In an elegant flower shop, which has just opened, a girl in a long linen dress is holding a pot of elegant flowers. She looks around with clear eyes, probably seeing the right place, her eyes are slightly bright, she walks over and puts the flowers in her hands. Put it away gently, then continue to look at the other arrangements, and place them one by one according to your own preferences.

Plants are mostly light-colored, and there is a flower stand near the door. From bottom to top, they are turquoise, goose yellow, and then rose red. They are not ostentatious, and they are very comfortable to match.

This is a delightful flower shop.

After working for more than two hours, Luo Ci stopped to rest. She reached out her hand to her lips and coughed a few times. Bai Jing's face was flushed, and there was fine sweat on her forehead.

This plane is easy to get sick, and her cold is not completely cured.

But other than that, there are no other problems similar to the handicap of airsickness.

She poured a cup of hot water, took a small sip from the cup, and there was some tenderness in her eyes.

She hasn't tried a flower shop yet, so it's okay to take it easy every now and then.

This is the flower shop her parents prepared for her. She usually sits in front of the counter and looks at the shop. If you are tired, you can take a nap inside. There is a small living room and a bedroom. They have considered it more carefully.

The phone on the coffee table vibrated, and Luo Mu first said, "Hey, Cici, can you be alone? Would you like your sister to help?"

Luo Mu's voice was filled with worry and pity, and more of a feeling of helplessness and caution.

Luo Ci's voice was soft and soft, "I can do it."

"Then... remember to tell us something."


The avatar was not raised by his parents because of his poor health. When he was born, he was listless and contracted pneumonia. Later, a master said that the turbid air in the city would be very serious to Luo Ci and even affect his life. Take it to a place close to nature and take good care of it.

She was the first child of Luo's mother and Luo's mother. They were very reluctant. How could they just believe the so-called master's words, so they refused without hesitation.

As a result, Xiao Luoci's condition was repeated and uninterrupted. One day, she had a high fever and could not drink milk.

Seeing that she was about to burn her head, the master appeared again, and it was only after she gave her a warm jade pendant that she got better.

Luo's mother and Luo's mother had to keep her in the countryside.

In the first few years, I would see her every year, but then it became less frequent.

It wasn't until Luo Ci was eighteen years old and her health was better that she was brought back, but there was always something between Luo Ci and Luo Mu, and they couldn't get close. It wasn't that they didn't love her, but they were too careful.

They have never been short of Luoci, except for company. Eighteen-year-old Luo Ci took the college entrance examination after being brought back, went to a good university, and started a flower shop not long after graduation. Luo father Luo mother also let her.

Not long after, another call came in, it was Luo Yin, Luo Ci's sister.

There was an awkward voice on the other end of the phone, "Sister...I...Forget it, I'll wait to find you."

Luo Yin was a little awkward at first, and then suddenly became frantic and irritable, but Luo Ci knew that it was not aimed at her.

She said she would come, but it took three or four hours to arrive.

Luo Ci saw Luo Yin, who was out of breath and exhausted. There was a large cardboard box on the ground, and she was holding a cat bag in her arms.

She handed the cat bag to Luo Ci, because her face was flushed red when she was carrying things, her face was sweating profusely, and her loose curly hair was soaked a lot.

Luo Ci slowly opened the cat bag, a smog-grey solid-colored cat stuck out its paws, the small meat pad gently rested on her hand, and called out softly, "Meow."

Luo Yin wiped his sweat and said a little stiffly, "We can't keep cats in our dormitory, so this kitty is for you. I brought all the cat litter boxes and scratching boards, and they're all in this cardboard box."

Luo Ci gently hugged the cat out and asked, "What's its name?"

Luo Yin stared at the cat for a long time, pursed her lips slightly, "It's called Hui, Hui... Mist, my nickname is Hui Hui."

Luo Ci felt her hesitation, her mind moved slightly, and she nodded, "Okay, it's called Hui Hui."

Put the cat on the ground gently, rubbed its plush head, the kitten is very good.

She handed Luo Yin a cup of warm tea, "Drink some water."

Luo Yin was sitting on the chair panting and resting, took a sip and drank, involuntarily held the empty glass to Luo Ci's side, her tone was a little coquettish, "I'm still thirsty."

After speaking, he turned his head a little embarrassedly, and silently put the cup back.

She forgot, this is not home.

Her sister is not close to her.

So what a coquettish thing.

The pretty little face restrained her emotions and fell silent slightly.

But feeling resistance from the cup, Luo Ci took the cup and poured another cup for her, her voice soft and soft, "Drink it."

Although her face was calm, she seemed to be able to feel the soft smile on her face.

Luo Yin suddenly became less cautious.

She lowered her head and drank the tea slowly, she said, "Hui Hui has been seen at the pet hospital, and she is very healthy." After a while, she said, "Sister, if you are inexperienced with this, you can ask me."

While lowering his head to hide, he couldn't help but secretly glanced at her.

Just like the cats on the ground, standing at Luo Ci's feet, tentatively stretched out her claws, trying to pull her legs, but she was too late to fall.

I want to get close, but I don't dare to get close.

Luo Ci couldn't help but rubbed the top of Luo Yin's hair like a cat's head, "I see, thank you Yin Yin."

Luo Yin finally dissipated the flushing cheeks and dyed it again, and muttered in a low voice, "You just touched the cat and then touched my head."

Luo Ci said slowly, "I haven't disliked the sweat on your hair yet."

Luo Yin was a little embarrassed and angry.

A few simple words evacuated some estrangements and brought the two closer together.

"Sister, I'm going back to school first, there are classes in the evening, I'll help you when I have time!" She didn't stay too long, after all, she just looked after pets, took cats to the hospital for examination, and bought these cat supplies, and It took a long time to unpack it and put it in a carton.

Yes, this is not her cat, she went to the pet store to take a fancy to Luo Ci to relieve her boredom.

After Luo Yin left, Luo Ci walked to the cardboard box and slowly opened it. The things inside were a little messy. Although they were not packaged, they looked brand new.

It should have been paid in advance with pocket money. It is estimated that this month’s pocket money has been reduced by more than half.

Although the conditions at home are very good, Luo's mother and Luo's mother are a little strict with Luo Yin and will not give her too much pocket money.

However, there are almost no restrictions on Luo porcelain.

She was not able to be by her side when she was young, so that when she grew up, she was no longer like a normal daughter who would act like a spoiled child to her parents. She won't miss her parents when she's far away from home, and some only have bland greetings on holidays.

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