The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 253: Xianmen group pet little master 21

Ye Che was suddenly at a loss.

Although she emphasized in a low voice that she was not very angry, it seemed like she was admitting her mistake.

As if sorry for being mad at himself.

Blame yourself for not being **** off.

He looks very smart and sensible, which is distressing.

Luo Ci continued to stammer, "I didn't forget it on purpose." I don't blame you.

So she shouldn't be so indifferent.

Ye Che froze in place.

It was clearly he who made her feel wronged, and he explained it for him.

Even if you are sullen, you are so sensible...

The dark and deep eyes seemed to be impacted by the sudden rush of frustration and self-blame, shaking endlessly, he half gritted his teeth, his facial expression seemed to be restraining something, he couldn't bear it, and an unspeakable emotion flowed to the top of his heart.

Actually very helpless.

With a deep sense of guilt, he was almost delayed.

Because he made her aggrieved, it was right for her to be angry, but she was very distressed even when she was angry.

He couldn't help leaning over and hugging her, his voice seemed to be suppressing something, gritted his teeth and trembled, "It was my fault."

He hoped that in front of him, she could be as wild as possible.

No need to be sensible.

The hug was tight, but not suffocating.

It was his whole body that was tense and stiff, but his arms did not tighten, and he always restrained her so as not to hurt her.

He took off the mask and put his chin on her shoulder, his crow-like eyelashes drooping slightly, blocking the light in his eyes.

They are like two weak cubs, the older one tries hard to protect the smaller one, warms and comforts each other, and licks the wounds.

Luo Ci secretly glanced at the expression of the third senior brother, and as expected, his face was so dark that he reached out his hand to gently push Ye Che away, and hesitantly introduced, "Senior brother...he is Ye Che."

The third senior brother was not very happy about this guy suddenly hugging his little junior sister, and he was even more unhappy when he heard her words.

He laughed coldly, "Ye Che?"

"Separate a little bit, don't know if the male and female are not kissing each other?"

In the end, the three senior brothers just gritted their teeth and said this sentence.

Because the little junior sister was facing that guy, he couldn't even shake his face and speak sarcastically.

As for the others, after returning to Immortal Sect, let Master and other senior brothers help, Ye Che will not let Ye Che easily abduct the younger sister.

On the self-driving flying boat, Ye Che and Luo Ci sat at a table, obediently bowing their heads and admitting their mistake. The three senior brothers sat opposite, expressionless and stern.

The third senior brother stared at Ye Che like he was sitting in a court for interrogation, "How did you leave the secret realm?"

Although Ye Che didn't recall that part of his memory, he could guess that this question was very important.

He truthfully said, "Cut through the cracks in the space and left."

The coldness in the eyes of the third senior brother became more and more intense, "Do you know that little junior sister has been waiting for you?"

Ye Che pursed his lips and said nothing.

He really didn't know, but he didn't want to use this sentence as a reason.

It's his fault.

Seeing that the third senior brother was getting more and more angry, Luo Ci added in a low voice, explaining for Fragment, "He has lost his memory."

Third Senior Brother couldn't help rolling his eyes, he knew that Junior Junior Sister would explain for this guy.

Women's colleges do not stay.

But it can be regarded as agreeing with what she said, and Ye Che didn't use his amnesia as a reason to speak up.


"Why did you suddenly take a note?"

Ye Che's eyes were serious, and he said slowly, "I merged the things I got from the secret realm. The injury is healed, and my body has returned to its original state. I can guarantee that I definitely did not deliberately approach the porcelain."

Not only to explain to the third senior brother, but more to explain it to her.

He knew that he had been in contact with them as children before, but it wasn't his intentional disguise.

Third Senior Brother looked cold, "The last question, what is your identity?"

Ye Che's eyes paused, but he decided to answer truthfully, he didn't want to lie in front of her and the people she trusted.

And if he wants to be with her in the future, his identity is still a problem, and it will be explained sooner or later.

Word by word, "I am a mixture of demons and mermaids."

After all, the dark eyes became extremely scarlet.

Red eyes are the distinguishing feature of the demons.

So he used magic to hide before.

The third senior brother was slightly stunned, but quickly recovered his calm, waved his hand, and entered the room in the flying boat, leaving the space for them.

He gave in.

To reveal your identity is to expose yourself and put yourself in a dangerous situation.

This actually requires a lot of courage.

The cultivator has always been hostile to the demons, and the merman is full of treasures, from blood to scales.

And he's still mixed blood.

The mixed-race survival in the Immortal Cultivation World is difficult, and it is a party that is not recognized by any race.

Humans, monsters, and demons are not allowed to be together not only because of racial hostility, but also because of their combined mixed blood. Most of them die early. Even if they survive by chance, and grow to a certain stage, the hidden danger of mixed blood will break out. Only a very few can get through.

Ye Che has grown up as a mixed-race person, and even he can't see through his strength, so he has to admire it.

He doesn't care much about race, as long as this person is sincere and has the strength to protect the younger sister, the most important thing is that the younger sister likes it.

And now, Ye Che obviously has it.

In general, with the approval of the third senior brother, Ye Che breathed a sigh of relief, hid his red eyes, and stared at Luo Ci tightly. He wanted to say something, but he didn't know where to start.

In fact, he was just following the familiarity and throbbing in his soul and approached her.

These few days, she was angry that she had forgotten her, and it was cold and indifferent. He couldn't get close to her, and he didn't know her preferences.

He hated himself for forgetting that memory.

Not remembering her, making her wronged, and not yet familiar with her preferences.

Seeing Fragment staring at her, Luo Ci didn't speak. Although she wasn't as cute as when she was a child, there was an inexplicable grievance on his face, which made her a little soft-hearted.

Pointing to the pile of things he collected on the table, "Is this for me?"

Fragment nodded hurriedly, as if to please, and pushed the golden flint wrapped in shark gauze to her, motioning her to use it quickly, "This can cultivate spiritual fire."

Luo Ci lightly touched the shark yarn, opened it little by little, and summoned her own silver spirit fire, which happily threw itself on the golden flint and swallowed it in one bite.

Seeing that she accepted the gold flint, Ye Che felt a little joy in his heart, and couldn't help but push the jade boxes over, "These are also for you."

Luo Ci put them away one by one.

The anger is also over, and there is no need to keep the pieces cold.

Just staring at the adult version of the fragment, and a little lost.

Little Mermaid... gone.

His voice is no longer soft, his eyes are no longer round and cute, and he still doesn't know if he is well-behaved or not.

The fragments that grow up will definitely bully people.

You can't just touch the fish's tail.

Seeing that she had been staring at him, Ye Che involuntarily straightened up a little, and his ears were a little red.

Did she accept him, he thought.

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