Xili's voice trembled slightly, her eyes were at a loss, like a frightened rabbit, "Sister, elder sister?"

Luo Ci withdrew her hand and said solemnly, "I just touch it casually."


With a blushing face, he adjusted the skirt subconsciously, sweating finely on his palms, which was nervous.

His sister was too close to him.

Luo Ci got up, "Let's go shopping for clothes."

"...Okay." Xili's eyes fell on her hand, she was white and soft, her fingers were slender, and she wanted to hold her.

He looked down at his hand, which was smaller than his sister's, but when he returned to his original shape, he would be able to wrap her hand completely.

Xili followed Luo Ci slowly, and silently put her hand into her palm, holding it tightly.

Luo Ci felt a slightly wet, hot little hand holding her quietly, with a hint of tentativeness. When she looked at the people around her, Shard showed her a gentle smile, feeling a little cautious.

She couldn't help clenching the fragment's hand, "Let's go."

Luo Ci's goal is very clear, to buy small skirts first.

In addition to the cute style, there are also black skirts. Fragment is wearing a black skirt. When his face is expressionless, he is a little cold and cute.

Xili thought it was okay, just changed clothes, anyway, he had already prepared himself when he chose to approach her by disguising as a girl.

He took the trouble to change and try on those skirts.

Every time he came out after changing a new dress, Luo Ci would look at him brightly, as if he was aroused by some interest.

Massive live dress up game.

Xili was happy at first because she liked to wear a small skirt by herself.

But this is based on the fact that he is a girl.

And he is not.

On the one hand, he was very happy in his heart, and on the other hand, he was in a panic that could not be attacked. The anxiety was always in his heart, and he couldn't solve it, and no one talked about it.

It's just that the expression on his face is well concealed.

In the end, after choosing a lot of skirts, Luo Ci pointed to those skirts, "Please wrap them up for me."

Xili is not a goblin who has just entered human society, and he knows the price of clothes. He pulls the corner of La Luoci's clothes, "Sister...my salary is not enough to be deducted."

Although my sister didn't specify how much his salary was, in the end, this kind of work wouldn't be too high, it was only a few thousand yuan a month.

Luo Ci said indifferently, "If it's nothing, you can make it up after a few more months of work."

Xili blinked slightly, did you mean...to want him to stay longer?

The young man, who had not become sperm for a long time, felt joy in his heart.

Luo Ci swiped the card, carried the bag, and Xili rushed to share a few.

He was a little distressed. It seemed that his sister really took care of him as a little girl, and she was obviously weak.

Xili thought that after buying a small skirt, it was almost the same, at most shoes.

But Luo Ci continued to walk towards the commercial street. He didn't quite understand it, but he silently held her hand and followed her obediently.

Two pretty girls were walking down the street hand in hand. The empty hand was carrying several bags. The shorter girl snuggled up on the taller girl like a docile kitten.

Many people on the street cast their gazes with amazement in their eyes. Among them, there were two passers-by young ladies covering their mouths and holding back the screams of the groundhog.

Looking at each other, there are some crazy thoughts of wanting Rua to speak.

"Ah!! Why do I think that taller girl is a bit A!"

"I think shorter girls are so cute and good-looking!!"

In short, it is a very harmonious atmosphere, which cannot be blended in.

Luo Ci didn't pay much attention to the passers-by, and just walked towards the target store. The one in front suddenly stopped, and she took a half step back. Seeing that the fragments were about to hit, she reached out and gently took the fragments' shoulders and took them to her side. escaped.

The little face was always calm, she lowered her head slightly, and said lightly, "Are you alright?"

Xili shook her head, stretched out her hand to take her arm, got closer, leaned her head slightly on her shoulder, and rubbed her little face softly, with a hint of soft dependence.

The passers-by and sisters can't wait to take pictures, but it is very rude to take pictures without permission, and they just think about it.

Speaking of Luo Ci A, there are also some, but mainly from the contrast between the soft and beautiful appearance and the action.

He looks like a soft and cute look, but he is quieter, but he takes care of the girl around him very carefully.

Soon, Xili knew where she was going.

Girls underwear store.

In an instant, his whole person became cautious, his entire face, including his exposed neck, was all red, his whole body was hot, his eyes didn't dare to aim at random, and even faintly he had to be on the same foot.

If it wasn't for Luo Ci holding him and walking inside, he would probably turn around and leave subconsciously.

Xili lowered her head silently, not daring to raise her head at all, she only dared to look at her skirt, her face blushing.

But that's not enough, he heard his sister say seriously, "You should be wearing underwear like this..."

Out of the corner of the eye, she can still see her hand gesture, as if... What size are you comparing?

He doesn't know anything...


Xili's little face blushed, only to feel that the heat on her face increased.

"what do you think about this?"

Xili stammered and didn't dare to look at it, "Yes, yes."

"what about this?"



Luo Ci reluctantly looked at the pieces whose head was buried in the clothes, "Don't you even look at it? You have to try it before you know if it fits."

Xi Li bit her crimson lips slightly, looked up quickly, and immediately lowered her head, "I... think it's okay."

"Okay." Anyway, this is the smallest cup, and the fragments are relatively petite, which is almost suitable.

Luo Ci pushed Xili, "There are also small pants, you can choose it yourself."

Xili's eyes were gleaming with water, sparkling, her cute and fair face was blushing, and her slender blushing lips were bitten out a little, which made people want to bully.

With a sullen face, he chose a few pieces at will. After packing them, he walked to Luo Ci with a stiff little body, and said in a low voice, "...I've chosen."

Luo Ci didn't expect that she would be so shy when she bought pieces of underwear. They were all girls, so she nodded, paid the money, and took the pieces to take a taxi home.

During this period, Xili was completely silent, but it was even more clingy. After getting in the car, he leaned on Luo Ci softly, only showing her a pair of quiet shallow eyes, young round and clear, with a blushing and hot face against her shoulders, almost half-buried.

She was shy and didn't dare to see anyone, and she wanted to stick to her again. In the end, she could only cover her red face with her shoulders.

Luo Ci couldn't help laughing, reached out and rubbed her hair, and said a few words in a low voice.

Xili didn't reply, but still looked at her quietly with those eyes.

There was also a gleam of water in his eyes.

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