It made her heart soften in an instant.

Gently squeezed his face, "Go out and buy something to make dessert for you when you get home."

This is also learned in my spare time. There is a sense of ritual in daily life, and my mood will be much happier.

Xi Li rubbed softly, a slight voice overflowing from her lips, glutinous.

The first thing she did when she got home was to wash her underwear. Luo Ci was going to do it herself, but Xi Li blushed and took away all the underwear in the small bag.

He remembered that his sister was not in good health and could not be exposed to cold water for too long.

In fact, it's not that he doesn't wear women's clothes... In order not to expose himself, he wears it as much as possible.

I was just taken to the underwear store by my sister to buy him...and a cup...but I was suddenly overwhelmed.

Preparing by himself is different from preparing for him by his sister.

He silently washed his clothes and hung them on the balcony, the heat on his face subsided a little.

When she returned to the living room, she found that Luo Ci was watching a cartoon, her eyes did not move, and she was still a little serious.

He approached quietly, next to her, snuggling quietly.

Very reassuring.

By the way, Hui Hui has been cuddling at home all the time today. If it was before, he would have been scratching his paws anxiously, but now he is very well-behaved. When he saw the master's return, he let out a soft cry and lay down on Luo Ci's legs.

Because it knows that there are big bosses, and it does not dare to be presumptuous.

Xili glanced at the cat and said nothing.

Luo Ci didn't watch for a long time, and turned off the TV a few minutes after Shard was sitting beside her, "Go shopping for vegetables and those dessert ingredients."



More than a week has passed, Xili has been able to pack various bouquets with ease, and the speed is very fast, rushing to do things every day, which makes Luo Ci's workload much less.

Luo Yin, who was quite critical of him, said nothing.

But robbing her sister, she still doesn't like seeing Xili very much.

The former college classmates came to order flowers from time to time, and bought flowers almost every day without any interruption, and talked to Luo Ci through the effort of buying flowers.

Xili never said anything, and no longer showed a hostile look to him, because that was someone her sister didn't care about at all, so she didn't need to pay attention.

It was just that someone was thinking about his sister, which made him very unhappy.

So his packing speed has improved so fast and Xia Haoyi has something to do with it.

Anyway, the earlier the package is finished, the earlier that person will be able to leave.

For example, at this moment, when Xili saw that it was Xia Haoyi, after he finished his request, he quickly packed it up.

Xia Hao only said a few words, and without even getting a lot of response from Luo Ci, he saw Xi Li in a black skirt, with a cold face, and handed him the packaged bouquet, with no emotion in his ears. Polite words, "Sir, your flower, thank you for coming, please walk slowly."

It's a bit of a pushover.

It has been bothering my sister for more than ten days.

Some people may not have done anything excessive, but they know that they can't do it, and they appear again and again, brush their presence, and deliberately strike up a conversation, which will only make people more annoying.

My sister doesn't like it.

And he hates it even more.

even disgusting.

Xia Haoyi finally lost his temper. He didn't look at Xili, but said to Luo Ci, "Do you have to teach me more as a staff member?"

What to teach speaks for itself.

Luo Ci put down what was in her hand, gave a fluttering glance, and said in a flat tone, "I think it's okay."

Her face was full of detachment and indifference.

Xili walked in front of her with a soft tone, slightly aggrieved and overwhelmed, and gently pulled on the corner of her clothes, "Sister... Is there anything I didn't do well? I can change it..."

Luo Ci's cold face was like melting ice, soft, with a shallow smile in her eyes, "You didn't do anything wrong, you don't need to change."

Of course Xia Haoyi noticed the obvious difference in her treatment. He wanted to say something, but he couldn't seem to say anything.

In what position?

Customer complaints?

That just pushed her further.

Other identities are just classmates.

Speaking of which, he didn't have much contact with the other party, there was very little interaction in the university, and the chat records were just as a class committee member, collecting the other party's information and filling in the form and so on.

Even if you want to find a topic, the other party doesn't reply very much.

He was slightly silent, feeling a little frustrated for the first time since joining the job.

Everything went smoothly. I was admitted to a famous university, got a scholarship every year, and finally got a job in a large company, and I was promoted very quickly. There will be more opportunities for advancement in the future, with an annual salary of one million yuan.

Is a well-deserved professional elite.

He thought so.

Others praised him in the same way.

Every time someone praised him for his promising future, he always replied humbly, but with a little self-satisfaction in his heart, even a little proud.

When I knew about my work of other classmates, there was a smile on my face and nothing was revealed, but after a private comparison, I was slightly disdainful and proud of myself.

When he saw that Luo Ci was not looking for a job, but a flower shop, he deliberately dressed as an elite person to go to the flower shop, pretended to find her in the flower shop, went up to chat with her, raised his hand inadvertently, revealing wrist watch.

He subconsciously felt that the flower shop was nothing more than that, a small business that could not make much money, so he let Luo Ci know that he was doing well as if to show off.

Just to provide a hint.

Let the other party take the initiative to come together.

But totally useless.

The other party was unmoved, just like the four years in college, it was flat, and everyone else was passing by.

It's not pretending, it's really not paying attention.

Xia Hao left.

But then, the girl who had met Xia Haoyi in the private room came in, and the two happened to be staggered.

She raised her chin and said to Luo Ci arrogantly, "I want to order flowers, and you will pack them yourself."

Xili's pupils focused almost instantly, staring at the girl coldly and sharply, Sen Hanling.

Luo Ci glanced at it, her tone a little indifferent, "I won't take the order."

She opened the store to relax, not to be angry, not to make things difficult.

The girl was immediately unhappy, and directly threw ten red tickets on the table, "This is one thousand yuan, and I want a bundle of yours to wrap it up."

She felt as if she had given a big favor, raised her chin slightly, and said arrogantly, "Enough for you to earn in a day, right?"

Xili slowly picked up the ten red tickets and shook them all on the counter. The girl was even more proud when she saw this, with a contemptuous smile on her face, "It's not just this money, just like a beggar."

Then she saw Xili expressionlessly throwing the ten bills in her hand into her face, her voice like ice cubes, "Take your money, get out!"

The girl's face was directly flushed by the money, and it hurt so intensely, as if a whip was slapped on her face.

It's not too far away, and it's only ten bills, but it hurts so much that her tears come out.

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