The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 239: Xianmen group pet little master 7

The flying boat slowly landed on Xianmen Square, and the disciples who practiced swords also stopped one after another, and leaned over to the side of the flying boat to look at her.

"Little Master is back!"

"It didn't seem to take too long this time."

As soon as the door owner moved, he was suspended in mid-air, and said solemnly, "All retreat, don't block the way of the little master."

Luo Ci blinked, led Ye Che to jump off the flying boat, raised her hand to move towards the flying boat, and put it in the storage ring.

Everyone in Immortal Sect was a little surprised. The sect master leaned forward and asked, "Why did the little master bring someone back?"

He carefully scrutinized Ye Che, and he was a little relieved that no abnormality was found.

Little Shizu was young and not deep in the world, so he had to keep an eye on him and not let outsiders be deceived.

Luo Ci looked down at Ye Che. In fact, she really should give Fragment an identity, but she didn't expect to accept it as an apprentice, she just wanted to bring it back to her residence. With a serious face, he said, "Before he was bullied, I brought him back when I saw that he was helpless."

The sect master stroked his beard, "If that's the case, then accept it as an outer sect disciple."

Xianmen does not accept everyone, and it is not bad to be able to give the status of an outer sect disciple without testing his talent or knowing his strength.

Luo Ci frowned, "I'll let Master see if I can accept him as an apprentice."

The old man of the door was so shocked that his chin almost dropped to the ground, little master, can't you go through the back door like this?

Thinking that he is just the apprentice of the apprentice of the apprentice of the master's ancestor...

The surrounding disciples looked at Ye Che with envy and hatred. They would not have any prejudice or dissatisfaction with the little master, but they were still not convinced by Ye Che. Why can an unknown little boy who just arrived get the favor of the little master, and arrange him to worship the master, even if it may not succeed, but the little master is so favored by the master, he will not be treated badly. he.

Of course, the little merman felt their dissatisfaction, and his eyes seemed to eat him alive.

He hugged Luo Ci's waist tightly, buried his head in her arms, his voice was a little aggrieved, and his body shrank, "Sister, I'm afraid..."

Ye Che was buried in her arms, and her long and thick eyelashes drooped slightly, covering the depths.

Luo Ci rubbed his hair, and immediately turned a cold and cute face, and glanced at the disciples with some dissatisfaction, "Practice your sword well."

Holding Ye Che, he was about to leave. He seemed to have thought of something, and threw the bottle containing the demon soul to the door owner, "The task is completed, and the rest will be handed over to you for interrogation."

The disciples in the square were a little depressed. Even though they didn't do anything, the little boy was still wronged, causing them to be stared at by the little master.

And he also hugs the little master, is the little master you can hug if you want?

The sect master held the jade bottle and said with a stern face, "Why are you standing still? You still don't practice swords?"

He left with Shi Shiran behind his back. In fact, he was bitter in his heart. Every time he met the little master, he had to do everything by himself. Obviously the interrogation is a matter of the punishment hall, but the little master gave it to himself, alas...


Qingxin Temple.

When Luo Ci returned with Ye Che, she saw a disciple wearing inner sect costumes guarding outside the hall, "Who are you?"

When the disciple turned around and saw her, there was a flash of light in his eyes, and with joy, he subconsciously saluted, "Disciple Lin Yichen pays respects to the little master."

When he raised his head, he found that the little master was holding a little boy, looking at their somewhat intimate posture, jealous in his heart.

Luo Ci nodded flatly, "Why are you here?"

Lin Yichen made himself ignore Ye Che's existence. His voice was almost unable to hide his joy, with a hint of pride, "This disciple has successfully passed the thirty-sixth floor of the Tiangang Pagoda, and wants to worship the little master."

In the tone, it seems that it is a sure thing to worship the little master as a teacher.

Ye Che couldn't help grasping Luo Ci's clothes tightly, pursing his soft lips, his eyes were still clear, but he could see how unhappy he was.

He didn't want his sister to agree.

But I don't know how to speak, can I choose one person to apprentice at will through the thirty-sixth floor of Tiangang Pagoda?

Luo Ci frowned slightly, glanced at Lin Yichen, and said lightly, "Go back, I don't accept disciples."

Unlike in the square before, at that time she just deliberately pretended to be a little master, but to those disciples, she felt more cordial, and there was no pressure on the generation.

But now she is flat and indifferent, showing no other emotions, and the momentum of being a master can be seen at a glance.

After she finished speaking, she was ready to bring Ye Che back to the palace.

Lin Yichen trembled slightly, his eyes were a little unwilling, and he said persistently, "The disciple heard that as long as you pass the thirty-sixth floor of the Tiangang Pagoda, you can worship anyone."

"I'm not on this list." Luo Ci was a little unhappy with this person in her heart, so her attitude was relatively indifferent, and she really wouldn't accept people as a disciple casually.

Moreover, the Tiangang Pagoda has a total of 108 floors. Just passing through the 36th floor and wanting to pass the elders of Xianmen and worship her, is indeed a beautiful thought.

Under the sect of the patriarch's young apprentice, how could he be able to enter if he wanted to?

Raising his hand and flicking, a gust of breeze took Lin Yichen away from the Qingxin Hall, while he brought Ye Che into the hall.

There is a formation outside the Qingxin Hall. After they entered, they were shrouded in hazy clouds, and they couldn't see the inside of the hall from the outside.

Lin Yichen was unwilling, and felt a little ashamed, with a gloomy expression on his face, and finally left angrily.

There was no attendant disciple to take care of the Qingxin Hall, only Luo Ci was alone, and now there was another Ye Che.

"Ache will live here in the future." She pointed to a room.

She paused and said, "I'll take you to see when Master leaves."

Ye Che looked at the furnishings of the room. It was comfortable and simple, with complete utensils. There was an extremely abundant spiritual energy in the room, which was very suitable for cultivation.

He gently tugged at her sleeve, as if timid, his clear eyes filled with anticipation and hope, "Sister... Can I live with you?"


Luo Ci nodded her head, it was nothing, the fragments should have just arrived, they were not used to it, and they were still so small, it was normal to rely on her.

She took him directly to her room, "Does A Che want to practice? But I don't know what exercises the merman should practice."

She opened her fingers and counted, like a child counting, "I only know a little swordsmanship, and I can also talisman, and finally the formation."

Ye Che couldn't help but approached her, as if he was attached to her, and told the truth, "Sister, I have an inheritance method."

He didn't want to hide from her.

"Oh." There was a bit of disappointment in his voice.

He seemed to regret that he couldn't teach him anything himself.

The little merman heard her disappointment, so he said, "Can my sister teach me swordsmanship? I can also learn swordsmanship."

Seeing her obviously excited expression, Ye Che couldn't help but feel happy.

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