Thinking of what Rong Qing said about the panda essence, Luo Ciban lay beside the fragment and looked at him.

I couldn't see it in the car that day, it was roughly semi-circular in outline, and it was a bit big, growing on both sides of my head, um... I couldn't help but think of Mickey Mouse's **** ears.

She couldn't help laughing.

Eyes curved into crescent moon, full of genuine smile.

Reached out and touched the top of his head, if only the ears were exposed now.

She thought so.

And the tail seen earlier.

A tuft of short, fluffy white tails, somewhat like a sheep's tail, and certainly a rabbit's tail.

Suddenly want to pull.

It's actually... a panda.

Kind of like seeing the original.

Just like this, I lay on my stomach and looked at the fragments, occasionally poking with my hands, and tentatively extending its paws like a kitten, and tugging at each and every time.

After going to wash up, I lay on the bed and fell asleep.

Of course it was her own room, she didn't rest with the fragments.


The sunlight came in through the curtains and sprinkled on Xili's delicate and beautiful face. The dark and thick eyelashes trembled slightly. He slowly opened his eyes and sat up slowly.

There is a blank in the mind for a moment, but the next second is filled with some information.

But that information is somewhat illusory and unreal.

It seemed like it did happen, but there was no sense of engagement.

For example, yesterday he said he wanted to buy clothes and eat in the private room, chased Xia Haoyi away with his eyes, and later packed bouquets at the flower shop.

The rest are not impressed.

This was the information that the Lord God had let him see. Those things that might promote the relationship between Fragment and Luo Ci were not known to Fragment.

And even this information is like the gap between the outline and the detailed outline, and it is too simplified.

The Lord God is actually very careful.

But Xili still remembered that the night before yesterday, he was in a bad state. He ran to his sister's room to knock on the door, kissed her, and finally seemed to be still on the bed, holding her to sleep.

After almost getting dressed, he went to Luo Ci's room.

Luo Ci just woke up at this point, the quilt wrapped her body, only her small head was exposed, and she was quietly putting on her bra.

Just put it on, pulled down the shirt, and heard the sound of the door being knocked, a slight knock on the door. If you fall asleep, you will not be woken up, but if you are awake, you can just feel it.

After changing his clothes, he pulled his hair and got up to open the door.

Fragment had a little nervousness on his face, and stood on the spot to himself, holding it for a while, before opening his mouth, "Sister... I will be responsible!"

Thinking of what he said that night that he could warm the bed, and that he didn't want to be named...

only temporarily.

Anyway...the bed warming is successful, he will firmly occupy the elder sister, and no one will want to get close, sooner or later there will be a name.

It doesn't doesn't matter, as long as she is his.

Luo Ci tilted her head slightly, didn't mention her responsibility, but said, "You are what I want to see you in."

Xili's body was slightly stiff, and the original shape did not conform to his image.

He hesitated.

Luo Ci approached and took his hand, shook it lightly, coquettishly, her voice soft and cute, "I want to see it, okay."

Xi Li's ears turned red.

He suddenly realized how she was feeling when he pretended to be a girl and acted coquettishly at her. He couldn't help but soften his heart and wanted to agree to any request from her.

After a long while, he said in a hoarse voice.


"Pull the window." Luo Ci thought that the fragment was a panda, and if someone saw it, it might not have a good impact.

She didn't keep pandas secretly, it was this one that became sperm.

After closing the window, Xili silently transformed into a panda. It was small, with short four claws, and the white fluffy tail behind him was also a small tug. His **** eyes looked at his body. , some self-sacrificingly stretched out two paws to her, a little naive.

Luo Ci picked up the panda cub, looking like a cub, "Have you always been like this?"

Such a small one, isn't it a giant panda?

Not grown up yet?

The panda cub glanced at her silently, and rubbed softly in her arms.

He didn't speak, silence was the best answer.

The appearance of the giant panda is even more incompatible with the image, and he does not want to be like that.

When the panda cubs are still cute, it will not affect the impression in her heart.

Fortunately, she didn't ask any further.

Luo Ci pinched her semi-circular ears, rubbed and rubbed, the panda cub stretched out its black claws to cover its head silently, and looked at her with dark circles silently, a little aggrieved.

He was originally...not in normal times.

And pinched his ears.

Luo Ci's little face leaned up and rubbed it. It was the first time she had come into close contact with a panda, and she was still a fragmented panda.

The tuft of plush tails behind the panda cub couldn't help but move, Luo Ci grabbed it subconsciously and pinched it.

Then, the panda cub involuntarily called out, "Bah~" as if it had been stimulated

The semi-circular ears also trembled slightly, and the small body struggled for a while.

But dare not force.

He knows that his strength is relatively large, and he is likely to scratch her.

Luo Ci paused for a while, then spoke slowly, "I heard... Pandas bleat at certain times."

The panda cub froze.

He stretched out his claws and tugged at her clothes, his dark circles staring straight at her.

Picked up a little tight.

For fear of being left behind.

Luo Ci continued to touch the panda cub, he could only lie in her arms meekly, trying to escape from her hand, but he was a little attached and reluctant.

It turns out... that's what it feels like to be brushed.

He is not a panda raised in a zoo, he is almost wild, no one has seen him, and then he picked up the jade pendant and slowly turned into a humanoid.

Before entering human society, he was discovered by the Fairy Administration.

He remembered the expressions of those people, he was very surprised, and he seemed to be eager to get up, and even tempted him with fresh bamboo shoots, just to touch his body. But he was very resistant, so no one dared to touch him.

It's just some bamboo shoots, and it's not the time when he only knows how to eat.

He knew those people called him a national treasure.

The people in the Administration Bureau provided him with a lot of things very enthusiastically, and easily got the houses that other fairies exchanged for their hundred years of savings.

Because he is a panda essence.

At first, they were only very good to him because of this. Later, after seeing him tearing the body of a blackened goblin, they began to pay attention to his strength and even awe.

No one dared to brush his hair, and no one could.

Except for her.

Luo Ci looked at the panda cub in her arms, thinking that pandas love to eat bamboo, she immediately couldn't help ordering some bamboo shoots back.

It was in the store's note that they wanted a batch of fresh bamboo shoots and increased the price.

So the take-out efficiency is very fast, and it arrives in ten minutes.

Luo Ci put down the panda cub, locked it in the room, and went to the door to get bamboo shoots.

Well, it's time to feed the pandas.

There is also watching panda cubs eat bamboo shoots.

Xili silently looked at the bamboo shoots she handed over in a coaxing tone, took it with her paws and slowly ate it.

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