In the evening, Luo Mu helped Luo Ci to pack things together. Luo Mu thought about it, and she no longer looked like a strong woman in the company. She packed the down jacket she bought for Ci Ci for winter in the suitcase.

"It's cold now, wear more clothes, don't get tired from being sick, your body is the most important..."

She babbled.

After finishing the clothes, Luo Mu continued, "If you don't want to do it, go home. Your dad and I will support you."

Luo Ci approached and hugged Luo Mu, "I know, you and Dad also take care of yourself.".

This means being proactive.

Luo Mu repeatedly said yes, but suddenly her eyes turned red and she wiped away her tears.

It is only at this age that I realize that what I want to see most is a harmonious family.


Luo Ci booked the high-speed train at nine in the morning and arrived at the station in about four hours. In the morning, when the family was going to ask the driver to take her to the high-speed train station, Yan Hua happened to drive past the Luo Zhai, pulled down the window, and was white and clean. With a modest smile on his face, he pushed on his gold-rimmed glasses and asked, "Would you like me to give you a ride?"

Luo Ci didn't want to be too ugly in face, "I have someone send it."

Yan Hua shrugged unconcernedly, but there was a vague smile in his eyes, holding his chin as if waiting for something.

The driver came over apologetically, "Miss, the car doesn't seem to be able to drive."

Luo Mu was slightly surprised, "There are still several cars."

The driver wiped away the cold sweat that didn't exist. "It's because all the cars can't be driven. Either there is no gas, or there is a problem with the engine."

Hell, it was still open yesterday.

However, there is not enough time.

Luo Mu actually didn't want Yan Hua to send porcelain, even if she couldn't catch up with the high-speed rail, she didn't want him to send it. Although Yan Hua looked much better than his parents, she was a little bit repulsive to him in her heart, and she was inexplicably displeased.

Yan Hua looked over with a smile, "Do you need my help?"

Luo Ci finally nodded, and she shook Luo Mu's hand to reassure her, "Mom, I'm leaving."

It's impossible for the car to suddenly stop working, Yan Hua seems to be waiting for her.

Yan Hua took the initiative to get out of the car and opened the trunk for her and put the suitcase in. Luo Ci sat in the back seat and did not choose to sit in the passenger seat.

He wasn't annoyed either, always smiling, and after asking her where she was, he drove over.

From time to time, he would say a few words and ask Luo Ci about her previous life.

Luo Ci leaned against the window, replied calmly, and walked over lightly.

"Speaking of which, I have some similarities with Miss Luo. When I was a child, my body was weak, and a master gave me a jade pendant. Since then, my health has gradually improved."

Luo Qi paused, "Really?"

She didn't say these things just now, and the Luo family didn't have any rumors.

Yan Hua answered smoothly, "I wonder if I can take a look at your jade pendant?"

Luo Ci shook her head, "Sorry, I haven't worn it on my body recently." Even if it was on, she wouldn't take it out. She didn't believe this person.

She gave him a thoughtful look, maybe... not a person.

There are quite a lot of jade pendants on this plane, one avatar, one fragment, and one piece of Yanhua, but it is also related to mysticism.

She thought casually, maybe the jade pendant was produced by the same teacher.

Yan Hua was obviously a little regretful, but he didn't force it, and continued to drive.

When they arrived at the high-speed rail station, Yan Hua didn't think about what to do, and seemed to just see her off as usual.

But she knew it wasn't. When they first met, Yan Hua seemed to be staring at her, with an inquisitive and excited gaze.

Luo Ci dragged the suitcase into the car, and didn't think about these things. Anyway, someone was covering her, and anyone who came for trouble would be attacked.

She needs to build up a little bit of strength...

Luo Ci leaned against the window, silently thinking about meeting Fragment, and covered her heart slightly, she missed him even though she hadn't seen him for a few days.


Xili is currently changing clothes in a private residential area. She has already changed a dozen sets, and she is not very satisfied.

In the end, thinking of what his sister said, "Looking at the back is a little handsome", he decided to change into a black coat.

Wearing a mask and a cap, some mysterious, but very young.

He drove to the high-speed rail station and waited.

Silently stayed outside, waiting for the arrival of the high-speed rail carrying his sweetheart.

Yes, sweetheart.

During this period of time, he had already figured out his own mind, and he always tried to grasp what he wanted.

Instead of waiting until it's lost, it's a hindsight.

The young and slender body leaned slightly on the pillar, the coat was open, a little lazy, the black peaked cap covered his beautiful eyes, and the black mask tightly covered his face, which formed a sharp contrast with the exposed slightly fair skin. Indifferent.

Rao is that he didn't show his beautiful appearance at all, but still attracted some people's ideas. The mask perfectly showed his delicate face, including the chin line, without his appearance, but people couldn't help but wonder.

Occasionally raising his head, he would gently press down the brim of his hat with his fair fingertips, obviously not wearing any extravagant clothes, but with a noble temperament.

The young boy had been leaning on him lazily, and he didn't look very motivated until the radio sounded, he straightened up subconsciously, looked up straight ahead, and the high-speed train was coming.

Sister... is also back.

I suddenly felt a little nervous.

He watched people get down from the high-speed train carriage little by little, and his eyes swept over quickly.

Not my sister, my sister hasn't come out yet.

Tension and anticipation filled his heart at the same time, and he looked carefully at everyone who came out of a specific carriage.

Finally saw her.

She was dragging her suitcase, probably accidentally pushed by someone, and staggering a step, Xili almost wanted to move over in an instant and catch her.

But she quickly stabilized.

She dragged her suitcase and looked left and right, looking for the girls in the crowd who were shorter than her, trying to find the debris inside.

Xili's footsteps paused slightly, her hands tightened slightly, and she stepped forward a little.

Go to Luo Ci.

The tall figure quickly blocked the road in front of Luo Ci. She looked at him with clear eyes, her long eyelashes blinked, like a soft brush, as if swept across his heart.

Xili slowly took off the peaked cap, and gently pulled off the mask with her long white and slender fingertips, revealing a delicate and handsome face, her clear and clean eyes stared at her, and her voice was that of a young man, with a slight hoarseness in her clearness. "Please allow me to introduce myself, I'm Xili."

He gently held her hand, lowered his head and touched the back of her hand gently, a warm and soft kiss, with tender care and cherishing.

It was obviously a Western kiss, but it was done at this moment, but it didn't violate the slightest.

Somewhat elegant.

It was done subconsciously.

Luo Ci looked at the fragments in front of her and tilted her head slightly.

Surely not a girl.

Xi Li was still holding her hand, and the palm of her hand was sweating a little.

Somewhat wet.

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