Luo Ci, who originally wanted to return the jade pendant: "..."

Quietly withdrew his hand.

In fact, she had no idea, and it was not her jade pendant.

But Xili didn't think so, how could the jade pendant that her sister wore for so many years can be given to others casually.


The dust has settled.

Xili also passed a special period, so the relationship between the two was settled.

Time to take the shards home to meet the parents.

Luo's father and Luo's mother heard that the eldest daughter had made a boyfriend and wanted to bring it back for a look. The company affairs were put on hold, and the servants at home were busy with each other, preparing to tinker with a large table of dishes.

Their daughter is only twenty-two years old, and she has never thought about urging marriage and blind dates. Even if the Yan family came to test it before, it means that her daughter does not consider marriage for the time being.

But I didn't expect to have a boyfriend so soon. I felt mixed feelings for a while, and even hurriedly called Luo Yin back to check it out together.

The lack of their daughter's childhood made them extra cautious, but even more nervous than the party Xili.

Luo's father and Luo's mother were sitting on the sofa in the living room, a little stiff, and Luo Yin couldn't help covering his face beside him.

Where has the momentum of your second elder as the group president gone?

But... the president is also a parent.

Or parents who consciously owe their daughters.

Luo Yin didn't have any special emotions because he knew it for a long time.

She didn't tell her parents and sister that she already had a boyfriend at the time. Of course, she had to tell her about it herself, otherwise it would appear as if she was complaining.

What's more, if young people have young people's secrets, how can they be leaked.

Doorbell rang.

Luo Ci used to open the door directly to come in, but now she rings the doorbell to say hello to her parents.

Luo Mu couldn't sit still, got up to open the door, first saw her daughter, she glanced back, and saw the delicate-looking Xili, who looked very young, with clean and clear eyes, maybe even younger than her daughter?

"Come in, come in, come in."

Father Luo had a stern expression on his face, looked over, and withdrew his gaze without changing his face, but he did not express his rejection.

Xili handed over the gift and said politely, "Hello, uncle and aunt, my name is Xili."

Father Luo replied in a low voice. Generally speaking, he would ask the other party's financial situation. Naturally, this is not a problem. It is one thing to be able to support a daughter, and the other party can't be too unpromising.

Xili answered one by one, and when asked about his work, he briefly summarized, "I work in a special department, the treatment is okay, and there is no danger."

Father Luo was a little surprised. He didn't expect this kid to be as simple as he looked.

Luo Yin was different. When he heard the special department mentioned by Xili, he didn't know what to do, and he even went to his sister's flower shop to help. Well, she agreed.

It doesn't seem to matter whether she recognizes it or not.

Luo Mu thought farther, her daughter brought her boyfriend back to be married, and she immediately asked about the marriage room.

"Xili, if you don't buy a house after you marry Cici, you can still live in Luo's house." This way, you will spend more time with your daughter.

Who knew that Xili directly reported his residential area, Luo Mu was a little disappointed, and the abacus was lost, but the other party obviously did not like the Luo family's money, and the character was also good, and the relationship was very good, they can rest assured.

This plane got married not too long ago. After marriage, there is no big storm. Luo Ci still runs a flower shop. Xili occasionally handles emergencies, which is plain and warm.

Of course, the most important thing is to have panda rua.

One day, when Xili was not there, Luo Ci was the only one looking at the flower shop.

The doorbell rang, and she subconsciously said, "Welcome."

The visitor was Yan Hua. His face was pale and he didn't look very energetic.

He smiled politely, "Would it be convenient for me to wrap a bunch of flowers?"

Luo Ci nodded lightly, picked out some flower branches, and dealt with them slowly.

Yan Hua suddenly said, "Can you help me put a bunch of white hyacinths?"


Her fingers were nimble, and she packed it up in no time. Yan Hua paid the money and took it with a soft smile on her face. Her voice was modest from the inside out, "Thank you."

He came unexpectedly and left quietly.

Luo Ci didn't care about other people except fragments and relatives, so she didn't think much about it.

Even if the other party is innocent, there is no need for her to say something comforting.

It's not that she didn't see it.

So I don't want to give any hope that can touch the heart of the other party.


Yan Hua walked slowly by the side of the road, holding the bouquet in her arms, as if she cherished it.

He didn't drive and just wanted to walk around the neighborhood.

With a slightly morbid pallor on his fair face, he suddenly coughed a few times, and put his fingers against his lips to cover it slightly. He wiped it lightly, and the pale lips were stained with a little red blood, which was smudged.

He didn't seem to care at all, instead he looked nervously at the flowers in his arms, for fear of getting dirty.

He took out a tissue from his pocket and wiped off the blood. The curved corners of his lips were not as warm as in the store, but with a touch of bitterness.

The fair-skinned fingers had an inexplicable sense of transparency in the sun, and gently supported the white hyacinth in the bouquet, cautiously.


He has been shrouded in the shadow of that fox spirit body since the age of eight.

Since childhood, he was frail and sick, and his parents looked at him with unsatisfactory eyes, constantly looking for a doctor to treat the disease, and always looking at him with disappointed eyes.

It's like...he's a piece of shit.

The **** that drags down their careers.

The parents even wanted to abandon him at one point and have a second child.

For the more traditional and old-fashioned, they want their son to inherit the company, but they have reached the point where even their daughter is better than him.

Later, when he saw the jade pendant, he picked it up and put it on his neck. His body slowly improved, and he could grow up healthy.

The parents were just happy for a while, and soon arranged a series of study tasks for him, with almost no time to breathe.

As time went by, he gradually felt that his body was not under his control, he was afraid and had to fight for the control of his body.

In the end, at the age of 20, the fox soul got the upper hand.

He was abroad at the time, and after being taken away from control, he was forced to go to an unmanaged place, and he knew very well that it wanted to eat people's hearts.

He probably knew that when he was awake, it was difficult for it to act as he wanted, so he weakened his consciousness a little bit and was succeeded by it.

After spending that period of time almost in a daze, I finally found the opportunity to return to China.

He thought that it would not dare to act indiscriminately in China.

But it backfired.

The body has been controlled since returning home.

He could only watch it move in his consciousness, struggling with meaningless struggles, and he couldn't get rid of the shadow of it using his own body to dig people's hearts.

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