The day came to shoot.

The sky turned sunny and the temperature rose.

Luo Ci set the alarm clock early, got up to eat something and waited for Lu Yunqi to come.

As soon as Lu Yunqi entered the door, he saw the little girl sitting on the sofa watching TV by herself, and smiled slightly, "Let's go."


He asked as he drove, "What professions have you played?"

"Umbrella, milk, poison." Luo Ci thought about it and said.

In fact, she also played a little swordsman.

Lu Yunqi chuckled, "It really lives up to the name." Looking at Xiao Xiao, the characters he chose were also Lolita.

"Today you should be taking a cos photo of Daisy."


The professional clothes in "Long Night" are not revealing, so she is not very worried unless the magic changes.

Soon, he came to the downstairs of the company.

Lu Yunqi turned his head slightly and said thoughtfully, "Just follow me, don't worry about the rest."

He was worried that Luo Ci was a little nervous when seeing these for the first time.

Luo Ci raised a smile, with shallow dimples on her face, "I see."

What surprised him was that Luo Ci was always dazzled, without a slight gaffe, Lu Yunqi couldn't help but look at her a little higher.

There are special changing rooms and dressing rooms on the sixth floor. The entire sixth floor is arranged for cos, including the dressing room and its changing rooms. Men and women are separated.

As soon as they got to the door, Luo Ci heard the conversation of the staff.

"Mr. Lu hasn't brought that little girl here yet? To tell the truth, with Mr. Lu's critical eyes, he can still find a cos candidate. I'm really curious."

"The same expectation."

"This time, there are only cosplayers of Niluo and Qin Nan, and Qin Nan also didn't come."

"Actually, the swordsman asked Mr. Nan to come to cos, and the effect must be very good."

"I think too much, how could Mr. Nan get involved in this."

"It's a shame that Mr. Nan doesn't come to the company very often, or else you guys will be cool."

They are not afraid of President Lu, but they have an inexplicable fear of President Nan.

Lu Yunqi's mouth twitched slightly, he pushed open the door, looked at the employees who were gossiping inside, and coughed.

"Hello, Mr. Lu!"

In unison, the second became serious.

"Didn't you say bring the little girl here?" Some employees were bolder, looked behind him and asked, "Where is the little girl?"

This is also because Lu Yunqi is more approachable and has no pretence.

Afterwards, they saw a head slowly emerge from the door, clear glass eyes stared at them silently, and a strand of hair hanging down was somewhat playful.

She walked out, bowed slightly, and had a shallow, soft smile on her face, "Hello."

The employees were all stunned for a few seconds, and they all became excited. Several young ladies came over very enthusiastically, almost impatiently wanting to see how she looked when she changed into Niluo's clothes, "Come, my sister will take you to change clothes. ."

Luo Ci glanced at Lu Yunqi, and there was a hint of consultation in her eyes.

He found a chair and sat down, "Go."

Luo Ci was taken to the dressing room by the employee's sister. There was a large wardrobe with many sets of clothes hanging. It should be the original and appearance of Niluo, and even Poison's. There are also other small cabinets in the dressing room, which are equipped with wigs and hair accessories, as well as a dressing table. The cosmetics and brushes on the table are very complete.

The young lady was very patient, "Let's shoot the original one today, and then shoot a few sets of appearances."

Luo Ci nodded her head and said obediently, "Okay."

The young lady handed her a complete set of original clothes.

She carried her clothes into the changing room and put them on little by little.

The original is a set of pale pink off-shoulder skirts, the skirt is long to the ankle, the skirt is layered, the color is gradient, the two sleeves are petal-style, the sleeves are gold thread lines, and the waist is tied with a gold-trimmed white pendant.

After changing, Luo Ci lowered her head and tidied up the skirt and sleeves. She looked at her exposed shoulders, didn't care too much, opened the door slowly, and walked out.

The employee's eyes lit up when she saw her, and she wanted to jump up and hug her. The feeling of seeing her daughter in the game vividly appeared in front of her was indescribable.

She restrained her mood, smiling kindly as if looking at her daughter, with a kind feeling, "I'll take you to a makeup artist."

Luo Ci glanced at her, this young lady's eyes were a little strange.

Holding a pale golden wig, she said slowly, "I haven't put it on yet."

"Wait and let the makeup artist help you wear it." The young lady sighed regretfully. She would be a little bit better, but she was afraid of hurting her scalp when she met such a cutie.

Later she asked the makeup artist to be gentle.

The makeup artist is a mature woman with a colder temperament. She looks young, but she is actually in her thirties. She has only arrived on the sixth floor. She has not seen Luo Ci before, and her expression is a little impatient. After saying that, she turned around with a serious face, ready to see who was going to ask her to do her makeup.

She saw Luo Ci who was slowly walking towards her holding the skirt, Youyuan's eyes were clear and clean, big and bright, and she was well-behaved.

The make-up artist lost his temper for a while, and his voice was rarely softer, "Sit down."

Originally, when the staff lady saw that it was Sister Lan who came to do her makeup, she persuaded a group of them, but she found that Sister Lan, who has always been serious and demanding, was a little... gentle?

Luo Ci obediently sat on the chair in front of the makeup artist, "You can call me Sister Lan."

"Hello, Miss Lan."

Sister Lan gently put on the hair net for her, picked up the pale blond wig on the side, and put it on for Luo Ci carefully.

She soon started to concentrate on her makeup.

The milk dill is mainly sweet, with a little eye shadow and a little touch up.

Finally, add a touch of gold to your hair.

Sister Lan thought for a while, and then placed a tear mole on the corner of her right eye.

"Okay, I'll take you out with me."

The staff lady behind her silently extended Erkang's hand, and she also wanted to hold the cute hand.

Walking out of the dressing room, the people in the hall looked over one after another, and it took a few seconds before they recovered.

Some employees couldn't help but sigh, "What's the difference between this and the daikon in the game?"

Lu Yunqi's eyes also brightened. He had long thought that she was very suitable for the professional role set by the game, focusing on sweetness and cuteness.

At this moment, Sister Lan walked up to him and said, "The little girl's face is perfect. The most important thing is that pure and clean natural beauty. I just added a little makeup."

The voice changed, "I think she can change another set of poisonous radish today, and produce two sets of cos. With me, she can make one set of cos for girls in all occupations."

"Well, I have this plan too." Lu Yunqi looked at Luo Ci who was surrounded by people, with a faint smile on her warm and jade-like face.

"It's time to shoot," he said to the cameraman.

The background doesn't matter, it can be processed later.

Luo Ci put on the designated pose, even if it was the first time to shoot, it cooperated very well, and there were almost no mistakes.

Later, other appearances were changed one after another, and the makeup was fine-tuned.

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