He used to join the Goblin Administration just to survive in human society. As for the runaway goblins and how they would affect the lives of ordinary humans, he didn't care.

But now, for the first time, anger arose, almost eager to deal with those wild goblins.

Xili couldn't help but think, what would she do if her sister encountered the goblin runaway.

Others in the team were a little surprised, it was the first time they saw Xili so active.

In the past, it wasn't that I was lazy and couldn't get up, and I only shot when it was the turn of the big boss, but this time the runaway goblin was not very strong, and actually took the initiative to attack.

There were large bloodstains on the ground of the comprehensive building, and there were several students lying on the ground, not knowing whether they were alive or dead, Xi Li frowned, and sent a little mana to a few people at will to stabilize the breath, and then followed the goblin's breath upstairs.

An avian goblin with huge wings spread out, with a few black feathers around his face, his face is somewhat gorgeous, with a bewitching beauty, his eyes are sharp and red, and he holds a girl's neck in his hands and lifts it up, the girl's feet are separated from each other. ground, almost suffocating.

The goblin roared almost hysterically, "Why did you lie to me! Why did you betray me!" A goblin who was emotionally wounded.

Xili came up to see this scene, the attack in her hand had already been sent out, the goblin put down the person in her hand, and went up to meet the girl, the girl coughed violently, and after a while, she looked at the gradually falling downwind and could only dodge. Avian Fairy.

Her face was full of indifference, "You said I lied to you, you haven't told you that you are a goblin." Then she sneered, "I'm just an ordinary person! I hate goblins the most."

"And when you say you love me, isn't approaching us just for the sake of cultivation? If you feel that you've been deceived and angry, it's not that you want me to die by strangling my neck, and that you are ignoring human life. This is your goblins. How can humans and goblins be together!"

After listening to the girl's words, not only the avian goblin stopped, but Xili also paused.

Humans and fairies cannot be together.

Almost took over the whole mind.

can't be together...

Xili's eyes were a little lost, what would happen if my sister knew that he was a goblin...

Totally dare not think.

His eyes gradually sharpened, he subdued the goblin who was still standing there, and took special handcuffs to handcuff the girl who was half-kneeling on the spot without even looking at it.

The teammates arrived late, Xili pushed the goblin to them expressionlessly, and left without saying a word.

The teammates looked at each other in dismay. They only called the ambulance before and asked one of the team members to stabilize the injuries of the students. Is this the end? Xili didn't tell them what happened.

Immediately afterwards, a gloomy-looking girl silently covered her neck and walked out from the inside. Seeing that these people didn't have a good face, she snorted and left.

The avian goblin stared closely at the direction she left, as if it had returned to normal, and suddenly said softly, "Have you ever liked me?"

The girl froze for a moment, didn't make a sound, didn't turn her head, and left.

The goblin bowed her head, her tone not fluctuating, "Don't you want to go back to the Administration, let's go."

The goblin gossip of the Authority has been ignited.


Because of the unexpected incident, the original plan was cancelled. Luo Yin followed Luo Ci's house and lay on the sofa, drinking the juice in her hand and feeling a little nervous.

The accident at the North School went directly to the hot search, saying that it was a terrorist attack. Six students were injured, but their lives were not affected.

This is also the wording used above deliberately to cover up, they don't expose the goblin to avoid panic.

She couldn't help patting her chest, but luckily she didn't take her sister to the complex, otherwise it would be dangerous.

Fortunately, those students are all right, but there is such a dangerous thing in the school...

Luo Ci hugged Hui Hui and gently comforted her, the cat seemed to be still a little frightened, as if she had not recovered. Looking at Luo Yin, who was still a little scared, she comforted a few words softly, she turned on the TV, and watched silently with some absent-mindedness.

Some worry about debris.

Don't know where to go.

When she was thinking this way, she probably had a good heart, the door was pushed open, and Xi Li, who was wearing a beautiful dress, pursed her lips slightly, walked to her side and sat down silently, her clear eyes were slightly quiet, "Sister, are you alright? "

Luo Ci shook her head and asked back, "How about you?"

"I'm not there, I came back immediately when I saw it on the hot search."

Xi Li couldn't help hugging her arm, buried her head on her shoulder, her voice trembled slightly, and seemed a little fragile, "Sister, I'm so worried..."

The frequency of goblins is actually very high. If my sister encountered such a thing, it would be unimaginable.

It's just that I left for a while, and something like this happened to my sister.

Especially the elder sister's physique is special, as the girl said, "approaching human beings is for cultivation", there are indeed many such fairies.

Disregarding human life is also true.

There are only fairies transformed from harmless animals, friendly to humans, but not very aggressive either.

So even more afraid.


He's a goblin thing.

He follows her all the time and can protect her, but it also means the exposure of his identity.

Luo Ci put her hand on his hair lightly, "I'm fine, don't worry."

Luo Yin watched silently, and didn't talk to her at the moment. Anyway, she really cared about her sister, so she wouldn't be jealous about this.


Originally, Luo Yin was going to stay tonight, but temporarily received news from her roommate. The roommate said that she was afraid of being alone in the dormitory, so she had to go back to accompany her roommate.

Of course, the main reason is that my sister is accompanied by someone, and she doesn't seem to be able to blend in the atmosphere of the two very well.

After Luo Yin left, Xi Li tried to tell Luo Ci his identity several times, but he couldn't open his mouth.

He was scared, too scared to spit out the truth.

However, Luo Ci saw his hesitation and took the initiative to ask him what was wrong.

Xili's slender eyelashes trembled slightly, biting her blushing lips, and finally asked, "If I lied to my sister, will my sister be angry with me?"

Luo Ci tilted her head slightly, but she didn't know what the fragments could deceive her, "Is it something unforgivable?"

She felt that the shards would not do such a thing.

Xili lowered her head and said in a low voice, "I don't know..." Because for some people, the identity of the goblin is the original sin, and it is an identity that is impossible to get rid of.

Just like that girl, she really liked that bird goblin, but once she knew the identity of the goblin, she suddenly only hated it. The previous feelings seemed to disappear all at once, and she chose to abandon it mercilessly.

He didn't want his sister to hate him...

Luo Ci couldn't help but stepped forward and pinched his face, her voice soft, "I know you won't."

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