Nan Heng returned to the room without turning on the light. Following the location in his memory, he walked to the desk and pressed his finger on a hidden switch.

The dark room was slowly lit up, and the stars lit up one by one, slowly evolving from a few scattered stars into nebulae.

On the carpet was a river of silver glittering stars, and nebulae swayed slightly on the walls and ceiling.

Just like standing on the Milky Way, you can intuitively feel the shocking beauty brought by the galaxy.

But this scene didn't last long, the light all quieted down, the starlight all dimmed, and slowly turned into the original darkness and airtightness.

Nan Heng lowered his head slightly, Bingxue's eyes trembled slightly, and he turned off the switch.

No one knew that there would be such a change in his room.


After Luo Ci took a shower and looked at her phone, she received a message from Lu Yunqi.

Rubbing his hair with a towel, he slowly typed with one finger poking at the phone.

The day after tomorrow, when she took a cos photo, she couldn't help but think about it. It should be the kind of milky, poisonous, umbrella, and so on. As for the military maid, those who are more royal sisters will definitely not ask her to take pictures.

Because this is a body pinched according to the divine body, the divine body has not grown up, so this body is even more impossible. It looks childish, and tends to be cute and cute, not the reason for being short.

A picture flashed in my mind vaguely, as if... She looked like she was mature?

She shook her head, not going to think about it again.

Lu Yunqi quickly replied: I'll pick you up at eight o'clock in the morning the day after tomorrow.

After replying, she dried her hair and went to sleep. Overall, she was quite tired today. Before going to bed, she hugged the soft quilt, buried her head in the pillow, and fell asleep quickly.

She dreamed of her brother.

When she was young, she was only the size of a child of five or six years old. She held her brother by the corner of his clothes and asked him with her head raised, "Brother, have I seen him before?"

Luo Chuan's red eyes swept to one place flatly, paused, and then lowered her head and rubbed her head, her unruly red eyes restrained slightly tenderly, "No."

"Okay." She tilted her head, still having some doubts in her heart. She really felt a familiar breath on that little brother, but it was too light to tell who it was.

But her brother said that she had never seen it before, and he would not lie to her.

She hugged her brother's arm softly, "Are you going back?"

"Well, I have something to do. I'll go back first, and then I'll bring you back." Luo Chuan slightly bent over and hugged Xiao Luo Ci, gently protecting her little head, and looked at the child with an inexplicable gaze.

The corners of his lips twitched into a smirk.


When she woke up in the morning, Luo Ci sat on the bed holding the quilt in a daze, her fluffy hair was messy.

Some people are awake on the surface, but their minds are still asleep.

It took a while for her to regain her senses. She felt as if she had dreamed of something very happy, but she had forgotten when she woke up.

My heart is a little empty.

Suppressing the loss, she began to think about what to do in the future.

It's impossible to make money by playing games. In the past, there was pocket money given by my brother, but now the rules are too stingy, only two hundred yuan.

I sighed inwardly again in my heart.

It was probably heard, the rules were a little dissatisfied, dark clouds shrouded the city, lightning and thunder, and it started pouring rain.

Luo Ci was so angry that her hair exploded.

Obviously just being stingy.

I got up angrily, brushed my teeth and washed my face, looked at the funds on my body, and there were still 5,000 yuan.

She took all the four thousand yuan to buy the fund.

It can also make some money.

Only focus on making money.

She thought it was only raining for a short time, but it rained all day, with strong winds, the temperature dropped ten degrees, and it was still a little cold.

When she was shopping before, there were too many things, and she didn't consider it would rain for a while, so she didn't buy an umbrella.

Going out is completely impossible.

As for eating...

Fortunately, I bought some rice and vegetables yesterday.

living comfortably without anybody's help.

So, she didn't go out all day, naturally it was impossible to play games.

It rained all day and night, and it cleared up the next day.

She didn't know that someone waited for her day and night.


Nan Zizhuo left school early today. After being picked up by the driver, he ran to the game room. Seeing his uncle sitting quietly beside the computer brushing the notebook, he involuntarily relaxed his steps, and the elation on his face also faded slightly.

He is considered to have more contact with his uncle at home.

Because he always pestered his uncle to play games.

Sometimes he always feels that his uncle is very sad.

Just like now.

——Obviously expressionless, without the slightest emotion, sitting there quietly, silently brushing the copy.

There was a silent sadness.

Every move was released incisively and vividly, as if venting something.


Nan Heng responded lightly.

He suddenly spoke, his voice seemed to contain ice, "Take you to brush this book."

Nan Zizhuo glanced at him secretly, but couldn't see any emotions, thinking that it would be better to have him to accompany his uncle, "Okay!"

Directly invited the late night in the team.

I have not added friends, but there is a column for the recent team formation, and you can directly invite friends.

Don't stop until you call them to eat.

at night.

Nan Heng went downstairs in black pajamas, her delicate face showing coldness, just in time to be seen by Nan Zizhuo, who was awake from thirst and ready to pour water.

Nan Zizhuo rubbed his eyes, "Uncle?"

Nan Heng paid no attention.

He entered the game room, turned on the computer slowly, and his heart rate increased a little. He used a hacking technique he hadn't used for a long time to find out where the ice cream cake had landed.

It's an internet cafe.

Nan Heng gritted his teeth slightly, and there were waves in the ice and snow eyes, and something faintly shattered, as if trying to suppress something.

The veins on the back of the white hand holding the mouse burst out, unable to bear it.

same as before.

Play games at internet cafes.

And then...totally find it.

Just leave.

Very unhappy.

Obviously...he was ready to confess.

He was tempted for the first time.

thought long time.

been prepared for several months.

Mingming made an appointment to go online and play a copy together the next day.

But he waited all day, just like today.

Suddenly disappeared.

He had to use hacking techniques to check her location, which was in an internet cafe.

She didn't know. He asked the residents who lived near the Internet cafe over and over again, but all the news he got was that he had never seen it before.

I've searched almost all over the area.

The owner of the internet cafe was not impressed either.

Obviously... She has been playing games in Internet cafes for several months, but such a person has not left any traces.

The boss, the waiter, all have no impression.

Nobody remembers.

How terrible.

As if this person never existed.

Only he remembers.

Sometimes, I even feel that that time may just be a dream.

Someone he imagined.

Obviously not.

That nickname, which never came up again, was the proof of her existence.

That's not a dream.

But it is more chilling than a dream.

It's the edge he can't reach.

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