The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 238: Immortal gate group pet little master 6

Luo Ci glanced at the corpse on the ground and felt a little disgusted. A silver spirit fire popped out of her slender fingers, burning the corpse to nothingness.

She knew that there must be someone behind this incident, and she was not suitable for interrogation, so she simply collected their souls and took them back to the sect master.

Just as he was about to go out, he found that City Lord Qi appeared at the door at some point, followed by his wife and son.

After all, the three demon clans they recruited were gone. The crisis of the entire city was lifted just like that.

Luo Ci said lazily, "You are late, there is no way to take revenge."

City Lord Qi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but there was respect in his eyes. He thought that this girl should have many treasures given by the elders of the family, so he was not afraid of the three demon races, but they easily took them with one sword. destroyed.

No, it can't be called a girl anymore. The Xiuxian world respects strength, so he should call the other party a senior.

"Many thanks to this senior for saving the lives of the wife and the dog." He thanked him.

"No thanks, I'm leaving."

Luo Ci stepped on the sword and Yujian left.

The city lord looked at the sky for a while, then turned to his wife and said, "Madam, my husband wanted to give up on you before."

Eyes full of pain.

The city lord's wife shook her head slightly, with a tender expression on her face, "Master, I never blame you. If you really sacrificed the lives of the people in the city for me and the child, I would look down on you."

"Dad, you did the right thing!"


Luo Ci stood on the sword and looked down for the location of the inn, but the city was quite large, and there were many buildings that looked the same.

Can't tell which is which.

She seems to be out of the way again.

The spirit sword under his feet was instructed to turn left and right, almost making it dizzy.

Can the master be a little more reliable?

Life is not easy, Jian Ling sighed.

After an unknown amount of time, Luo Ci finally returned to the inn room.

She pushed open the window carefully and jumped in gently, not knowing whether the fragments slept or not.

The room was dark without lights and the debris should rest.

Climbing onto the bed carefully, just as he was about to lie down, he was hugged by a somewhat cold body.

She was hugged tightly. It was obvious that the other party was smaller and taller than her. Her little head was almost nestled in her arms, but she had a kind of domineering and paranoid possessiveness that wrapped her tightly around her. Tight.

Luo Ci didn't react for a while, so she obediently let him hold her.

Little Mermaid... Didn't sleep?

As if she could hear her inner voice, a grieved Nuo Nuo voice came from her ears, and she complained in a low voice, "Why did my sister come back so late..."

There seemed to be some crying, with depression and fear.

"I thought my sister...don't want me anymore."

It's really late, it's almost dawn.

Luo Ci put her hand on his head, her beautiful eyes filled with distress, "I didn't want you."

The little mermaid hugged him even tighter, as if she was afraid that she would push him away.

Luo Ci said a little aggrievedly, "I... lost my way."

It took several hours to find the inn to return, and she didn't sleep.

Ye Che froze slightly. Although he said that his sister was not very good at reading maps before and asked him to help find the way, he only thought that it was the map that her sister couldn't understand (in fact, anyone other than her would not be able to use the map. get lost).

He didn't expect that in such a city, my sister would not be able to find the way to the inn...

"Those buildings look so similar, I can't tell the difference..." Luo Ci was also very wronged, and she had to say it.

Hearing this sentence, the little shark suddenly thought that if his sister and him settled in the wilderness, and she left in the middle, it is very likely that she would not be able to see her...

Because in the wilderness, the trees also look very similar, a large area of ​​​​…

He raised his head and looked at Luo Ci.

In the dark night, his eyes were like twinkling stars, shining brightly, staring at her.

Ye Che saw her very clearly, there was some grievance on the cute and childish face, and his lips were slightly pouted, as if he was sulking, which made him want to get close...

"Sister, can you not leave me in the future?" The clean and sweet voice seemed to be mixed with a bit of soul capture, charming and dangerous.

He was really worried that if they separated one day, his sister wouldn't be able to find him.

Luo Ci lowered her head and pinched his face, "Okay."

Ye Che fixedly looked at her clear and bright eyes, her eyes were clear, and she was not confused by his voice at all, but she still gave him the answer he liked.

My sister is willing.

The merman's voice has the power to captivate people's hearts. If they want to confuse anyone, they usually do. He deliberately blessed this power, but it was useless to his sister.

This made him a little disappointed, but also happy.

What's lost is that he can't control his sister.

Happily, my sister accepted him willingly.

The merman doesn't understand love, but only has a strong possessiveness. His first thought is to control her, confuse her, and induce her to like him.

But it didn't work.

That means there is no sense of security.

Because the other party is completely out of his control.

The little merman didn't understand how to keep him in his sister's heart.

Luo Ci was lying on the bed, ready to make up for her sleep, "A Che, hurry up and sleep, children who don't sleep well won't grow taller."

Although her cultivation base is very high, it is no problem to not sleep for ten days and a half months, but she prefers the feeling of sleeping, just like the monk who has been inediate still eats three meals a day as usual, this is a habit.

Ye Che wrapped his arms around her waist, holding her little hands tightly, and leaning her little head on her shoulders, almost wishing to wrap her whole body around her, a bit like an octopus.

Luo Ci wasn't used to it, but when he moved his little hand away, he could feel the little merman staring at her. Suddenly I can't bear it anymore.

Simply doesn't care.

Before falling asleep, she was still a little depressed, and her hands and feet were no longer free.

Inexplicably, I remembered that my sleeping position was not very good before, and I almost pushed the debris out of the bed, and it was wrapped tightly around him like a pillow.

Is the feng shui turning now?


After staying in Qingyuan City for a long time, I bought some men's clothes suitable for the little sharks, and then took the flying boat back to Xianmen.

Because of Ye Che's help, he didn't get lost again this time, and he returned to Xianmen in a few days.

The old sect master keeps his eyes on Xianmen Square every day. The square is the place where the disciples practice swordsmanship and compete. Every time someone asks, the sect master sternly replies, "This sect master comes to see how the disciples are practicing."

However, in fact, he was waiting bitterly for the little master to come back.

When he saw the familiar flying boat hovering above Xianmen, he was so excited that he almost burst into tears.

No one knows his suffering.

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