After Nan Heng exited the Umbrella Repair account, his slender phalanx lightly pressed on the mouse, the pale crimson lips were slightly pursed, the pitch-black eyes were cold and waveless, and the beautiful pupils were quiet.

It was icy silence.

Seemingly indifferent.

But when his lips were slightly open and he read the nickname silently, his long eyelashes trembled slightly.

Move the mouse slowly to the place where you log in to other accounts, tap it, and log in to the tuba.

Nickname: H.

On the screen, in the dark blue and near-black night sky, there is no trace of light. There is only one spot of light with stars. The silver light is dazzling. It can be vaguely seen that it is the branches and leaves of a giant tree, swaying gently, with a dreamy beauty.

A Jianxiu in a cloud-patterned snow suit sat quietly under the long night tree, his fingers held the hilt of the sword, and the long sword was on the ground.

This is the highest place in "Long Night", known as Changye Terrace. There is only one giant tree on the stage, which is the only light of Changye Terrace.

This tree is named Long Night Tree.

The Long Night Stage is the most special place in the entire game. It is only possible to go on stage through a special copy, and the sky is dark throughout the whole process. The game party perfectly switched the change of the sky under the Chang Ye stage and on the stage without being abrupt.

There have been no more than a thousand people who have been able to board the Long Night Stage since the server was launched four years ago.

Because the trigger of the special dungeon also depends on luck, some people can trigger it but can't beat it, and after failing once, they have to get a token to enter the dungeon, and it is not guaranteed to pass if they are strong in combat.

Even if the book is over, the battle power list must be ranked in the top 100 to be able to board the long night stage. However, it is said that it was not so severe before, and the game has only increased the difficulty later.

Although the players are cursing, they should still play, and there are even people who buy dungeon tokens at a high price, that is, the Long Night Order.

Basically every Long Night player has the idea of ​​going to Long Night Stage.

And the number Nan Heng almost stayed under the long night tree.

He refined his equipment with a fickle look.

The weapon level is from a spirit tool to an artifact, and a spirit tool can only be refined 12 times to get the chance to advance to an artifact. The materials in it can all be swiped through the copy, and the artifact needs to be purchased except for the refining stone, and other materials can only be obtained through Brushing the copy to brush out, that is, krypton and liver.

Generally speaking, +12 is the ultimate for most players' spiritual tools. Going up, the refining of artifacts requires a lot of materials.

Those who are more able to krypton gold can get artifact +6.

Artifacts above +9 are giants.

Click the mouse, the game interface pops up:

Do you want to refine weapons?


The light flashed and the refining was successful. As the first artifact with refining +12 in the whole server, the world announced:

[Player H unlocks the achievement "Extreme Artifact" and gets a mysterious gift pack]

Just click on this achievement, and you will see a line of small words below: Refinement Artifact +12.

All online players on the server can see a line of golden words floating in the center of the screen, and the World Channel even displayed three rows of golden lights in succession, almost blinding their eyes.

The World Channel quickly boiled over.

"Ashamed to be God H!"

"Worship the Great God!"

"Is the great **** accepting apprentices? One person's blood book is begging to accept apprentices!"

"You can pull it down, let alone apprentices, don't even think about having one as a friend."

"I'll just say it's not enough? There are still dreams, what if they come true?"

"I just smiled and didn't speak. You can't even see God H, it's completely impossible."

World Channel quarreled.

It can be said that almost every long night player knows H God, whether it is a newbie or an old player.

The first lone swordsman in the long night, H God.

There is no gang, no team, and he is the only player who can go through **** alone. He is full of life skills, and his combat power is much lower than the second on the list. He is still a krypton gold giant.

And for a series of challenges and achievements on the leveling road, the record is always H God, so basically every Mengxin can see the name of H God countless times in the process of rising to 120.

But I only heard his name, but never saw him.

Nan Heng finished refining the equipment, collected food at his home, and went offline.

When he exited, the snow-clothed swordsman was still sitting under the long night tree with silver lights, staring at the cloudy night sky.

Nan Heng closed the computer, got up and poured a glass of water to drink slowly, the light from the window hit his fair and delicate face.

The curve of the chin line is perfect, showing indifference, the Adam's apple is swallowing, rolling up and down for a moment, a little sexy.

He put down the cup, the crimson lips were wet, and the white fingertips gently wiped the water from the lips, and the small movements seemed to bring a slow and elegant beauty.

"Uncle, I'm back!"

As soon as Nan Zizhuo put down his schoolbag, he ran to Nanheng's exclusive game room. He could only come in and play games when his uncle was there. His father was too serious and old-fashioned, and he didn't know how Mommy could bear this temper.

Nan Heng hummed softly, Bingxue glanced at Nan Zizhuo, and then took it back.

"Uncle, can you use the trumpet to take me on a mission?" Nan Zizhuo begged, her clear eyes a little hopeful.

Nan Heng spit out a few characters coldly, "I'm not in the mood."

Nanzi shriveled, "Okay, I'll fight it myself."

He knew that the uncle always said one thing, and his temper was always cold, so he didn't dare to ask for a second time.


Luo Ci lived for an afternoon, and the level was raised to level 40. It was mainly a mainline growth task, and it gave a lot of experience.

There are some known adventures in "Long Night". After reaching a certain level, you can go to the adventure. If you are lucky, you can find a good reward. Ordinary players can get more basic materials, while non-chief players will be black after touching, and With a face like black charcoal, only a pair of big eyes can be seen blinking, which is in sharp contrast with the fair complexion.

When there is a black face, it means that there will be 9 to 19 consecutive undiscovered adventures. Of course, this also has an achievement. When 19 consecutive undiscovered adventures, the achievement of "perfect avoidance" will be unlocked.

The red hair next to Luo Ci successfully unlocked this achievement, and his face is still black.

Hongmao was so angry that she wanted to smash the keyboard. After seeing that Luo Ci had reached level 40, she took the initiative to say, "Would you like to try the adventure? You can find a lot of treasures."

Luo Ci blinked. She hadn't touched on adventures three years ago. She was also a little curious now, and she said improvised, "What adventures are there?"

Hong Mao immediately said, "You are now level 40, and there are ten adventures in total."

"Oh, how many adventures are there in total?"

Hongmao scratched his head, "I don't know about this either, because the game party is too complicated, let's find out for ourselves, so far everyone knows about a hundred places."

Luo Ci nodded, "Then go quickly!"

"The first one, the rabbit nest at the foot of Nanshan."

She used the teleportation talisman directly. Anyway, the novice gave it for free, so she didn't need it for nothing.

Following the red-haired finger, he stumbled and used Qinggong to come to the rabbit's nest.

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