The guests are a family of three, surnamed Yan, Yan's mother looked at Luo Ci with an imperceptible look in her eyes, with the usual smile on her face, "This is?"

Luo Mu introduced Luo Ci intimately, "This is my eldest daughter Luo Ci."

It was rare for Cici to go home once, and she even brought her a gift she made herself. She didn't know if she was distracted, but when she knew that she had poor sleep quality, she was already very satisfied, and there was joy in her tone. .

Yan mother's tone was kind, "I just said why it looks so beautiful, so it belongs to your family."

How could it be unpleasant to praise your daughter.

But then she spoke again, her tone slightly complaining, "We've known each other for so many years, but we don't know your eldest daughter."

The smile on Luo Mu's face faded, and she glanced at Luo Ci, she was worried that Ci Ci would feel uncomfortable.

Yan's mother said as if... They don't pay attention to this daughter at all, so even people who have known each other for more than ten years do not know the existence of porcelain.

Luo Ci said slowly, "I was in poor health since I was a child, so I was raised in the countryside. My parents didn't want anyone to disturb me, so no one knew."

This is also true.

If her identity is revealed, someone may kidnap her to threaten Luo's father and Luo's mother, and her life will be in danger. In addition, the previous master also said that she should be clean, so few people know that she is the daughter of the Luo family.

There was a hint of disgust in Yan Mu's eyes, but she still had the usual smile on her face, and she said a few more symbolic words, "It really is the countryside that feeds people."

Luo Mu paid attention to Luo Ci, and when she heard Ci Ci take the initiative to speak, she didn't mean to complain, and the depression in her heart was relieved, but what followed was doubly distressed. sensible.

It seems that there is never a time to act coquettishly.

Yan mother introduced their son, who had returned from studying abroad, in a tone full of pride.

Yan Hua, fair and handsome, wears a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, twenty-two years old, and his eyes are a bit like smiling fox eyes.

Luo Ci clearly felt that Mother Yan was not interested and slightly contemptuous towards her. She was not ready to continue to be arrogant, and she went upstairs after saying a little.

During the period, she felt a somewhat exploratory and slightly fiery gaze, she turned her head slightly, and just met the man's gaze.

Yan Hua smiled slightly, modestly and politely.

Luo Ci withdrew his gaze coldly and returned to the room.

The room is very big. She rarely lived in this room, but it was really prepared for her since she was a child, and it was cleaned every day.

On the bookshelf are their carefully prepared books, from children's books to grown-up ones, prepared for her by Luo's mother and Luo's mother with anticipation.

They also wanted to accompany her growing up.

There are also beautifully wrapped gifts piled up in the corners, and there are already a lot of them.

But under the gorgeous and exquisite packaging, hidden is the irreversible feelings. At first, those gifts still showed signs of handicraft, as well as the notes they left behind. The more they went on, they became expensive luxury goods. Even the handwritten birthday greetings were gone, and the verbal blessings... not to mention.

Even...she didn't need such a gift.

Not only her, but Luo Yin as well.

A few years ago, even birthdays were just so-called gorgeous box gifts.

Cold gifts can only be piled up.

They were busy with company business, and even Luo Yin was taken care of by servants.

Luo Ci took out her mobile phone, there was a message from Fragment on it, and asked her if she had arrived.

After she replied, the other party replied almost in seconds.


living room.

When Yan's family left, Luo Mu's smile completely disappeared, and her tone was obviously unhappy, "I don't think it is necessary to cooperate with Yan's family."

Father Luo also said, "Well, I'm not ready to cooperate anymore."

They hadn't seen anyone in the shopping mall. The mother Yan obviously looked down on Porcelain. She looked down on their daughter and still stared at their house. She wanted to take advantage of it.

And he also asked about the situation of the two daughters. If you don't like Cici, you want to play Yinyin's idea? They don't even care about Yan Jia!

Besides, I've known each other for many years, I'm sorry, that's because your Yan family has known each other for more than ten years, and they are not familiar with the Luo family.

After talking about the Yan family, they fell silent again.

Father Luo sighed, "We have neglected the two sisters over the years. Now let's put everything in the company behind."

I used to focus on my daughter in the past, but then for some reason, I told myself over and over again for the business, wait a minute, go home after receiving this business, and look at the porcelain.

As a result, I didn't even call them, nor did I give them any birthday wishes.

I don't know if it's too late.

He looked at the sachet in Luo Mu's hand again, the goose-yellow packaging was elegant, with some resentful envy in his eyes, "Porcelain didn't give me any gifts."

Luo Mu was still a little unhappy in her heart, but when she heard this, she immediately clenched the sachet, with a slightly smug tone, "This is given to me by porcelain."

Luo Fu sighed faintly, "That's why it's sour."

Don't give Dad a gift for Mom.


Luo Ci was going to stay at home for a few days. After all, her parents were also old, almost fifty years old, and the family was usually quite deserted. She was always cautiously trying to heal her family, and she didn't dare to disturb her when she went home.

Luo Fu Luo Mu knew that she would stay for a few more days, and the surprise in her eyes almost overflowed.

Luo's mother stayed at home almost all day long. If it wasn't for the company and someone to take charge of the overall situation, Luo's father would want to quit work.

At the dinner table, Luo Mu kept serving Luo Ci and asked her how she was doing.

Luo Ci talked more, took the initiative to talk about the daily life in the flower shop, and also mentioned that Yin Yin came to help.

Take the initiative to talk, instead of letting the other party keep looking for topics to ask, like Luo Mu's signal that she is willing to repair this family relationship.

In private, Luo Mu secretly wiped away her tears.

She is not a good mother, but both daughters are good and sensible.

In the past few days, Luo Ci usually took a walk with Luo Mu, chatting with Fragments in her spare time, and Fragments would say hello every day.

After that, he started to act coquettishly.

"Sister~ I work hard to take care of the plants in the flower shop every day, please praise.jpg."

"Why doesn't my sister come back, Hui Hui misses you."

"Sister...I miss you too."

Luo Ci covered her heart slightly, a smile on the corners of her lips.

Slowly tap the characters, "I'll be back tomorrow."

The other party replied in seconds, first with a cute emoji, and the peach rabbit in it was happily spinning in circles, which made her think of the way the fragments were so happy that they were spinning in circles.

"Then I'll pick up my sister."

with a new attitude.

Will my sister recognize him?

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