In the car, Xili pulled down the baffle, and covered his head with his hands silently. He didn't turn on the indoor lights, the light was a little dim, and he couldn't see his face clearly, but his eyes were shimmering with stars, and they were shredded. tender beauty.

His voice was small, " ears are exposed."

Luo Ci half-kneeled on the seat and leaned towards him, curiously wanting to look at his ears.

She still didn't know what elf Fragment was.

Xi Li was stiff and didn't dare to move, her eyes didn't blink, she slowly let go of her hand, and let her approach her somewhat meekly.

In the dim light, Luo Ci couldn't see the outline of his ears, but they were dark. She touched them subconsciously. The ears were fluffy and thick, like... semi-circular?

She pinched the edge of her ear again, and the fluffy ear under her hand moved, as if a little uncomfortable.

Then she heard a slight "baa" from the fragment, and paused.

The sheep's ears are not like this, how can they still bleat?

Xili quickly covered her mouth,'s really hard to control...

He thought it would be fine just to touch it a few times, but his sister almost touched his ear, and he couldn't take it back for the time being, and couldn't resist.

At this moment, his clear eyes were glistening with water, and the mist was foggy and a little blurry. He held Luo Ci's hand lightly, and his clean voice became hoarse, "Sister... don't pinch your ears."

Luo Ci pinched his ears, leaned toward him, and asked curiously, "What kind of fairy are you? Why are you bleating?"

Fragment looked at her pitifully, if she could turn on a light at this time, she would be able to see clearly.

Xili gently pulled her hand down, his face was already flushed red, he bit his slender lips lightly, but didn't answer.

If you say what kind of fairy he is, you must say why he bleats.

He doesn't want to...

And he wasn't ready for his sister to know what his original form was...

"You can talk about it later." Xili's voice was soft and soft, with a swirl at the end.

He held her hand, his white and smooth face was pressed against her palm, and he rubbed it softly, with a docile and pleasing look.

"Okay." Luo Ci retracted her hand and sat looking at him.

"When will the ears go away?"

Xili faltered, "It will disappear after a while."

In fact, not only the ears, but also the tail is exposed. Originally it was just ears... If it wasn't for my sister pinching his ears... it would have disappeared long ago.

And now all he could think about was how she felt when she pinched his ears.

The numbness and numbness spread all the way to his limbs, and his heart was itchy, so all his defenses were completely removed.

In fact, she had no defense against her at first, but after being pinched by her ear... It seemed that she could do whatever she wanted.

In the last ten minutes, the car slowly drove towards the house.


The other bedroom was soon filled with a bed, and Xili glanced reluctantly when she walked over with the quilt.

He didn't really want to go to another room.

No familiar taste.

It's just that he also knows that it's not good to sleep in the same bed with his sister without a name.

Luo Ci couldn't help but want to laugh a little when she looked at him, and it was cute when the fragments turned back into boys.

Seems a little resentful.

When it was time to prepare dinner, Xi Li took the initiative to say, "I went to learn how to cook these days, and I'll cook it for my sister."

Luo Ci was stunned for a moment, then smiled, "Okay."

She sat at the dining table, her head resting on her arms, quietly watching the shards around the bunny apron, busy in the kitchen.

A strand of soft hair fell down slightly, covering her face, she lay on her pillow lazily, not wanting to move, and blew her lips upward. But the strand of hair was not very obedient and was not blown up, so she could only keep blowing with her cheeks puffed up.

When Xi Li turned around, her eyes instantly focused on her.

She is not as quiet as usual, the expression on her face is always light, and even her smile is a shallow arc.

He puffed out his cheeks slightly, puffed his cherry pink moist lips and blew up childishly, trying to blow the strand of hair aside, but to no avail.

He almost subconsciously wanted to poke her cheek, but there was still water in his hand, and he had just handled the dishes.

Xili turned around regretfully and continued to chop vegetables.


Dinner is ready, full of flavors.

Xili looked at her expectantly, and sat upright subconsciously, obviously he was very nervous.

Luo Ci took a chopstick and slowly stuffed it into his mouth, chewed it for a while, "It's delicious."

Fragment was instantly happy.

But by coincidence, the tail was exposed, a short white plush tail.

Luo Ci sat beside him, turned her head sideways to him, and it was easy to see the short plush tail.

She stared at it silently for a while, what kind of fairy is it, with such a short tail.

Xili froze all over, and hurriedly wanted to retract his tail, but the more he wanted to retract his tail, the more unable to retract it.

Hui Hui, who was eating dried small fish quietly, heard the movement and raised his head to look over. When he saw the tail behind Xi Li, he couldn't help but lift his two front paws, and subconsciously pulled his hind legs a few times. Down, the vertical pupil shrank slightly, staring tightly.

As if frightened.

Luo Ci looked at Fragment's blushing face, but in the end she didn't lick her tail, and said softly, "Don't worry, I won't watch it."

Xili's eyes were wet and she whispered, "I didn't mean to hide it on purpose... I'm just nervous."

After speaking, he lowered his head a little dejectedly. At first, he clearly imagined that he could be treated like that cat and be treated by his sister, but later, the nature was different.

He began to want to make a perfect impression in front of her. Another reason why he was afraid of revealing his true shape was that he was afraid that his sister would not like it. doesn't quite match the appearance of taking a human form.

Image does not match.

is completely inconsistent.

If my sister saw it, she probably wouldn't like it.

Luo Ci didn't know that he had so many twists and turns in his heart, so he brought him some dishes, "Eat first."

Xili responded slowly, "Okay."

Before going to bed, there was a knock on Luo Ci's room door. She blinked and went to open the door. It was Shard who was holding a small pillow and stood pitifully outside the door.

"Sister, I heard that there will be heavy rain and thunder tonight, can I accompany you?"

Luo Ci said innocently, "But I'm not afraid of thunder."

Xili lowered his head and said softly, "That's great." He raised his eyes again, tilted his head, slightly cute, "But I want to warm my sister's bed."

She choked on her saliva in an instant, coughed several times, what the fragments were saying.

Why do you want to warm the bed all of a sudden?

Seeing her frightened look, Shard was a little disappointed, but she still said earnestly and persistently, "It will be very cold on a rainy night. I can act as a heater."

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