The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 240: Immortal gate group pet little master 8

Ye Che stayed in Qingxin Palace like this.

Every morning, I practice swords with Luo Ci. Most of the disciples of Xianmen were a little dissatisfied with the fact that a person who was barely regarded as an outer disciple was admitted to the Qingxin Temple.

The young master's place was rich in spiritual energy and had almost the most cultivation resources, so how could they not be jealous, and even secretly wanted to find fault, but Ye Che couldn't come out, so they couldn't do anything about it.

However, I heard that after the patriarch left the customs, the little patriarch took Ye Che to see him, but the patriarch did not accept him as a disciple, which made all the disciples secretly happy, and also made the elders relieved.

They didn't want to call an eight or nine-year-old boy Shizu again.

That's all for the little master. After all, he was raised by the master since he was a child. He was accepted as an apprentice very early, and he was talented and intelligent. At the age of sixteen, he seemed to have opened up the two veins of Ren and Du. Main Street.

And because of her, the three masters will open up the resources of the 1.9-turn Yuqingdan to Xianmen. The masters dote on them, and no one dares to be dissatisfied with her.

The Immortal Sect has a strict hierarchy and attaches great importance to seniority, but no one dislikes Luo Ci.

One day, Luo Ci was concentrating on watching the sword formation left by the master. The talent of the previous clone was indeed a lot higher than that of ordinary people, but it would not have the strength of the elders. It was not until the consciousness of the deity came that the cultivation level jumped a thousand miles. .

This plane did not belong to the same category as what she had learned before, so she rarely got interested and began to study it seriously.

She quietly looked at the method of the sword formation, her face was quiet and soft, her eyebrows and eyes were gentle, but she soon pouted her lips slightly, and her face became more playful and vivid, as if she was worried about something.

Ye Che stopped the sword in his hand and looked at her with piercing eyes.

The little shark covered his heart slightly, and his beautiful eyes were a little confused. What was this feeling... The ups and downs were more violent than before, making him a little helpless.

It's more irritating than the feeling of wanting to monopolize my sister before.

He knew that his sister liked good children, so he docilely agreed to do everything, including touching his tail.

In fact, the first time I was touched by my sister's tail, I was nervous and shy, but also a little happy and satisfied.

Later, she mentioned it again. He clearly knew that the tail could not be touched casually, but he almost couldn't wait to reveal the fish tail that had not yet grown up.

When his sister's warm little hands caressed the scales on his fish tail, he could hardly restrain the trembling in his body and shrank slightly, not afraid, but... almost infatuated with monopoly.

Some emotions are beyond his control, but they are sweet, which makes him happy.

So much so that he didn't use the mermaid's charming voice to induce his sister and put himself into her heart. can be trusted.

She will always treat him like this.

not like his mother...

Deceived, abandoned, and finally killed to protect him.

Ye Che's dark and beautiful eyes were somewhat deep, and the pupils in them were almost shrunk to a point, revealing a cold and ruthless hostility.

Probably sensing that something was wrong with him, Luo Ci withdrew from the state of meditation, walked up to him and asked with some concern, "What's wrong with A Che?"

Ye Che shook his small head, his eyes were clear, his slender red lips parted slightly, "I'm fine." His eyes were a little sad, "I just think of my mother..."

Luo Ci opened her lips, didn't say anything, just hugged him gently.

Some things are not suitable for asking, only suitable for being a quiet listener when the other party takes the initiative to speak.

After a long time, she said, "A Che will have me in the future."

Ye Che hugged her tightly.

He said silently in his heart, what my sister promised me, she must not break her promise.

Later, he took the initiative to let go and didn't keep pestering her.

He knew that there should be Zhang and Chi. If he was sticking like that all the time, maybe his sister would get bored of him, and he didn't want to.

Luo Ci rubbed his soft hair, "After a month, there will be an outer sect competition, and if you enter the top ten, you can enter the inner sect and become a disciple."

Master confiscated A Che to the door at that time, it seems that he did not agree because he knew his identity as a monster. After all, the cultivation system of monsters is different from that of monks. She can only teach swordsmanship, and she can't mess with other things.

But apart from Master, no one could see Ye Che's identity.

Although she didn't pay much attention to Xianmen's affairs, the sect master told her that A Che seemed to have caused great dissatisfaction among his disciples. If he entered the inner sect directly, there would likely be a dispute, so she could only reluctantly agree to let Ye Che participate in the grand ceremony. Compare.

She didn't want Fragment to be hostilely targeted by Xianmen disciples, saying that he was useless.

But I'm still not very happy in my heart, obviously I can rely on the backstage.

It's not that I didn't think about accepting fragments as apprentices, but... the world of immortals strongly forbids master-apprentice love, which is a taboo love.

The fragments are already monsters, and the monks, monsters, and demons are each repelled. If they want to be together, they will be greatly resisted.

Ye Che's voice was soft, "Sister, I will definitely get the first place."

The strength of the outer sect disciples is not strong, and almost all the new entry disciples participate in the big competition after cultivating for a period of time, in order to obtain the qualifications for the inner sect cultivation.

Those disciples were only able to practice for two or three months.

The little shark can definitely do it.


All the outer disciples are actively improving their cultivation bases to prepare for the Great Competition.

During the period, I don't know who came out with the list of the disciples who participated in the competition, and Ye Che was among them, and it exploded among the disciples of the outer sect.

No one in the Immortal Sect knew that the little master brought back a person who lived in the Qingxin Hall as a disciple of the outer sect, which was much better than the palace of the elders.

Many disciples were not convinced, the outer disciples were like this, and the inner disciples were even worse. Therefore, there were inner disciples who asked people to take a good look at Ye Che's prestige in the big competition.

They couldn't kill them, but if Ye Che couldn't even make it into the top ten, he would feel ashamed himself, so how could he be so embarrassed to stay by the side of the little master, and the little master would be even more chilling to him.

As a result, all the outer sect disciples were eagerly waiting for the big competition to come, and there was even a hint of excitement.

Big day.

Luo Ci sat on the high stage with the senior brothers, while Ye Che was waiting in the disciple seat to prepare for the competition.

In fact, it was enough to only use the elders to preside over the competition, but because she came to watch, the sect master had to come.

Although the brothers looked like they were only in their twenties, the youngest brother was already 300 years old. In the past 300 years, the master has never accepted any other apprentices except her.

The third senior brother was sitting next to Luo Ci, his peach blossom eyes were slightly raised, his chin resting in his hand, "The child brought back by the little junior sister is quite good-looking."

As far as he could see, Ye Che was standing upright under the stage, and there was a lot of noise around him, but his little face was still calm.

The fifth senior brother said with some playfulness, "Isn't it... the Tong Yangfu brought back by the little junior sister?"

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