Xili silently watched her go back to the room to find clothes and prepare to take a bath, raised her hand and gently touched the place she touched just now.

Let me tell my sister after a while.

he thought silently.

Not only is he a fairy, but he is also a boy. In the middle, things like wearing his sister's nightdress, taking him to buy clothes, and sleeping together seem to make her angry.


Luo Ci felt that the fragments of this plane should not be easy.

The shards were already standing in front of her, but the system prompt didn't sound for a while.

However, Chiu Chiu faltered and couldn't say why.

She couldn't help but think of the back of the boy she saw in the North School. Even if the appearances of different planes were not the same, there was an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

Moreover, Fragment looked a little lost today, and said what would happen if she lied to her.

Before going to bed at night, Luo Ci leaned against the head of the bed and mentioned it coldly, "I seem to have seen someone who looks a bit like you."

Fraud a Fragment.

Xili's body was slightly stiff, and he subconsciously pulled the quilt up to cover his chest, so as not to be seen, "Is there?"

Luo Ci looked at the book in her hand and said slowly, "But he's a boy, he's much taller than you, and he looks a little handsome from the back."

Xili's eyes fell on her, she didn't even raise her head, she still flipped through the book in her hand, as if she was just talking casually.

He breathed a sigh of relief, but was slightly lost.

He was afraid that she would know, and he hoped that she would find out who she was.

That back figure was a little handsome, which made his heart numb, but he couldn't help but feel down.

If you approached her as a boy at first, wouldn't it be so troublesome, you don't have to hide yourself all the time, and you won't be in a state of being treated like a cute sister by her all the time.

But if it's a boy, maybe it won't come close.

Luo Ci lightly covered her heart, and there were some complicated and unspeakable emotions coming from there.

Not all emotions can be captured. They are just a link, not a mind-reading function. It's just that the fragments are in high anxiety at the moment, so they sense it.

In fact, she also faintly noticed it, but the shards were probably too scruples. Did she want to say something after several times of hesitation?

If Fragment didn't take the initiative to say it, she couldn't solve his anxiety.

Putting down the book, she reached out to turn off the light, "Go to sleep."

She turned her face slightly and looked at him, "Don't hold back if you have something, tell me."

Xili met her with soft eyes, and suddenly thought, how could he be sure that his sister would never accept his identity.

Slightly relaxed.

He answered softly.


Although he had already made a decision in his heart to inform his identity, he still did not dare to say everything at once.

Because pretending to be a girl to approach her is not something that can be easily accepted.

He pretended to be a girl and approached her, lied that he was cheated out of money, and slept in the same bed with her...

Even if he didn't do anything to hurt her, cheating and lying are wrong in and of themselves.

Sure enough, if you tell a lie, you have to use countless lies to make up for it.

These accumulated piles of pieces, under the seemingly sweet and warm appearance, are panic, illusory and unreal.

Like a phantom bubble, the moment when the truth is revealed, it will eventually vanish.


The North School incident follows.

According to media interviews, most of the injured and comatose students did not remember what happened. When they woke up, they all had a blank expression on their faces. They did not understand why they had wounds on their bodies and were still lying in the hospital.

One of the students was exceptionally different. He didn't have any wounds on his body, and the blood on his clothes belonged to someone else, but he was also in a coma for several hours. There was another daze, he didn't seem to understand his behavior at all.

The doctor said that he may have been severely frightened and fell into a coma.

Regarding the above six students who do not remember what happened before, the relevant departments said they would follow up the investigation.

More than a week after the incident, it gradually subsided, and those who should go to the complex should continue to go.


Xili originally planned to tell Luo Ci his identity during this time, but she was going home to see her parents, so he couldn't go with him, he could only stay in the house and wait for her to come back.

It's autumn season.

Xili followed her to the station. He couldn't help but hug Luo Ci and said softly, "Sister, come back early."

When he came back, he told his sister everything.

Luo Ci blinked, the shard seemed to take it seriously, what do you want to say when you come back?

However, her thinking was a bit out of the way. The shard was obviously shorter than her, but why did she feel a little strong when she came up to hug her? He should have been buried in her neck, but she was pulled into his arms and was almost forced to be buried in the in his arms.

How on earth could she be shorter than her?

Then she saw Xili slowly let go of her, took out a warm jade pendant from her neck, and put it on her neck cherishly.

Luo Ci reached out and held the jade pendant, with the temperature he left on it, and blinked slightly, a familiar mechanical sound resounded in her mind.

【Ding! The mission target Xili has appeared]

It turned out that this jade pendant concealed the breath of the fragments.

Xili's beautiful light-colored pupils are slightly gentle, and they are not like the good children who used to be in front of her who need to be taken care of. "Sister, I gave it to you."

The jade pendant can cover up her breath and her sister's special physique, so that no goblins will stare at her.

This way he can rest assured when he is not around.

Luo Ci put the jade pendant into her clothes and said innocently, "The jade pendant is still a little hot."

Before leaving.

Finally, I saw Xi Li's reddish ears.

It had his temperature on it... of course it was hot.

Looking at the person in the car window, he waved his hand and followed closely with his eyes.

Xili said silently in his heart, when his sister came back, he would see her with her true face.


He seems to be coming of age.

There is a special period during this period.


Luo Ci didn't notify her parents before she went home. She dragged her suitcase, opened the door, and saw the three extra guests in the living room. She was stunned for a moment, and then greeted her with a calm face.

When Luo Mu saw her, she was both surprised and happy. She thought that after Cici moved out, she was reluctant to go home, but now she came back before the Chinese New Year.

She hurriedly asked the servant to take away the suitcase in Ci Ci's hand, and Luo Ci handed it to her, "Mom, this is a sachet I made myself, so you can concentrate."

They are all sun-dried petals, which have been specially treated, not irritating, and have a faint fragrance.

Luo Mu hurriedly took it out and held it, treating the sachet as a treasure, with a smile on her face, pulling Luo Ci and sitting on the sofa.

Father Luo was in his forties and looked a little serious. His eyes fell on the sachet, and he took a while to move away.

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