Yan Hua lay on his back on the ground, all the previous gentleness and gentleness disappeared, only the embarrassed and ruthless, with red eyes like blood, stared at them stubbornly, gritted his teeth and said, "You are a group!"

Xili slowly took off his mask, stepped on him, and a cold sneer appeared on the corner of his lips, "I'm sorry, you found this all out."

He stepped on his feet very hard, but his face was light and cloudy, and he casually took out his mobile phone and contacted the people in the Administration.

Yan Hua struggled desperately and couldn't break free, her chest was about to vomit blood.

Xili took back the phone and looked at him coldly, "I wanted to deal with you later, but who made you focus on my girlfriend."

Of course, the so-called late may only be a few minutes late.

Yan Hua's eyes seemed to be poisoned, which made people panic a little bit, but Xi Li didn't care at all.

If I didn't want my sister to see the **** and violent side, it would definitely not be as simple as stepping on it.

The leader of the management bureau came soon. When entering the private room, he saw a picture: a young and beautiful girl was holding a quilt and slowly drinking juice. A man in a suit was cradling crabs and stepped on under his feet.

The corner of the leader's mouth twitched slightly, he didn't know what to say.

It was obvious that the other party was a goblin with a four-star danger level, but the big guy was so relaxed, he even dated a little human girl.

The leader glanced at Luo Ci a few times, and then Xi Li stared at him coldly, "This goblin can be taken away."

Faintly rejecting him, with a little dissatisfaction, he wanted to drive him away.

When the leader choked, he was about to take Yan Hua away from the ground, but he suddenly burst out, broke free, waved the leader, his fingers exposed long sharp claws, and grabbed at Luo Ci, his eyes gloomy and cold, "go to hell!"

In the blink of an eye, Xi Li was able to stop her, the clothes on her arm were torn into strips of cloth, and even a few red marks were left.

As soon as he missed the hit, Yan Hua recklessly attacked Luo Ci. As long as he ate her heart, he would recover from his injuries, his mana would increase greatly, and these people could no longer catch him.

Luo Ci suddenly took out a jade pendant and threw it at Yan Hua, his figure suddenly stagnated as if he was being controlled.

That jade pendant was given to her by the master when she was a child, not the fragment.

At the same time, a jade pendant appeared on Yan Hua's neck. It was different from Luo Ci's jade pendant of bright white and moist texture. The jade pendant was like blood, stained with a strange dark color. It looks evil.

Luo Ci's jade pendant radiated white light, reflecting Yan Hua. He had a painful expression on his face, holding his head in his hands, and a transparent soul body was slowly pulled out and returned to the blood jade pendant, which looked like a fox spirit.

As for Yan Hua, his face was pale, he fell to the ground unconscious, and the dark aura on his body had completely disappeared.

Xili was stunned for a moment, then walked over to Luo Ci and hugged her tightly.

God knows how worried he was just now. At that moment, "Yan Hua" was a lunatic. He insisted on dealing with his sister, as if he didn't feel any pain.

The leader coughed a few times, looked at the blood jade pendant with some confusion, and then looked at Yan Hua on the ground, "So, what the **** is going on?"

"Let me explain."

A young man wearing a Taoist robe appeared, the master of that year, and the years did not leave too many traces on his face.

It is precisely because of his youth that Luo's father and Luo's mother distrusted him even more at the beginning.

He made a slight move towards the blood jade pendant, the jade pendant struggled for a moment, and then flew into his hands. During this time, the red light flickered, and it looked very restless. ."

The leader stared at the jade pendant in his hand and quickly asked, "What the **** is going on with this goblin?"

The master sighed faintly, "This matter is a long story."

Xili interrupted in a cold voice, "Then make a long story short."

The master was helpless, "Okay."

"This fox was born hundreds of years ago. Its body was destroyed. It was rescued by the master with compassion. It was placed in the jade pendant to nourish its soul. As a result, it was stained with blood more than ten years ago and gradually became He turned into a demon, ran out on his own, possessed himself on this kid, and usually hides it, even I can't find it."

"Then that's what you see."

The leader looked at the jade pendant that Luo Ci took back calmly, "Then what happened to the jade pendant in this little girl's hand?"

The master smiled bitterly and could only hold it on himself, "The jade pendant contains my mana, so I have some restraint on this goblin, but this is not something I calculated."

How could he have this ability? A dozen years ago, he was only a teenager, and his morality was not high. At that time, he could only give her a jade pendant to support her body. The most important thing was to stay away from the city and get close to nature. At that time... He is also a blind cat meets a dead mouse...

But this little girl is obviously unusual, her physique has improved now, and she can subdue the demon with the jade pendant he gave.

Now that Dao Xing has started, she also knows that her status is not ordinary, so she can only bear the blame for her.

As for Yan Hua on the ground, he was considered an innocent person. If he knew that the fox soul used his body to kill people and dig his heart and a series of things, he would not be able to bear it in his heart.

The master sighed, but decided to take Yan Hua away, lest he wake up and collapse.

The leader watched his actions and became vigilant, "What are you going to do?"

The master shrugged, "He's innocent, just an ordinary person. I'm afraid he won't be able to think about it when he wakes up."

"That fox spirit will not be spared by our teacher, and it will not run out again this time."

Because it will be scorched by the flames of the Taoist door to the point where the soul will fly away.

Xili took Luo Ci's hand and was about to leave, but the leaders couldn't think of anything to stop them.

He also knew that Xili was not a good person, although he vaguely guessed that the girl was not simple, but he didn't dare to reveal it, otherwise it was just the violent tendencies of this national treasure... it was terrible.

The leader was still standing alone in the private room, thinking about things indefinitely.

How does it feel...he is lonely.

The goblin was not caught, and finally returned empty-handed.

At this moment, a waiter came in with a smile on his face and was very polite, "Hello this guest, a total of..."

The waiter looked at the damaged tables and chairs, and continued, "Including the compensation for these tables and chairs, as well as today's dinner, you have to pay a total of 89,560 yuan. Is it a credit card or cash?

The leader's face turned black for a while. At this moment, he just wanted to blow his dirty mouth. In the end, he could only say stubbornly, "Swipe your card!"

Actually the heart is bleeding.

His private money! ! !


The master left the restaurant, still dragging Yan Hua in his hand, approached Luo Ci and said slyly, "What, little girl, don't you think I gave you this jade pendant when you were young? If you don't want it, you can give it to me. me?"

The spiritual energy on this jade pendant is obviously much more, and my eyes are tight.

Xili said word by word, "No, give it." If you want to give it, give it to him.

The master left with a look of resentment.

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