The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 252: Xianmen group pet little master 20

Luo Ci was about to close the door, but Ye Che's fair and slender fingers held him back. He slowly took off his mask, revealing a beautiful and flawless face. Aggressive mature charm.

He wanted to show his true face in front of her and introduce himself completely.

He said, "My name is Ye Che."

Staring at her with burning eyes, as if she would not give up without giving an answer.

Luo Ci knew that he was asking her name.

It's actually a few words that are easy to say.

But it's also not easy.

There is still a sense of anger in my heart, and I don't want to say it. Some grievances are not happy.

Obviously he forgot.

He even came to ask her.

You should remember what you forgot!

Immediately, his eyes became more fierce, and his soft voice said angrily, "You think about it!"

"Bang!" The door was closed immediately, heavily, expressing his displeasure with all his might.

Ye Che knew that the other party was angry, and now he didn't dare to stand at the door and knock on the door.

She always felt that if she was still standing here, she would be more and more unhappy.


For the next two days, Ye Che always tried every means to talk to Luo Ci, but she was always cold and indifferent. Although she would respond to herself, it was different from what she subconsciously expected.

Obviously should... get close to him.

It wasn't until the third day that the third senior brother appeared at the inn, and the shopkeeper stopped him immediately, so Ye Che saw the little girl who ignored him, and chatted happily with the man, very familiar with him.

He could endure it for the first two days, but Ye Che only wanted to destroy the man who suddenly appeared and was obviously close to the little girl.

The possessiveness that belongs to the merman and the wanton plunder of the demons are infinitely magnified on him at this moment.

She is his!

Especially since this person actually tried to enter her room! He has never been in!

The third senior brother looked at Ye Che's sudden violent aura, and subconsciously blocked Luo Ci's body. While pulling out his weapon, he said to her slowly, "Little junior sister, do you know this guy?"

Ye Che looked over eagerly, obviously caring about her answer.

Luo Ci twitched the corners of her mouth slightly, but did not answer the question, but instead said, "Senior brother, have you found out any news?"

At this time, it is better not to open it casually, the fragments seem to be so angry that they explode.

When she was angry, she still wanted pieces. It was impossible for her to deny him in front of her senior brother because of her anger.

It's just been three days since I came here, and the matter of the Demon Race is more important, anyway, Fragment hasn't thought of her yet.

She decided, Fragment would never take the initiative before she thought of her!

Third Senior Brother glanced at Ye Che, "Follow me."

Luo Ci and the third senior brother went downstairs side by side, Ye Che followed closely.

Ye Che felt a little aggrieved. He had been lowering his body to please her for the past two days, something that had never happened before.

But she always ignored it, cold and indifferent.

He doesn't understand.

Only now does he seem to have returned to his infancy, sulking alone, like a little baby who can't get pampered and wronged.

Instead of the bloodthirsty, cold-blooded and ruthless Demon Lord.

Third Senior Brother frowned and said to Luo Ci, "Do you really know this person?"

He grew up watching the younger sister. If he didn't know him, the younger sister would simply deny it, how could he change the topic.

Luo Ci replied vaguely, "I know."

It just didn't say that he was the child he brought back.

After all, Senior Brother will definitely be dissatisfied with the fragments, and may even fight.

It is conceivable that once the senior brother knew that the fragment had suddenly turned into an adult, and he didn't remember himself, he instantly made up the fragment's brain into a ruthless and unscrupulous person.

Although she was a little angry, she was also distressed by the fragments and could not be bullied by her senior brother.

If the third senior brother knew what she was thinking, he would definitely cry out, girls are outgoing.

The third senior brother did not go into detail and continued to transmit his voice, "In the past two days, I have observed that this group of demons has buried a large formation under the Henglian Mountains. The energy comes from the violent aura of the volcano, which cannot be sealed by my ability alone. Little Junior Sister's talisman technique."

It is simple to destroy the big formation, but at the same time as destroying the formation, it will definitely cause a volcanic eruption. Ordinary volcanic eruptions are very harmful, not to mention that they contain a manic and violent aura.

Once it is destroyed, it will not only be Lihuocheng who will be implicated.

So you can only choose to seal.

Luo Ci responded, "I see."

She tried hard to search for the talisman technique she had learned in her mind, but the seal could not fundamentally solve the problem.

The two brothers and sisters only got on the flying boat, and Ye Che came up right after.

"Where are you going?" He stared stubbornly.

Luo Ci looked at the urgency and worry in his eyes, and in her heart, she said, "Go to the crater."

"I'm with you." He didn't ask what to do, basically he respected her decision.

Luo Ci nodded, but did not refute.

This made Ye Che feel a little relaxed and happy.

He stood beside Luo Ci, keeping a certain distance, not too close, but not too far away either.

Suddenly, he opened his mouth with a bit of grievance, but with guilt, "Are you angry because I forgot about you?"

Before, all my thoughts were on getting close to her, but I didn't think much about it.

Now that I think about it, if it wasn't for the fact that they had known each other for a long time, how could she have such an attitude, seemingly cold and unfamiliar, but she was simply aggrieved.

She said let him think of her name himself.

If he really forgot her and asked her name in front of her, it would be... a bit ironic.

Luo Ci looked up at him.

Fragments are...remember?

Ye Che slowly took out a pile of things from the storage ring, and placed them in front of her. There were some spiritual talismans, as well as the spiritual medicine and gold flint that he had collected in the secret realm.

"Is this the magic charm you gave me? It helped me a lot."

There are also those elixir that he can't use at all, as well as the flint and gold used for cultivating the spirit fire, which have been carefully preserved and are now sent to Luo Ci.

"I think, this should be prepared for you by me in the past."

Because he was chased by the demons, he had opened the storage ring and read it, and also used the talisman inside. As for these elixir, although there was no impression of collecting them, the subconscious told him faintly that he should keep it well.

Luo Ci looked at him, suddenly unable to get angry.

That little grievance has been appeased.

You see, even if he forgets himself again, he still regards her as everything.

Gamble is all gone.

Silently lowered his head and whispered, "I'm not very angry."

Probably due to lack of qi, he added, "I'm just a little angry, only a little bit."

As if emphasizing something.

After getting angry, I will feel that I am too indifferent to the fragments.

Actually can't blame him.

Just a little embarrassed.

Because only she can remember all the memories.

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