The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 260: Xianmen group pet little master 28

Luo Ci took the clothes, the fabric was very soft.

Ye Che took the initiative to walk aside and turned his back to her, "I don't look at you, try changing it."

There is no one else in the Hall of Pure Heart, and no one will suddenly break in if the formation is set up, so she is relieved.

Just considering that the fragments are still there, the movements in his hands are a little trembling.

He slowly took off his clothes and put on the ones he prepared little by little, from the small clothes to the jackets, he was very well prepared.

And it's still hand-woven from pieces...

shredded clothes...

And a coat...

It took twice as long as usual to change, and his face was already blushing, and he whispered, "Change, change."

Although it is very comfortable and beautiful to wear, as long as it is thought that it is hand-woven from fragments, there will be an inexplicable shame.

Ye Che turned around and walked slowly in front of her, lowered his head and neatly tidied up her collar, showing a gentle smile, "It's beautiful."

"In the future, I will prepare your clothes, okay?"

Luo Ci's brain was a little dizzy, and she involuntarily replied, "Okay."

The merman was very satisfied, and placed a soft kiss on her lips, "It's so good."

It was only then that she slowly realized what she had said, but it was not easy to refute it. The clothes that the senior brothers prepared for her were all the robes, but they were only the outer clothes, not including the small clothes. Fragments are almost a set down, people are very embarrassed.

She never imagined that one day, the shards would prepare clothes for her.

Ye Che looked at her flushed face, and although the eyes were gentle, there was an extremely deep possessiveness hidden in her eyes.

She didn't know that when he turned his back and heard the sound of rustling behind him, the desire in his heart continued to increase. Even if he couldn't see it, the rest of his senses were infinitely enlarged, and he involuntarily painted those pictures in his mind. It made his heart surge.

He is not a good person, but if it is her, she just wants to be treated with respect. I don't want her to be wronged, not at all.

Therefore, he always restrained his constantly surging emotions, tried his best to maintain a smile on his face, and relaxed his vigilance.


The disciples of Xianmen were a little indignant towards Ye Che, who occupied the younger master. They didn't know that he was the child of the past, but at the moment they wished he was the child. At least he was young and would not deceive the younger master. Be a Taoist.

Someone once provocatively wanted to defeat Ye Che and keep him away from the little master. That was when Ye Che left Xianmen and came back from picking flowers from outside, and was stopped by several Xianmen disciples. Hearing their words to let him leave his little partner, he half-squinted his eyes, and the corners of his lips raised a sarcastic arc, "Just rely on you?"

He didn't even think about killing people, but just knocked them down with a single blow. He didn't even show his red eyes. In his black eyes were dense clouds that were almost real, and the eerie black mist was constantly surging, and the whole body seemed to exude a dark aura. , said word by word, "She is mine."

For a moment, the disciples of Xianmen felt that they were facing a demon who had a sick and paranoid possessiveness, put on a false mask of tenderness, and got along with their little master, but they were so suppressed that they could not. Spit it out.

The devil quickly restrained his emotions, his slender fingers were lightly placed on the blushing lips, his voice was soft and slow, but with an inexplicable infiltration, "Shh...don't talk nonsense. Otherwise...I will kill you all. of."

As soon as the words fell, his face changed into a soft expression again, he lowered his eyes and carefully took care of the flowers in his hand, and slowly walked in the direction of the Hall of Pure Heart.

The Immortal Sect disciple who fell to the ground felt numb in his scalp and broke out in a cold sweat from fright. Although he did not suffer any harm, it left a shadow forever.

Later, when a disciple mentioned the matter of the little master, they all kept silent and did not dare to speak.

When Ye Che came back with flowers in hand, Luo Ci was flipping through the books in the bookstore of Qingxin Hall. When she flipped through one of the books, she didn't know the patterns on it, so she opened it with curiosity.

There is no text in it, but some pictures. At first, it was a practice of one person, and then it became two people, and they also posed some strange postures.

Looking at it, she is a little unclear. So, is there a practice that requires two people to work together?

Ye Che followed the ring and came behind her, "What are you looking at?"

Luo Ci didn't know what it meant to burn herself at the moment, so she directly handed him the book in her hand, her face full of confusion, "I don't know how the bookstore has this exercise, I don't seem to understand."

Ye Che just glanced at it and knew what it was. The painting on it was indeed much more subtle. The average person would not understand it at first glance, but he had been preparing for a long time to eat his little friend, so he recognized it at a glance.

Thinking of his little partner's curious and puzzled eyes, he felt amused, but also a little longing.

"Baby wants to know what this is?"

"What is it?"

Ye Che put down the flower slowly, hugged her from behind, put his head on her shoulder, and said slowly in her ear, "Relax, don't be on my guard."

Luo Ci was a little unclear.

But soon, she felt that her consciousness was touched by a domineering and powerful force, but it didn't cause her any harm. other side.

At the same time, her thoughts were slightly empty, her glazed eyes were covered with mist, and she bit her lips tightly. The senses brought by the intersection of consciousness made her even more at a loss, and she could only rely on the fragments.

The small body trembled slightly, like a frightened small animal, helpless and confused, drawing a sense of security from the person behind him.

Ye Che folded his hands together and hugged her tighter, his hot lips lingering around her neck, and his divine consciousness further wrapped the soft little divine consciousness, and a sigh came from the bottom of his heart.

Although he said that he would not eat her, the double cultivation also included divine intercourse, which not only brought pleasure to the body, but also a perfect harmony of spiritual consciousness.

It was an unforgettable feast for him.

It was not until half an hour later that his consciousness reluctantly left her sea of ​​consciousness.

He lifted Luo Ci's body lightly with both hands and put her on the bed.

If it weren't for the fact that his little partner couldn't get used to the fellowship of consciousness, he would never have withdrawn from her sea of ​​consciousness so quickly.

Some sighed helplessly, but after half an hour, she fell asleep.

He leaned closer to her lips and gave a soft kiss.

But his consciousness is indeed a bit overbearing.

But consciousness is more difficult to control than physical behavior, and that's just the tip of his iceberg.

Ye Che knew that once all his emotions erupted, his little partner might back down.

Because that emotion would engulf him, out of control.

100% love can still feel like a burden, not to mention the excess.

It's not that he doesn't know anything.

There are other people of his origin who will **** him for a mate.

He is just one part of it.

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