Luo Yin rushed over aggressively, his eyes almost squinting at Rong Qing, "Sister, who is he?"

The Lord God raised his eyebrows slightly, bowed his head slightly, and leaned in front of Luo Ci, the crimson slender lips pressed on her lips, and he chirped softly.

It's as light as drinking a cup of tea, but with an unquestionable tone, "I'm your brother-in-law."

Brother-in-law doesn't have any adjectives in front of it.

Because he is stating a fact.

For him, I love you is not a proposition, but a theorem that will never be broken.

Luo Ci's eyes opened slightly, completely... I never thought that he would take such initiative.

Clear and cold, with a ruthless and disinterested look, he came up to Jiu Mi and took an oath of sovereignty.

Luo Yin's whole body seemed to be struck by lightning, and she even kissed her sister in front of her... and said that it was her brother-in-law. The most important thing was that her sister didn't resist!

She was not very happy, but didn't say anything. She wanted to be a good sister and couldn't embarrass this person in front of her sister.

Of course not privately.

She just wanted to see for her sister... Is it reliable?

Anyway, she won't be called brother-in-law now.

I don't know if it's a flash.

Luo Yin rolled her eyes, "Sister, why haven't I heard you talk about it before?"

Luo Ci was still thinking about what to say, she definitely couldn't let her sister know that he was the Xili from before, otherwise how should he explain how a man dressed up as a woman, it would be fine if he simply changed into a girl's clothes, but he had deliberately become shorter.

The identity of the goblin must not be revealed casually.

The Lord God took her shoulders with a calm expression, "We've known each other before, and we've only been together in the past few days, um, I'm chasing them."

Actually right.

Luo Ci looked at him blankly.

I met a long time ago.

together now.

Luo Yin has nothing to say, everyone has known each other for a long time, and the man has some initiative?

The Lord God took Luo Ci into the room, put down the packaging bag, and said in a low voice, "I'll pack it, you're in charge."

So he sat in front of the counter and slowly packed the bouquet, Luo Ci watching the process silently beside him.

The profile of his face is as delicate as snow and ice, and he handles the flower branches with some seriousness. Suddenly, he turned his face and approached her with a chirp, "This is my reward."

Actively ask for rewards.

Luo Ci's clear eyes widened slightly, as if she was unexpectedly frightened.

What...a reward.

"This is the salary, I took it myself." He continued slowly.

Salary for helping in a flower shop.

In fact, he still doesn't have too many expressions. He is used to people with expressionless faces and has lost the ability to laugh, but when he looks at her quietly, he can still feel his tenderness and the hidden smile.

Luo Ci's mind moved slightly, and she leaned over to his glossy and beautiful lips, and gave a small sip, and said in a low voice, "Reward yourself for coming."

Rong Qing's eyes trembled for a moment, his fair Adam's apple rolled up and down for a moment, and he lowered his voice slightly, "More."


Luo Ci didn't come up anymore.

But if the mountain doesn't come, it's me, and I'm the mountain.

He wasn't annoyed either, he leaned over with a serious look, gave a small kiss, and then turned his head to continue packing the bouquet.

Luo Yin, who just got up a little to get something: "..."

She probably shouldn't exist.


Passing by many passers-by outside the flower shop, and seeing the beautiful goddess in the shop, they couldn't help but stop, and even some girls secretly wanted to enter the shop to buy flowers and see if they could add their contact information.

As soon as I walked in, I saw the male **** who was carefully packing the bouquet, turned his head and kissed the beautiful girl beside him.

Okay, excuse me.

When the store closed, Luo Yin was full of resentment. She ate dog food all afternoon.

She didn't want to join in the fun now, she just picked up the bag and left. don't have to come here anymore.

Luo Ci was about to take out her mobile phone to take a taxi, when Rong Qing came close behind her and hugged her waist, her delicate chin resting lightly on her head, her voice was soft and slow, like a very light sigh, "No taxi."

"I'll carry you back."

"But... it's a bit far, and there are those clothes."

The Lord God glanced at the packaging bags in the middle, and with a light snap of his white fingers, the packaging bags flew away on their own.

fly where they should go.

Of course, ordinary people can't see it, and the goblins won't say anything when they see it, at most they are surprised.

He let go of his hand, bowed slightly, stretched out his hand backwards, and said in a light tone, "Come up."

Luo Ci Xuebai bit her lip lightly, and slowly lay on his back, her hands lightly wrapped around his neck. She was not wearing a skirt, so she was not afraid of going out.

The Lord God stood up straight, supported her legs with both hands, and walked steadily towards the way home.

It got dark early in the fall, he walked across the sidewalk, and the evening wind blew gently with a little coolness.

In the evening breeze, his voice was also mixed with a bit of coolness, as clear as cold jade, "Is it cold?"

Luo Ci's little head was close to his neck. It was warm. He looked like a cold person, but he was actually very warm.

He whispered, almost facing his face, his ears, and the hot and humid breath sprayed onto his neck, "It's not cold."

A small voice, soft and mixed with a bit of sweetness.


They haven't spoken since.

Under the light of the street lights, the shadows of the two were drawn very long, and the tall and slender figure silently carried a slightly petite figure on his back, and spent half an hour of quiet time.

Plain and light, not vigorous, revealing warmth.

After arriving home, Rong Qing put down Luo Ci gently, her figure was a little unstable, she quickly supported her, "What's wrong?"

The Lord God was half-holding her, and almost all of his strength was on her. His voice was very soft, as if he would disappear with a touch, "The fragment is a panda that has become an essence, and he bleats because he is in estrus, This period will be fierce, so don't promise him."

Fragments are panda essence...

It's going to be brutal...

Promise what.

Even though he was about to leave, he still held on to his consciousness and uncovered the bottom of the fragments.

Luo Ci supported him in a daze, not knowing what to say for a while, then she felt that he stood up a little bit forcefully, clasped the back of her head, and kissed her warm lips.

It seemed like he was venting some emotions, like he was reluctant to give up, and it seemed that there were other emotions that could not be explained clearly, all contained in this kiss.

Luo Ci leaned back a little, so she could only hold onto his shoulders tightly, relying on him to support her body.

This kiss lasted for a long time. After Rong Qing let go, he placed his face slightly on the side of her hair, and hugged her tightly with both hands. The color of his eyes had returned to the deity's strange-colored pupils, and there was a bit of regret in the beautiful pupils. .

He used a little divine power, so he couldn't stay with her for a few more days.

It doesn't matter, as long as her body recovers, it's fine.

With him around, she can do things according to her own preferences regardless of the consequences.

"I am leaving."

Whispered softly.

Luo Ci felt a heavy weight on her body, the Lord God left, and after a moment of silence, she supported the fragments and put him on the bed.

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