The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 261: Xianmen group pet little master 29

Ye Che leaned on the head of the bed, let Luo Ci rest on his lap, and lowered his long eyelashes like crow feathers. His eyes were deep and soft, and his slender fingers caressed her adorable little face.

Her features are delicate but not aggressive. The face is very small, one hand can cover more than half of it, it looks very petite, but it feels a little fleshy and soft, and it doesn't look thin at all.

After falling asleep, it is not the kind of quiet sleeping face, but slightly pouted lips, side face resting on his lap and rubbing slightly, like a soft little animal weakly coquettish, insecure, his hands involuntarily hug. hold his legs.

Ye Che remembered that when he was a child, he rested with her. Every time she fell asleep, she hugged him tightly, and when he woke up, he denied it with a sullen face, and said that he was too clingy, and he was so clingy at night. To haunt her.

But she didn't know, he only really fell asleep every time after she fell asleep, he was just... too scared.

——I am afraid that this is just a dream, and in the end it is only myself.

- Only darkness and coldness remain.

At that time, his memory was faulty and he lost too much memory, which made him always panic in his heart.

She only showed obvious emotions when she wanted to touch his fish tail and sleep. It was pure love, she was completely close, and she showed her soft side without any scruples.

So he was always obedient at that time.

He wanted to keep seeing her make exceptions to himself.

And now, it seems to have gotten his wish.


Luo Ci sullenly nestled in the quilt.

Even people with their heads are covered, so they can't come out.

Actually fainted.

The little hands were tightly twisting the quilt, and the little face was a little red from the stuffiness, of course, it may also be angry.

It's true that Shenjiao has never happened before... but her divine sense should be stronger than that of the fragments, but she fainted.

It shouldn't.

Ye Che just left for a while, prepared some snacks, and found that his little companion was like a rabbit hiding in the nest, insisting on staying in the nest and refusing to come out.

She put down her things and tried to tug at the quilt with her long and narrow eyes slightly amused, but she still tried a little harder and couldn't pull it.

So I could only hug the quilt together, with a low voice and a smile, "What's wrong with the baby?"

The little guy in the quilt didn't seem to want to talk to him, and he was still nestled well.

Ye Che felt that the quilt was too annoying. He couldn't even see his little partner's appearance, and he couldn't kiss him properly. He asked patiently, "Why did I make you unhappy? Tell me and I'll change it."

There was some movement in the quilt, only a small movement.

"You can punish me any way you want." The words seemed to be asking her to do whatever she wanted.

Ye Che clearly felt that the little guy loosened his strength, and he pulled the quilt away, holding her face lightly with his big hands, which was still a little hot.

A small smile flashed in his eyes, "What's wrong?"

Luo Ci was slightly dissatisfied, "My consciousness is still a little numb now..."

The adult merman was silent for a while, before he said hoarsely, "It's my fault, I'll be lighter next time."

His consciousness is indeed... a bit fierce.

In fact, the consciousness can be turned into a villain, but if you don't become a villain and touch it again, it will be easier to integrate and become more intimate.

He tried to appease, "Didn't you find a double cultivation method yesterday? I looked at it, we can use the above actions, and then introduce the consciousness little by little..."

The above action is not as good as holding his little partner directly, at least not back-to-back, nor finger-to-point.

The double cultivation method is aimed at the fusion of spiritual consciousness, and the face is very serious.

What Ye Che didn't know was that the people who created this practice were more respectful, and they wanted to pass on the practice to future generations. People were more conservative in their cultivation, and it was too blatant that a cultivator would not be able to practice shamelessly. Therefore, the pictures engraved on the exercises are as serious as they are serious, but in fact, when it comes to the fusion of spiritual consciousness, they are extraordinarily open.

Luo Ci silently blushed again, she rushed to cover his mouth, "Don't say it."

He also obeyed and stopped talking, just looked at her with a pair of extremely gentle eyes.

He has left a strong enough breath in the sea of ​​​​knowledge of his little partner, and his mind is very happy and relaxed.

For a cultivator, the dual cultivation of the soul and soul is the most direct and thorough possession.

After thinking about it, he said, "I will marry you."

The fact that he became a Demon Venerable has long been told to Luo Ci, including her master and senior brothers.

"Is the baby going to hold a Dao Companion Ceremony at Xianmen?"

The beautiful merman narrowed his slightly excited eyes, "There is an aura of the former Demon Venerable in the Demon Palace. It's not clean, and it's pitch-black. It's not suitable for babies. I'd better come here with a dowry."

As soon as his voice changed, he said again, "Or build another magic palace."

Luo Ci silently hugged his waist, "You marry in."

Ye Che tightened his arms, looked at the little guy in his arms, and said with a smile, "Okay."

Even though he was shy, he still threw himself into his arms frankly.

Like is like, angry is angry.

Just be direct.


Ye Che was very concerned about becoming a Dao Companion. At first, the brothers were somewhat opposed. How could this guy catch up with the younger sister so easily.

But when they heard from Ye Che's mouth that he and his younger sister had both cultivated spiritual consciousness, they all fell silent, and they couldn't say anything else.

Except for a few senior brothers and the sect master of Xianmen, no one else knew about it.

"Report!!! Demon Venerable brought three thousand demon generals to come, come—" A disciple who was stationed at the door ran in panting.

The disciples of the Immortal Sect waited in earnest, took out all kinds of weapons, and stared at the mouth of the formation with a serious face, "Don't worry! I have a large number of immortal sects, and I am not afraid of the demons!"

"Come here to ask for a marriage to the little master!! Also, there is—" The disciple finally finished his stubborn words, but there was another sentence.

The disciples of Xianmen dropped their weapons, and then held them tightly, "No way!! The little master has a Taoist companion!!" They didn't know that Ye Che was a demon, and felt that they could not sacrifice the little master to marry.

The disciple finally gasped, "He looks exactly the same as the little master's companion, except for the eyes."

Xianmen disciples glared at him, "Can you finish it all at once!!"

The main board of the door appeared with a face, and the voice was deep, "Open the formation."

The formation revealed the scene outside Immortal Gate. The man at the head was dressed in gilt black clothes and his eyes were scarlet. He stood on the back of the beast.

Behind them are an unknown number of demons, each holding a plate of treasures in their hands, what kind of thousand-year-old soul tree, ten thousand-year-old South Sea blood pearl, ten thousand-year-old golden silk silkworm wood, thousand-year-old stone stalactite...

One person presents one, a total of 999 rare objects, plus countless top-quality Lingshi night pearls, etc.

Even Sect Master Rao had to be amazed, this is a big deal, and Xianmen can't come up with so many things.

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