Hong Mao immediately retorted, "How is it possible? Big sister is such a powerful person."

To be able to beat more than one enemy without leaving any scars, is this the legendary martial arts?

He's a martial arts fan, so it's easy to surrender.

Then I saw Luo Ci turned her head and glanced at him faintly.

"It's really..." Hong Mao scratched his head.

"Use mine. I have a new mobile phone number here. I'll give it to you."

Luo Ci glanced at the phone, "I don't need to rob the things."

The red hair blushed and had a thick neck, scratching his head a little embarrassedly, "I bought this with my own money."

She took the phone, "Thank you, I'll give it back to you later."

Then he said seriously and seriously, "Don't rob in the future."

"...We were just kidding."


It was so much fun that a group of people used the big to bully the small and the more to bully the less, targeting junior high school students.

She doesn't believe it.

If it wasn't for seeing that they didn't have too many bad intentions, she wouldn't be so simple as a beating.

Luo Ci glanced at them lightly, making people feel guilty, shrinking like a quail.

Hong Mao felt that the newly recognized eldest sister was very aura.

Jiu Jiu leaned on Luo Ci's shoulder in surprise, and said softly, "Cici, I feel...you're a little different."

Seems to be more lively than before.

Luo Ci blinked.

It may be because this plane carries a lot of her childhood memories.

Including and brother's.

At that time, her brother was still there, and she was still a little naughty.

And... I seem to have picked up a group of gangsters, so I miss it a bit.

But it was too long ago, and she couldn't remember it clearly.

Registered an account quickly.

When choosing the name, he was slightly tangled, and then nodded his head, "It's called Snowflake Cake!"

The red hair gave him a complicated look.

Is this the name of the boss?

Luo Ci chose the nanny, holding a small staff, which could be dealt with by beating.

Hongmao watched her play at first, but the task of Novice Village was too boring, so he went to the side and played on his own.

Luo Ci is not very proficient in manipulating the characters. After all, it has not been played for a long time, and the game has been updated a lot, and the impression in her mind is already very shallow.

The novice tasks in the early stage are nothing more than running errands and sending letters, as well as teaching small monsters and light work, as well as teaching basic life skills for collecting herbs, mining and skinning.

On the way to deliver the letter, Luo Ci saw a neon-colored grass that should not have appeared here, so she picked it up.

This is a medicinal herb that can help refine the crit pill. The crit pill can effectively increase the overturn rate and is a must for brushing materials. Therefore, the neon-colored grass is more precious, and generally only found in the big bosses in the forest area. Drop, and that kind of big boss can only be defeated by a combination of powerful teams, and the drop rate is very low.

The big teams can beat this, not the crit pills refined by the neon grass, but more for those medium-sized teams.

There are very few exceptions to get Neon Grass in Novice Village.

The grass Luo Ci put in her backpack was an accident.

This is probably the first time that the entire server has triggered this kind of adventure. The world announced:

[Player's Snowflake Cake unlocks the achievement "No One in a Thousand", picks up the hidden medicinal herb Neon Color Grass in Novice Village, and rewards a set of out-of-print Feixue Liujin clothing, which is not tradable]

Luo Ci saw the appearance in the backpack and changed it decisively. It looked pretty good.

Soon someone privately chatted with her.

The player Yaoyao bell whispered to you in the evening: Can you trade neon grass? One thousand gold urgently needed.

One thousand gold is equal to one hundred soft sister coins.

Luo Ci tapped the keyboard.

You quietly said to Yaoyao Zhongsheng late: Yes, I will pass it on to you now.

The first order of business is completed.

Luo Ci declined other players who traded with her and continued to do the novice quest.

She is now level 20. The level rises fast in the early stage, but slows down in the later stage.

Now go to the opposite city to deliver the letter and start the next stage of the mission.

Next to a suspension bridge, facing a cliff surrounded by mist, the bridge has collapsed in half, and light work is required.

She manipulated the character, and slowly performed Qinggong to fly towards the cliff. Nanny's Qinggong special effects are more beautiful, and the movement trajectory surrounds the petals, with an ethereal and dreamy feeling between the clouds and mist, which is somewhat beautiful and romantic.

Therefore, many girls choose nanny.

Beauty is justice.

But Mei only had a moment. I don't know if it was because of inexperience or because of some misunderstanding, she fell from the air.

He fell directly to the bottom of the cliff, and barely flew in the middle, so he didn't fall to his death.

However, the blood volume has also been deducted to only 5%.

Luo Ci was a little depressed and couldn't help grinding her small teeth.

At the bottom of the cliff is the rippling lake water. She just fell into the water and is now floating on the water.

Slowly controlled the character to return to the shore and began to meditate to recover blood.

With the Nurse's blood return bonus, it will return to full blood in a short time.

She looked at her surroundings, and was about to jump to a higher ground, and then perform light work to fly up.

But after several attempts, it failed.

Every time, it was only a short distance away, and then I watched the character fall and fell headlong into the water.

Luo Ci was so angry that her cheeks bulged slightly, her expression gradually changed to ●︿●, she was so wronged, why did she have to relive the pain she suffered before.

When she was just playing before, she didn't take it lightly. She was thrown to death, and she was killed by the same person several times in a row.

Thinking of this, she was not happy.

Hongmao saw it in the corner of his light, and quickly said, "I will fly you up?"

You can let people lead the player to run the light work together, and you can do nothing during this period.

Luo Ci frowned, a little cold and cute, "I want to go up by myself!"

On the surface, players who have been playing A for three years and actually do not know how long they have been with A said that they would never admit defeat.


the other side.

in front of the computer screen.

Nan Heng quietly looked at the wet nurse who fell at the bottom of the cliff, her black hair scattered in pieces, slightly covering her dark eyes, her thin lips pursed slightly.

The character controlled is an umbrella repair, dressed in white, with black hair tied high by a jade crown, standing faintly in the clouds, the umbrella in his hand is somewhat sharp, like a sharp sword.

Umbrella in white slowly fell to the bottom of the cliff, took a few steps to the nurse who was meditating and returned blood, and only coldly typed three words: add friends.

At the same time, a beep sounded in Luo Ci's mind.

【Ding! Mission target Nan Heng has appeared]

The fragments appeared so quickly this time.

Luo Ci agreed, and just wanted to reply to the news, she found that the nurse was taken by the white-clothed umbrella Xiu and flew up.

She was taken up a cliff.

Luo Ci was about to type a few words to reply to express her gratitude, but Umbrella Xiu went offline without saying a word.

Players will still stand in place after going offline, but cannot interact with other players, nor can they be interacted with (such as kissing and hugging).

Fragment...it seems a little indifferent.

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