She originally wanted to say a few more harsh words, such as complaints.

But after meeting Xili Binghan's gaze, the words seemed to be choked in her throat. The color, like a cold-blooded animal, made people feel cold all over her body. She covered her face subconsciously and took a few steps back, almost wanting to He fled in a panic, and the words were still cold behind him, "Take the money."

She picked up the bills in a trance and stumbled away.

However, when she returned home, she found that her face was swollen and could not go away at night, so she had to take two days off, and in the end she had to wear a mask to go to work, which was criticized by the leaders. But she could only grit her teeth and endure it. She was frightened by Xili's aura, and even had nightmares for several days, completely daring to run back and cause trouble.

Of course that's all for later.

When Xili turned to look at Luo Ci, she had another innocent expression, her voice innocent, and she blinked, "Sister, am I doing well?"

Luo Ci couldn't help but stepped forward and pinched his face, "Very good."

Even if the fragments are cute and cute girls, they will not be really soft buns, so she is not surprised.

She tidied up her things a little, "The store is closed today, I'll go see Yin Yin."

Opening the cat bag, Hui Hui took the initiative to slip in, and by the way, she stuck out a small grey paw and patted it, motioning her to close the zipper.

Xili was silent for a while, and said slowly with her head lowered, "Sister, I still have something to do, so I won't be with you."

Although I really wanted to follow along, I haven't gotten back to my original shape for more than a week.

Luo Ci replied softly, "Then you have to be careful yourself."

She put the cat bag on her back and the delicate packaging bag in her hand. After saying goodbye to Xili, she took a taxi to Luo Yin's school.

Xili slowly hid her figure and headed towards the villa in the private area.

A house in a private area is not something that money can buy.

Brushing the electronic door lock with his pupils, he went to the bedroom on the second floor, took off his clothes, elongated his body, opened the closet at will, and put on a white shirt and black pants.

He is not like other fairies.

Some goblins have lived for hundreds of years and accumulated their own assets, but these assets are all given away by others.

The Goblin Administration was established in recent decades, and most humans do not know it. In addition to the magic power of fairies, there are also some capable people among humans, like Luo Ci's physique, as long as they have a specific method, they can quickly cultivate, but they are delayed by the body.

The main leader of the Goblin Administration is still a human, and goblins can join in it and integrate into human society with the help of the Administration.

He was also one of the staff and for some reason was well paid.

After flexing his muscles a little, he took out his mobile phone and clicked into the goblin management group to read the news. His pupils shrank, almost subconsciously, he put on a black coat, put on a mask, and broke through the door.

Goblin management group window:

【alarm! North School Wild Goblin Riot! ! ! 】

[Please rush to the rescue as soon as possible by the members of the nearby authority! ! ! 】

The message was sent ten minutes ago.

And the place where Luo Ci was going was the North School.


North School.

Luo Ci quietly entered Luo Yin's classroom, took a general look, quickly glanced at Luo Yin, and slowly went over to sit next to her.

Regarding the phenomenon of students coming and going during the class, the lecturer is used to it and will not say anything.

But Rao is because her steps are very light, and it also attracts the attention of many people, one is her beauty, and the other is the cat bag on her back.

Luo Yin was very surprised in his eyes, obviously a little happy, and whispered in a low voice, "Sister, why are you here?"

"Come to see you."

Luo Ci handed her the bag, "I bought some sweets when I came." There was also a bouquet of white and elegant flowers inside.

Luo Yin took it happily, "I have no class after this class, do you want to go shopping with me, sister?"

Luo Ci hesitated slightly, but Luo Yin took her hand and shook it softly, "How about you?"

Hmph, she can be cute too.

Don't be compared by Xi Li.

"Oh well."

After class, a classmate asked Luo Yin who the girl beside Luo Yin was. Luo Yin said in a proud tone, "This is my sister, my sister." After speaking, she shook the bag in her hand, "This is my sister's gift. I sent it."

Like a proud little peacock.

Showing off her pretty sister, as if to say they're not the same.

Luo Ci's eyes were a little helpless, but she was always quiet, with a faint smile on her face.

Yin Yin is just a little girl who needs to be loved.

Luo Yin was walking around the campus holding Luo Ci's arm. She was talking and laughing when she suddenly heard a sound similar to an explosion coming from a certain direction on the campus.

The two of them were stunned in place. They looked towards the direction of the source of the sound, and faintly heard cries and chases.

Immediately afterwards, some people ran out from there, as if the world had come to an end, their faces were full of panic and panic, and they ran forward almost helplessly.

Some of them shouted to the people who were still standing there, "Run!"

Luo Ci reacted, took out Hui Hui from the cat bag, dragged Luo Yin and ran outside the school.

She ran to the distance and stopped. She gasped for breath and coughed violently. Luo Yin, who was on the side, took Hui Hui and patted her back with some worry.

"Sister, are you alright?"

Luo Ci shook her head slightly and looked at the previous place. It was the school complex. I don't know what happened. Is it safe here...

She can speak alone, but there are so many people in the school, as well as her sister.

Luo Yin looked at the restless gray in her arms, and couldn't help but patted it, "Be honest, don't move."

This caught Luo Ci's attention, and Hui Hui bowed, which was a subconscious attitude of vigilance.

Luo Ci gently soothed it, and it eased a little.

After a few minutes, a group of people passed them, and one of them urged, "Don't stay here, go out of the school first."

The crowd continued to pour out, and Luo Ci had to walk forward while looking at the group of people.

There was a tall figure wrapped tightly, with her back to them, silent, she always felt a little familiar.

But he couldn't see each other at all, only the back of his head.

Luo Ci was suspicious, but Luo Yin pulled her nervously and trotted outside the school.

She could only shake her head off.

After she left, Xi Li loosened her black coat, and gently pulled down the mask with her slender, fair fingers, revealing a perfect and delicate profile, with a cold tone, "Let's go and deal with that guy."

There was a hint of hostility.

It surprised my sister.

The crowds were evacuated, and the Authority's people didn't have to worry about being identified, and they went into action.

Xili's figure is fast, his coat is loose and the wind blows up, and his side face has a calm coldness. The broken hair was slightly messy, revealing a smooth forehead and a pair of clear and beautiful eyes, clean and beautiful, not polluted by the world. There were shimmering stars in his eyes, as if condensed with some kind of faith.

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