There are not only shops for mortals, but also a cultivator's market. In Tianlan Continent, it is considered a medium-sized city, and the markets are not too far apart. The mortals here have dealt with monks since childhood, so they will not be as surprised as in other places. Very calm.

Luo Ci turned her head and asked, "A Che, do you want me to hold you? Does it still hurt when you walk?"

Ye Che shook his head and showed a soft smile, "Sister doesn't need to hold me."

"Alright then, tell me if you feel uncomfortable." Luo Ci jumped off the flying boat and reached out to him.

The little merman looked at her hand with beautiful and clean eyes, reached out and put it lightly on her hand, rushing towards her.

Luo Ci received it firmly, and the little merman took the initiative to leave her embrace, just holding her hand, with a crisp voice, "Just hold me, sister."

He was also wearing a small skirt, which was originally made recently by senior brother, and could be adjusted in size. Luo Ci used it for the little merman to wear.

It's not that she can't buy some clothes on the way, it's just that there are few good-quality robes for takeout. She worries that she can't take care of the little merman and hurt him, so it's better to wear hers.

Of course, there is also a reason why she wants to see Fragment in a skirt.

But she wouldn't say it.

And the little fragments are so good, they can do whatever they want, so cute.

One day in the middle, Luo Ci wanted to touch his tail, but the little merman just blushed and showed his royal blue tail again, obediently letting her touch it.

Luo Ci took out the array plate and looked at the red spots on it, "They should be nearby, let's go to the inn first."

She took Ye Che and slowly walked into Qingyuan City. There were two guards at the entrance, "Everyone needs to pay five low-grade spirit stones to enter the city."

Luo Ci was stunned for a while, her little face was a little helpless, she rummaged through the storage ring for a long time, but couldn't find a single low-grade spirit stone.

The senior brothers and the others stuffed themselves with high-grade spirit stones to start with, how could there be low-grade spirit stones, and they were immediately puffed up.

The guard saw that the little girl couldn't take out the spirit stone for a long time, and sighed, "Forget it, I paid for the spirit stone for both of you."

It was still a little dangerous at night outside the city. One of the two little girls looked to be in their teens and the other was only eight or nine years old. He couldn't bear to stop them outside.

Another guard also said, "Let's pad together."

Luo Ci thanked her earnestly and took out a small bottle of the mildest medicine pill from her ring, "This is a thank you gift."

After all, she led Ye Che into the city gate.

The guard was a little stunned. When he opened the bottle, he saw that there were six round medicinal pills in it, exuding a strong medicinal fragrance and spiritual energy.

He turned around quickly to see that the two little girls had already been overwhelmed by the crowd.

"Half of us." The two guards discussed.

"I didn't expect such luck."

"Don't tell anyone about this."

They have never seen this medicinal pill before, and they know that it is far from being comparable to ten low-grade spirit stones. It is not that the girl does not have spirit stones, but that she does not have low-grade spirit stones.

Qingyuan City was relatively crowded these days, Luo Ci held Ye Che tightly and said in a low voice, "A Che must hold me tight, don't get lost."

Ye Che looked at her with a smile, and said softly, "I won't lose my sister."

Never will.

When they arrived at the inn, Luo Ci dropped two golden leaves, "One goes to the room."

The shopkeeper accepted the golden leaves, and happily asked Xiao Er to take them to the Tianzihao private room. It was not that no one around saw her spending money, but no one dared to plunder her.

First, the monks don't care about gold and silver, so they won't find fault. Second, the mortals in Qingyuan City are more cautious about such people. It is very likely that the other party is either a eldest lady or a monk, and they can't afford it.

After settling down at the inn, Luo Ci took out the array plate again, "They are very close to us...but we can't find the location. If there is something to detect the magic energy, it would be good, go back and ask senior brother to help refine it."

Ye Che sat beside her, holding her by the corners of her clothes, and suddenly asked, "Does my sister hate demons?"

Luo Ci shook her head, "I haven't had much contact with the demons, because they won't let me go out. It's just that these demons are doing bad things. If we don't eradicate them, a lot of innocent people will die."

This time, because everyone who could keep her from going out was closed, she secretly took the array plate that the senior brother made for his disciples. The strength of those disciples is not as good as her, and she is usually fine, but the senior brother just doesn't tell her to go out.

Not just getting lost.

She didn't find a place this time, and she would soon be able to complete the task and bring the little merman back to Xianmen.

Ye Che nodded, did not speak any more, and sat quietly on the side.

Luo Ci sat at the table and kept drawing talismans, and stopped when it was getting late. She stood up and posted several pictures in the room in a row, then turned to the little shark and said, "I'll go out at night, will you wait for me at the inn?"

The little merman looked at her eagerly, but did not speak.

But the meaning in his eyes was already obvious, he didn't want his sister to leave.

But he didn't say it.

This will indeed make Luo Ci a little soft-hearted, but she is not sure how powerful those demons are, she is afraid that she will not be able to protect the little merman.

"A Che, wait for me to come back, this is for you." She took out a jade pendant and a jade buckle, "This is a defensive jade pendant, it can resist most damage, if there is danger, crush this jade buckle. , I'll be back as soon as possible."

Ye Che had no choice but to nod his head obediently. He leaned forward and kissed her on the face with a shy smile, "Big sister, come back early to sleep with me."

Luo Ci touched the place on his face where he was kissed, and dropped a kiss on his face, rubbing his head, "Don't worry, I'm very good!"

She jumped out of the window.

Only Ye Che was left in the room.

The little merman is not so pure and innocent now, his eyes are a little deep, looking straight at the direction she left, and there is some kind of paranoia in his eyes.

Maybe he wasn't pretending, just happened to be like this in front of her.

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