At the end, he blushed and added in a low voice, "I do it of my own free will, so I don't have to be named."

Luo Ci was a little confused, how to finish the meal... The fragments suddenly changed a bit.

He suddenly proposed to warm the bed, and said that he could have no name.

Even when her head was still a little messy, Xili leaned softly, spit out hot air, sprayed it on her neck, and said in a long, seductive voice, "I won't resist what big sister does to me."

After he finished speaking, he leaned over and hugged her, his head resting on her shoulders, and the small pillow that was still being hugged had been mercilessly thrown on the floor by the owner.

Luo Ci felt that the shard's whole body was resting on her body, and her body was hot, so she had to move slowly and put the shard on the bed.

It took a long time to settle him down, she was so tired that she was out of breath, but the other party pulled her down directly and lay on top of him.

Xili's consciousness was a little confused, but he still knew who was on him. He pouted his lips slightly and said coquettishly, "Sister~ I can warm the bed, so let me stay, okay?"

He still stayed at the previous stage, persistently waiting for Luo Ci's reply.

Luo Ci was helpless and funny, but in the end, she just grinded her small teeth.

Obviously already in bed, still thinking about it.

But she also knew that the state of the fragments was not right.

As soon as he lifted his upper body, his waist was tightly embraced by him. Xili looked at her quietly with her blurry eyes, and said nothing, but her hands did not loosen at all.

Not to go.

He was pulled back again, and the slender lips just touched the corners of his lips. Xili's eyes suddenly lit up at that moment, and he licked it subconsciously. He was sluggish for a few seconds, probably reacting to something.

Luo Ci raised her head and glared at him a little annoyed.

In the next second, I saw that the fragment seemed to have reacted. He raised his head slightly, and licked her lips a few times, as if he had found some fun toy. Tasting a little snack.

It was lingering.

And further pleaded, "Can I have another bite?"

If it wasn't for the blush on his face and the misty eyes, she would probably think he did it on purpose.

How can you say these things seriously.

Say something to eat.

She covered her lips with an expression of not wanting to continue. Fragment is a little lost, but I vaguely remember not to be too domineering, otherwise my sister will be unhappy.

He opened his eyes slightly, trying to recall what he had said before, and by the way, he wanted to serve as a heater for his sister.

So he hugged Luo Ci tightly again, and remembered to cover the quilt tightly.

His tone was slightly serious, "I can't let my sister catch a cold, I'm very warm."

The fragments were hugged so tightly that she couldn't break free.

And she only struggled a little, and the fragments looked at her with wet eyes, as if very aggrieved.

There's absolutely no way to be soft-hearted.

Simply let him go.

Sure enough, it rained heavily at night, and there was thunder outside the window, but Luo Ci was not woken up at all.

Xili listened to the thunder in a trance and slowly covered her ears before continuing to sleep.

He just woke up temporarily, thinking that the thunder could not disturb his sister, and he was not even conscious.


early morning.

Luo Ci, who was still sleeping, felt that her breathing was a little difficult, and she realized in a trance that she was probably being kissed, and it was not the warm and jerky kiss from last night, but a gentle and more skilled kiss.

She slowly opened her eyes, and when the Lord God realized that she was awake, the gentle and gentle kiss suddenly became stronger, with unquestionable domineering, as if she was venting something like jealousy.

It took a while for him to let go.

The Lord God supported her by her side, caressing her moist lips, her voice still hoarse in the morning, indescribably sweet, "Baby, good morning."

The cold and delicate face is still dyed with a little blush when it is slightly emotional, the lips are brightly colored, the silver eyes of ice and snow hide some tenderness, and the purple eyes are a little confusing, but they are very harmonious and have not violated. and.

Luo Ci blinked and slowly reacted, "Why did you suddenly appear?"

There was no expression on the Lord God's face, but he leaned over and hugged her, turned over again, let her lie on top of him, and gently stroked her head with his slender and warm hands, before saying, "I miss you."

Thinking of the previous plane, the purple eyes dimmed slightly for a moment.

Obviously he was about to wake up, but he couldn't appear in time, and was stopped by the shard, so that he couldn't get along with her in the previous plane.

So much so that when he regained consciousness on this plane, he couldn't wait to kiss her, and even became jealous because he thought about her dealings with other fragments, including the fact that this fragment took advantage of her during a special period.

He didn't get along with her well, he just took advantage of the rare sober space, and he didn't eat her with the consciousness of the deity.

Sometimes I wish he was a shard.

The Lord God thought that in order to get close to her, the fragments of this plane actually chose women's clothes, and what about buying underwear. He hasn't.

He raised his head and pecked Luo Ci's lips lightly, with a light tone, "Come with me to buy clothes."

There are fragments, and he will have them too.

Luo Ci was a little dazed, why did she suddenly want to buy clothes.

But won't it be leaving soon?

As if knowing what she was thinking, the Lord Shinto said, "I can stay longer."

"...Oh." Luo Ci hugged him silently, and rubbed against him in his arms, with some attachment and intimacy.

In front of him, she will be like a child. The recent debris is too young, so she subconsciously wants to take care of it.

The Lord God slowly sat up and dropped a kiss on the top of her hair, suppressing the emotions in her heart.

He slowly put on his clothes, his white fingers slowly buttoned up with some grace, and then he reached out to her, "Come."

He hugged her directly and went to the bathroom.

Luo Ci was in his arms the whole time, like a well-behaved baby.

The Lord God thought in his heart, it was originally a baby.

It was he who guarded the little bud that grew up, which opened up little by little and turned into a beautiful flower with its own characteristics.

He skillfully took out the toothbrush from the sink, squeezed the toothpaste and handed it to her, then squeezed another one for himself, and the two of them brushed their teeth together.

Luo Ci suddenly felt a little dreamy.

They used to be in the realm of the gods and didn't have much contact. One was the main **** and the other was the heir of the Tao of Heaven. They were clean and dust-free, and they didn't need the brushing of ordinary people's teeth at all.

But now they are standing side by side on the sink brushing their teeth.

And after brushing her teeth, he picked up the towel, dipped it in water, wringed it out, and gently wiped her face little by little.

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