Luo Ci suddenly sighed lightly.

Withdrew his hand, and pushed the suitcase to Xili rudely, "Aren't you going to take me home?"

Originally, when she pulled back her hand, Xili was still a little panicked, and she let her take it away at a loss, but then there was a suitcase handle in her hand.

It took a few seconds for him to react, and he hurriedly said, "I drove the car."

If you want to confess, you have to confess everything.

Luo Ci just glanced at him and said nothing.

Fragments really can't mix badly.

She didn't fully believe the reason why she was cheated out of money before.

It's just that it takes courage to approach someone you don't know.

To the fragments at that time, she was a new face, she didn't know her name, she didn't know her at all, but she still took the initiative to approach.

Moreover, she is still dressed as a woman, looking for the perfect reason as possible, trying to get a chance to get along, even when she proposed to buy clothes, she did not refuse.

so wronged myself.

She was only suspicious before, because Fragment was shorter than her and had no Adam's apple, so she couldn't suddenly take off Fragment's clothes. Although her chest is indeed flat, girls also have flat breasts...

Maybe there is something non-human in this plane, and the height can still shrink.

When she came to Xili's parked car, unlike Duanyan Hua, she chose the passenger seat.

Xili got into the car, looked at her nervously, and said in a low voice, "Sister..."

The elder sister seemed to be calm, not even a little surprised, but made him even more at a loss.

He lowered his head and slowly confessed, "Sister, I am a goblin."

Luo Ci paused, there are still fairies in this plane, obviously after the founding of the People's Republic of China, they cannot become fairies.

The eyes looked at him suspiciously, what kind of fairy could the fragment be.

"I noticed it on the first day my sister opened the store because she smelled so delicious... I was attracted to it."

He was suddenly very nervous, "But I didn't approach my sister because of this..."

But the teenager didn't say the specific reason, he hesitated, and finally gave up the topic.

His tone was a little serious, as if he was swearing to God, "I will never hurt my sister."

Luo Ci said silently, "Why do you want women's clothes..."

Xili's fair and beautiful face flushed slightly, "...I envy Luo Yin who can get along with my sister." And the cat.

He is also fluffy. He used to see those pets happily enjoying their owner's touch, and he was very disdainful. After all, wild animals are not allowed to be touched.

But seeing that smoggy gray cat being held by her, she suddenly felt a little envious.

Xili turned her head away suddenly, and some dared not look at her, "I used to observe my sister secretly, and I was opposite the flower shop every day."

"Girls should be more easily accepted by my sister... That's why I dressed up as a woman."

Luo Ci said slowly, "So it was you who was at the North School that day."

Xili didn't expect her to skip what she just said so quickly, it was already a voyeur...

He explained slowly, in a low voice, "Because I heard the news of the goblin riot in the North School, I rushed over immediately. I'm very worried about my sister..."

Afraid that something will happen to her.

Luo Ci responded, "Let's go to the supermarket if we don't go home."

Xili didn't ask the reason, and changed the route obediently.

When she got out of the car, Xili followed her meekly, her eyes locked tightly on her, like a puppy that was not leashed. I didn't hold myself well and accidentally lost him.

The master did not lead well, so try to follow the master's footsteps.

I saw Luo Ci walked towards the bedding very purposefully and stopped, "Which bed do you want?"

It was to buy a bed.

Xili breathed a sigh of relief, but then she was a little lost and couldn't sleep with her sister.

He didn't mention the fact that he had a house. What if he told him that his sister asked him to go home and live there. Now he can still stay under the same roof. He is already very satisfied.

He picked a bed at random, and finally took the initiative to pay. Looking at the black card he took out, Luo Ci didn't say anything. During the period, there were other miscellaneous small items. He directly carried the shopping bag and followed her silently.

"Go home, they'll have the bed delivered to your door soon."

Xili whispered, "Sister, aren't you angry?"

Luo Ci shook her head, "Why are you angry?"

"I lied to my sister..."

"But you told me now."

So offset.

not angry.

Xili blinked slightly, and quickly realized, "Then can I still work in the flower shop?"

Somewhat cautiously.

Luo Ci skinned a little, then stopped and said in an aggrieved voice, "Do you dislike my flower shop?"

Xili was at a loss and hurriedly explained, "I don't have it! I really want to stay in the flower shop!" Because her sister was there.

"Then why don't I want you." She tilted her head slightly, with a playful smile on her face.

There are some words that are impossible to say to the fragments.

She could only tell him in other ways that she would not be angry.

He doesn't have those memories, he is a brand new face, a brand new attitude to face her, so he doesn't know if she will accept him or her feelings for him, he can only approach cautiously, and even pretend to be aggrieved The look of a girl.

It's just because she likes cute girls, so she has to do what she likes and hide her true appearance.

It's not that simple to change his body shape, so she once saw a tall figure at the door of the bathroom. It was a rare reality for him. Taking a long bath was also to restore his true body as much as possible.

Everything is just for her.

In front of her, she only dared to show what she liked.

But he didn't think about himself.

Fragment must be very at a loss.

Dressing up as a girl and approaching her, she hides her true identity all the time, and uses countless lies to make up her mind. The more lies, the more panicked her heart becomes.

She was distressed by the fragments.

Luo Ci turned her head and said to him seriously, "I only said it once, I'm not angry, and I don't blame you."

She wanted to let Fragment know that his worries and tensions were unnecessary.

He didn't have to be so careful, afraid that he would be driven away.

She was obviously carrying all her memories, but she wanted to approach Fragment, but it seemed that Fragment came to her every time. He wanted to find all the reasons to be accepted by her and stay by her side.

Xili's eyes were slightly widened, filled with joy, and her eyes suddenly lit up.

He wanted to do something else, but there was a blush on his face and a faint feeling of drunkenness. He covered his head and whispered, "Sister, let's go home quickly."

I was so happy all of a sudden that my ears seemed to pop out.

He didn't want to show his ears in front of so many people.

I can only show my sister alone.

Luo Ci looked at his hand covering his head, and seemed to know what was wrong.

Get in the car decisively.

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