At 5 o'clock in the afternoon the next day, Yan Hua sent the location.

About seven o'clock.

Considering that the other party is very cunning, and that the people in the Administration Bureau are relatively rough and easy to scare the snakes, Xili did not inform them, nor did he let the people in the Administration Bureau confirm Yan Hua's identity, and he trusted his sister more.

If the people of the Administration Bureau act indiscriminately, it will be detrimental to my sister if the goblin goes berserk.

In fact, he wanted to go instead of her.

He didn't like this kind of behavior of using his sister as bait to catch goblins.

But the other party has been eyeing.

If he didn't solve it sooner, wouldn't the goblin deal with his sister when he didn't know it.

Besides... my sister wants to go.

He knew why.

That goblin escaped a lot of hunts, and even now they haven't found out the identity and appearance of the other party. If it wasn't for the elder sister who felt that something was wrong, and if the other party hadn't been eyeing her sister, they would have to spend some more effort to find the other party.

During the period when the other party cannot be inquired, it is very likely that other murders will occur, which also means that more innocent people will suffer.

So my sister is willing to use her body as bait.

And he can only choose to respect her wishes and do his best to protect her.


Xili went to the high-end restaurant first before Luo Ci, changed into the waiter's clothes and waited.

The restaurant was a little busy, and Xili walked out slowly in her overalls, and was about to follow the big team when she was stopped by a voice, "That one over there! "

The work clothes he wears are obviously a little more decorated than those of ordinary waiters. He should be the foreman or something. He is in his twenties and nearly 30, and his voice is very serious.

Xili replied calmly, "I'm new here, I just went to the wrong place."

The foreman was slightly stunned when he saw his appearance, and then said with a stern face, "Put on a mask, and when the guest asks, he will say that he has a rash."

Xi Li didn't really want others to stare at him, so he took out his mask and put it on without hesitation, which made the foreman stunned for a moment.

The foreman waved his hand, "Okay, don't go wrong this time."

Xili left silently, and when she passed the foreman, the foreman's low voice came from her ear, "I advise you to find another job as soon as possible and resign this."

Because such a face will be targeted by those who often come and go in high-level clubs.

The foreman just said this and left.

Xili paused in her footsteps, and walked towards the kitchen with a calm expression.


Luo Ci was the one who stepped on it. She didn't change her dress on purpose, nor did she wear high heels. She wore the same outfit as usual.

Yan Hua booked the innermost private room. He was wearing a suit, with a goblet of red wine swaying slightly in his hand, and there was a trace of anxiety in his eyes. He didn't feel relieved until he heard the sound of the door of the private room and saw Luo Ci.

With a modest smile on his face, "Miss Luo, good evening."

Luo Ci nodded slightly, pulled out the chair opposite him and sat down, "Good evening."

Yan Hua put down the goblet in his hand, "The dishes will be served later, do you want some red wine?"

She shook her head, "Sorry, I don't drink."

I don't really want to continue to deal with it, this person's breath is very uncomfortable. When I was in Luo's house before, I couldn't see anything at all, just faintly unhappy.

It was only yesterday that he realized that the other party was carrying human life, and the blood-colored resentment had turned dark red, indicating that a lot of sins had been accumulated.

And now, although Yan Hua still looks clean and gentle, his appearance is getting worse and worse, and he is completely a beast.

The rich dark aura mixed with blood resentment made people sick.

His complexion turned a little worse, and it was related to the fact that the goblin that Fragment told her yesterday was injured by him, and Yan Hua's relaxation and surprise when he saw her.

She is now 100% sure that Yan Hua is the goblin.

As for not finding it for so long... I don't know for the time being.

The private room door was opened, and a tall waiter wearing a mask pushed the dining cart in, his voice was slightly lower, and he said in a deep voice, "You two, this is the meal you ordered."

Yan Hua glanced at him without any doubts, and let the waiter take out the plates from the dining car little by little and set them up.

On the way of setting the dishes, the waiter poured a glass of juice for Luo Ci, and gestured with slender white fingers, "Please take it slow."

Luo Ci took the juice and took a sip, "Thank you."

Yan Hua was inexplicably upset, and always felt that Luo Ci's attitude towards a waiter was better than that of him, but in the end, she had to maintain her personality, with the same smile on her face, and took the initiative to find a few topics.

She continued calmly, without too many waves.

The waiter in the middle also deliberately bypassed Yan Hua. Before the dishes were finished, he came to Luo Ci and bent down slightly to prepare a napkin for her. Wearing a mask, he couldn't see her face clearly, but her voice was low and pleasant, and Luo Ci was also distracted to meet the waiter. There is interaction, which makes Yan Hua more and more unable to hold his breath.

When the waiter came to him, he deliberately asked, "Why are you wearing a mask?"

The waiter dressed as Xili replied calmly, "I have a rash on my face, I'm afraid the guests will be uncomfortable."

After hearing this, Yan Hua felt a lot more comfortable, it turned out to be an ugly person.

After he finished asking, he looked at Luo Ci with a smile, "Speaking of which, our two families have known each other for so many years. My parents greeted my uncle and aunt a few days ago, revealing the meaning of marriage, Miss Luo, what are your thoughts? ?"

Luo Ci was slightly surprised, "Really? My parents never told me about it."

When Xi Li heard the word "marriage", her figure paused, her eyes darkened, and her lips hidden under the mask drew a half-sarcastic arc.

Originally, he wanted to deal with this goblin later, but now... it was his sister's idea, and he couldn't bear it.

He had already confirmed that Yan Hua was the vixen he wanted to hunt down. The other party should have recognized his sister's special physique, so he decided to get along with her step by step, instead of directly digging his heart out for the young women before.

Luo Ci saw the action of the fragments, and deliberately turned a corner slowly, in order to attract Yan Hua's attention, "I'm sorry, it seems that there is such a thing."

Yan Hua's mind moved slightly, all her thoughts were on Luo Ci's reply. If she doesn't resist, the effect will definitely be good, and he doesn't want to directly kill the spiritual body that is rare to see in a thousand years.

"My mother mentioned it to me a few days ago and asked me what I was thinking."

While she was replying slowly, Yan Hua quietly took out the special handcuffs, and then the time to bend over to put the cutlery approached.

"Of course my thoughts are—"

"I don't agree."

As soon as he finished speaking, Yan Hua felt the cold handcuffs shackle him.

Almost simultaneously.

On the one hand, there was a cold reply from Luo Ci, as if mocking his ignorance, and on the other hand, cold handcuffs locked his mana.

He was even punched several times by Xili, and fell to the ground in a state of embarrassment.

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