The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 264: The fairy door group pets the little master

Ye Che had always thought that his father should be sitting in the devil's palace, completely ignoring the lives of him and his mother.

But the monsters in the secret territory took him to a very ordinary small village. In the thatched hut in the far corner of the village is the place where his father lived.

After a hundred years of wind and rain, the thatched cottage has long since fallen into disrepair.

A dignified Demon Venerable, has actually fallen to this point.

He has been dead for a long time.

Only a wisp of remnant soul slept in the mother's heart-protecting scales.

In the small and dilapidated thatched hut, there were white corpses inside, and it fell to the point where no one could collect the corpses.

At that moment, Ye Che was almost at a loss.

The person he had always hated, actually passed away not long after his mother died.

The so-called secret treasures were taken away hundreds of years ago, and the beasts guarded the crystals that the father stripped of his life blood and cultivation base.

There will be a feeling between the Taoist companions, the father has the mother's heart scale in his hand, and naturally he knows... the signs of mother's life have dissipated.

Therefore, my father completely lost the desire to survive and chose to sacrifice.

When he knew the truth, the gloomy and dark aura that lingered around him seemed to disappear.

He put away his father's bones in a trance and stood in the thatched hut for a few hours.

The two months were spent in trance and numbness. He has been cultivating hard, scrambled for cultivation resources with the demons, and was bloodthirsty, just so that one day, he would stand in front of his father to defeat him, and ask him why he ignored his mother, but suddenly he knew the truth, and life suddenly lost its meaning. The only thing left seems to be revenge.

And after revenge.

My heart is always empty, as if a corner is missing.

Like a disoriented cub, it uses ruthless icy eyes to force the approaching person away, and licks the wound alone.

It is true that mixed blood should not be born. He can grow up to this point because his parents sacrificed himself. If it wasn't for him, how could they have died. One is the former Demon Venerable, and the other is the Queen of the Mermaid.

Been in deep self-loathing for two months.

He walks in a world of darkness and blood, without light, and when his strength reaches the top, there is a bottomless abyss of silence in his heart.

Only when he saw the things in the storage ring that obviously did not belong to him did he feel a little satisfied, dispelling his loneliness for two months.

Ye Che regretted it countless times.

He didn't take anything away from her, so that he forgot that memory, nowhere to be found, he could only be at a loss day and night, and could only rely on the talisman she left for himself to gain a little peace of mind with consolation.

But that didn't just bring him peace of mind. More often, he was lying on the roof alone, covering his heart, feeling the stinging pain from there in silence.

He could only recall the dazed and stinging pain caused by the loss of memory over and over again, and there was a long-lasting bitterness around his mouth. Like self-abuse, even if I can't remember it, even if I don't know what I've forgotten, I still have to hold the talisman to linger myself over and over again.

until he remembered.

He knew that his change must be related to the owner of the talisman.

So he almost stopped the revenge plan and sent his subordinates to find the person who made the talisman.

But there will be no news.

The talisman of Xianmen's little master was only given to him.

How could it be found.

Later, his subordinates reported to him the actions of the son of Demon Venerable, and he took the initiative to go to Lihuocheng.

In fact, he could have ignored it and went directly to the Demon Palace to pick the Demon Venerable.

It was just a faint voice urging him to let him deal with the son of Demon Venerable himself.

On the street, across the dense crowd, I saw her at a glance.

Not tall, a small one, looks fragile, like some kind of fragile.

His eyes were suddenly reluctant to leave.

He heard some kind of slight cracking sound, which brought a faint joy, and even the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise.

His eyes were staring at him with some infatuation.

It seems that he has been waiting for this figure for a long time.

When she realized that she was looking back at him, the already cold blood spread like a recovery, and her face was a little nervous without knowing it.

But she turned her head coldly and ignored it.

Her heart skipped a beat, her body acted first, holding her wrist.

He seems to have... found redemption.

She was the one who made the talismans.

He realized later that she was sulking, but it was actually a hidden grievance.

Ye Che wasn't worried about admitting the wrong person.

Because he will only make an exception to her, and he will only be tempted by her, no one else.

Only by her side did he feel alive.


After merging the two memories, he was still not confident. He could obviously return to his mature state, but he disguised himself as a juvenile merman, and was still the same as then, like a despicable thief, deceiving her eyes and enjoying her care.

Cowardly, he didn't dare to take that step, and he didn't dare to reveal the truth that he already had all his memories.

It was probably the two rings that gave him confidence, and it was probably the solution to the Demon Venerable that opened his mind.

He took the initiative to attack.

And she didn't refuse.

What she didn't know was that accepting the heart scales of the royal merman was tantamount to signing a lifetime contract with him.

This is the scheming of the mermaid.


When I was cultivating with her soul and soul, I saw her in a trance... getting along with other people who have the same soul and soul as my own.

He knew that was himself.

Even knowing...he's just part of that person.

He saw that in the only time he was awake, he bit her white and smooth neck, leaving a tooth mark like an oath of sovereignty.

The shard did not know, but instead provided him with help, and established a relationship with her easily.

Very... jealous.

But he saw it.

The jealousy that the deity of the deity will have, he will also have it.

He knew how much the gods cared about her.

This is the mind of the gods.

He is the first **** in the God Realm, and the reason why he is called the main **** is because he created three thousand planes, so it is impossible to scatter the fragments of divine consciousness because he took her life flower.

Those dark auras may have an effect on him, but they will not cause his consciousness to split.

It was he who took the initiative to split the fragments of divine consciousness, and let each fragment carry his feelings for her.

- so as not to lose control of her feelings.

Exceeding the love will create a burden.

It's the kind who wants to control each other almost all the time, wants to take over everything she has, and hopes that her world is only his love.

But you can only choose to suppress.

Even if it is split into pieces, the emotion of each piece is still overflowing.

This is the deity's emotion that Ye Che felt in a trance.

In the eyes of the gods, there is only her.


Although he was unwilling, Ye Che still couldn't help provoking the deity. It was him who owned her in this plane.

As long as his cultivation is still there, the gods will not even think about appearing on this plane.

In this plane, she only belongs to herself.

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