The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 237: Immortal gate group pet little master 5

Luo Ci affixed the Qi restraining talisman and hurried to the direction of the City Lord's Mansion.

Looking down from the sky, the City Lord's Mansion is quite eye-catching and covers a huge area, so she did not get lost this time.

He went directly to the city lord's mansion and escaped the guards.

She faintly felt that something was wrong. The air had a faint smell of blood, a disgusting aura, and even a rotten aura of death.

She has a strong sense of consciousness, and soon found the source of the breath, and followed it carefully along the source.

And posted an incognito.

This was previously drawn in one breath at the inn.

The source of the breath is in a relatively remote room. Through the window, you can see the figure under the candlelight in the room. There are no guards and maids around, and you can only hear the conversations of the people in the room.

"City Master Qi, how many more days are you going to delay?" The speaker's voice was hoarse, as if he was involved in something.

"Jie Jie Jie, you don't want your wife and children to live? Don't forget, they were poisoned by my demons."

"Hmph! I'll give you another day. If you can't gather the people of the city to the square, then watch your wife and children die!"

"...Okay." A middle-aged man's helpless voice came from the room, anger and helpless sadness, and a bit of resoluteness.

The door was opened, and a middle-aged man with a sad face walked out.

Luo Ci in the hiding place watched him leave, looked at the demon in the room, thought for a while, quietly approached the door, stuck a seal, and then turned to follow the city lord Qi.

It is not difficult to imagine that those demon races are probably limited in their strength and can only perform the blood sacrifice technique within a certain range, so they threatened the city lord and wanted to use the prestige of Qi city lord to lift the people in the city.

From this point of view, the cultivation of those Demon Races should not be higher than that of City Lord Qi, or they would not threaten the lives of his relatives, rather than directly threatening him.

Although she can definitely get rid of them in seconds, the poison in their mouths may not be able to be solved. She can only temporarily seal the entire room with a seal to prevent them from running out.

The City Lord Qi came to the master bedroom, there was a dark room, and looked sadly at his wife and child who had used the ice to seal, his eyes were full of struggle and pain.

In fact, he still can't choose what to do.

On one side are the people of the whole city, and on the other side are their relatives.

On the one hand are the people who trust him, and on the other are blood relatives.

Tens of thousands of people, compared with the two, which is more important?

Until the end, City Lord Qi spit out a few words with difficulty, "Madam, I'm sorry."

He couldn't sacrifice the entire city and wipe out his conscience.

Luo Ci entered the dark room, and this movement alarmed the grief-stricken City Lord Qi. His eyes were vigilant, "Who?"

She tore off the invisibility amulet on her body, revealing her face, and her tone was flat, "Let me see the poison on them, those demons have been blocked from moving."

City Lord Qi was stunned. This girl who looked like she was only in her teens actually exuded an irresistible noble aura, which made people surrender.

Luo Ci took a closer look, her beautiful eyebrows were slightly frowned, but they soon relaxed.

City Lord Qi said at the right time, "The poison on my wife's child has endangered her life. Even if you get the antidote, if you don't have Xianmen's Jiuzhuan Yuqing Pill, there is still nothing to make up for it."

Luo Ci glanced at him, then slowly took out a bottle of elixir from the storage ring and handed it to him, "Is it this elixir?"

She has never studied medicine or alchemy, but she knows a little bit of talisman.

City Lord Qi opened the bottle mouth with trembling fingers and looked at the round and crystal clear medicine pill in the jade bottle, with a layer of lines like clouds and fog on it, his eyes showed excitement, and his voice trembled, "This is... Pin Jiuzhuan Yuqing Dan?"

It’s not bad for ordinary people to get a rank nine jade clear pill, but this little girl took out a bottle at once, and it’s all of heavenly quality!

Luo Ci nodded her head, she didn't have the demeanor of an expert at the moment, she asked in confusion, "Can't this medicine pill save them?"

Like a dazed, reclusive eldest lady.

This city lord felt pretty good, but in the end he chose to sacrifice his relatives instead of doing what the demons said.

City Lord Qi was so excited that he hurriedly said, "It can be saved, it can be saved!"

If it is just ordinary quality, it is true that it cannot be completely detoxified, but the life is worry-free, but the heavenly quality can wash the sutras and marrow of the wife and the child, thus reborn, and it is not as simple as detoxification.

Luo Ci stopped her thoughts of continuing to take the medicine pill, and urged, "Then give it to them quickly, and I will deal with those demons."

To solve the demon race, take the little merman back to Xianmen to raise it well.

City Lord Qi opened the ice that sealed them, carefully took a pill for each of them, and then returned the bottle to Luo Ci, "Thank you, little friend."

There is not a trace of reluctance and possession in his eyes. If you can get two of them, the life of your relatives is not bad. How can you be greedy for more.

He didn't ask her how she got so many pills, she was probably the daughter of a big man in Xianmen.

Luo Ci took one out of it and flicked it with her fingers. The pill floated in front of City Lord Qi and said nonchalantly, "You are also poisoned, so eat one too."

"I'm going to deal with those demons."

After speaking, he left without hesitation, still a little happy in his heart.

Hmph, I persuaded her not to go, but the result is very simple, a few pills can easily solve the crisis of destroying the city.

But just this pill, not everyone can take it out. Generally, only the elders of Xianmen will have a few, or the disciples with outstanding talent have the opportunity to obtain them, and there are almost no purchase channels outside. After all, this is an elixir refined by Xianmen Shizu, and there are no other alchemists in the world who can refine the rank nine jade clear pills. Generally, it is not bad to be able to reach the seventh rank.

Lightly humming a little tune, she quickly returned to the original room and pushed the door directly in. There were three demons in the room, and the body was filled with rotten death energy and blood energy rising from the sky. kill evil.

The three Demon Races were shocked when they saw her, and they started to attack without saying a word. They could feel her unfathomable depth.

Luo Ci just threw a defensive talisman at them and blocked all the attacks.

Black blood spilled from the corner of a demon's mouth, covering his chest, his face turned pale, "Who are you?"

She tilted her head slightly, "The one who came to take your life."

He raised his hand gently, and a long sword with a terrifying cold air appeared. There were no complicated lines or gorgeous appearance, only the simplicity of returning to the basics. With a slight wave, the sword body did not even touch their bodies. Killed three people directly.

The body of the demons began to collapse, torn apart, and three translucent villains overflowed from it. They were ready to escape with horror on their faces, but Luo Ci took out three small porcelain jars and sealed them one by one.

"Finish work."

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