Luo Ci stared blankly at the screen.

Soon he saw the white-clothed Umbrella Xiu standing in the middle sweeping everything, inexplicably looking down on the world.

She didn't look at it much last time, and she didn't know how the fragments killed the Quartet. This time, her eyes were fixed on the people in the ice cave. His movements were neat and tidy, with no unnecessary movements. He was silent and stern. And handsome.

Until all the monsters were emptied, she stared blankly at the ice sculptures slowly disappearing and the ice-blue treasure chest that appeared in front of her.

The other party's cold voice sounded in his ears again, "Are you still afraid?"

She inexplicably heard a little helplessness.

Luo Ci said, "No... I just think Master is amazing."

And...the changes to this copy.

Is it made of scraps?

She went offline in a hurry, and suddenly went online again. The time was just when she knew that she was afraid of bugs going offline, and it was just stuck in the dungeon rectification and online.

She couldn't want to be crooked.

There was a slight reply, "Yeah."

She also heard a faint chuckle.

Subtle and shallow, with an unconscious sultry.

"Continue to brush."

He didn't want to say a word, as if he wanted to carry out his aloof personality to the end.

After Luo Ci touched the treasure chest, she opened it again, and swiped it back and forth seven or eight times.

"It's the upper limit."

"?" What upper limit?

"It's here today."

After that, I quit the game in seconds and went offline.

There was only a solitary little poison radish left in the team.

"Good night.

Didn't have time to say it.

The soft lips parted slightly.

Wei Wei muttered, somewhat cute and soft, "Okay."

After Luoci exits the dungeon, you will see a pop-up window on the game interface:

Today's Ice Cave dungeon has reached the upper limit.

It turned out to be ten times at most.

At first, she could only stare blankly, and then she slowly used her skills a few times, and she had reached level 65.

The experience required after level 60 is much higher.

She equipped the previous level 60 orange-quality small staff, and then looked at the pile of five poisonous materials in the backpack, and they all turned into ice.

After the price is set, it all hangs on the market.

She is very lucky. She has accumulated a lot of these materials. After selling them all, excluding the handling fee, she should also have 2w gold.

It's already 9:30 in the evening, it's a little late, so I have to go home quickly.

There are still a lot of people in the Internet cafe at the moment, but most of them are quiet, even if there is a sound, it will not be affected.

The space between the two is more than one meter, and it is divided into a smoking area and a non-smoking area, which do not interfere with each other.

The atmosphere is very good, everyone is more civilized.

I turned off the computer and paid at the front desk. When I went out, I saw the red hairs and the others. I immediately stepped up and wanted to leave quickly.

I really don't want to be called "big sister" in front of so many people.

As a result, Hongmao was not as tall as she was, and she followed in a blink of an eye. She was a little surprised to see her, "Sister, how did I see you today? Are you going home? Let's take you, it's not very safe at night."

Very spontaneous.

The most unsafe thing is that you are okay.

Luo Ci didn't know what tone to use to speak to them.

It doesn't look bad, it's just that people are a little stupid.

"No, I can fight better than you." She pretended to snap her fingers and made a crisp sound.

The red-haired group was silent.

"You walk slowly."

There are street lights on the way back to the community, and you have to cross the road. Because the area is prosperous and the traffic is large, there is no danger.

But not after ten o'clock at night.

She was jumping up and down, stepping on the shadows under the street lamps, as if entertaining herself.


Nan Heng re-registered the tuba, and went offline after receiving the food.

Turning off the computer, just as he was about to get up, he received a call from Lu Yunqi.

"Why did you suddenly rectify the grotto?"

Nan Heng's expression was light, and his tone did not fluctuate, "If you want to change it, change it."

"Before my sister begged you to change, you didn't change it, and she even called it back to the truth." Thinking of this, he was speechless, and he didn't pity Xiangxiyu at all.

But even he didn't expect that there would be such a big change. In addition to changing the code, he had to reset those appearances, and he had to be able to draw.

Nan Heng did not reply, leaning slightly against the back of the chair, his expression was a little sloppy, and his hand with sharp bones held the phone at will, only to the waist.

He was wearing a white shirt inside, without a single fold, and a black regular shirt, slightly open, with tight buttons at the neckline. A dark gold button is set on the neat black cuffs, which is restrained and inconspicuous, with a hint of cold and noble.

The phone has a black metal texture, which makes the fingers more and more white.

There was silence in Nan Heng Bingxue's eyes, as if listening to the other party's words indifferently. The sparkling light slowly dissipated, and he looked at one place absently.

I want to find her with all my heart, and I just want to wait for her to come back.

How could it be in the mood to change the grottoes.

So eerie and terrifying.

What does it have to do with him.

Anyway... after it's changed, she can't see it either.

"But you can't change that much in a while? You can't do it with code alone."

"Yeah." Nan Heng replied lightly.

Those pictures were designed a long time ago, as long as they were replaced, he just typed those codes to improve them a little more.

Lu Yunqi was accustomed to his way of speaking. He really didn't want to say a word. That's how it was when we met.

"I said you don't want to update it tomorrow or the day after. If you have to do it now, don't deal with those little bugs now."

"The company does not support idlers."

Lu Yunqi silently gave some wax to those programmers.

A-Heng has always been responsible for major updates, regardless of small bugs.


"Hey wait! The day after tomorrow, I'm going to take that little girl for a cos photo. Would you like to come and have a look?"

"Not interested in."

Nan Heng hung up the phone coldly.

He got up and left the game room, crossed the second floor, and returned to his room.

On the sofa in the living room, Nan's father and Nan's mother heard the movement and looked over with a worried expression.

"A-Heng's temperament is too cold, so she can't be single all the time." Nan Mu was very anxious.

A-Heng has almost no social interaction, either writing code or playing games.

Or she forced him to go home.

"What's so fun about the game? I've been playing for so many years." Nanfu was very dissatisfied, and looked a little stubborn.

Nanmu sighed.

She had a faint feeling that A-Heng didn't like to play games.

She once went to the game room to call him, and found that A-Heng just stared at the game screen silently and didn't do anything.

The picture shows a person sitting under a tree, looking into the distance.

As if... waiting for someone.

I remember when A-Heng was a child, his temperament was not so cold.

The Nan family did not live separately. The eldest son and daughter-in-law both lived at home. They were friendly and did not have any contradictions, but the younger son was too cold-hearted.

Even the room layout is in cool tones. It used to be fine, it was white and simple, but then I don't know what happened. The walls were pasted with black wallpaper, and the carpet was also black.

If you don't turn on the lights, you probably don't know what's going on inside.

Impenetrable darkness.

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