Qin Nan cosplayer is a latecomer. He is an 18th-tier actor. He may not look very outstanding, but his temperament is warm and clean, and he has his own book coupons, which is very suitable for ancient costumes. He apologized, "Sorry, the middle Something was delayed."

Lu Yunqi waved his hand, "Go to the dressing room first."

Luo Ci is changing Duluo's clothes at the moment. Duluo's decoration has always been lavender, black hair is enough, but this time she doesn't need to wear a wig.

This time, the makeup is dark and dark, with purple pupils on, the side face is painted with gray-black petal patterns, the petals are butterfly-shaped, the hair is decorated with a small purple flower, and the lips are dark red.

Duluo's clothes will reveal part of her thighs, so she also wears white leggings inside.

The photographer instructed, "Stand out your fingers and imagine a butterfly falling down, oh yes that's it, okay..."

After Luo Ci finished filming, she sat down to rest.

a bit tired.

Three sets of clothes for milk radish, three sets of clothes for poison radish.

Makeup needs to be fine-tuned.

Sister Lan couldn't help rubbing her hair, "Are you tired?"

Luo Ci nodded with a serious face, "Well, I need processing money."

He made no secret of his desire to make money.

The people around couldn't help but laugh.

Lu Yunqi was a little helpless. He was still a small financial fan, "Would you like to sign with our company, so that the salary will be higher and more stable."

Luo Ci spread out her hands, "But isn't this one gone after filming?"

"After all, you have to shoot a lot of episodes, and you can also shoot some small videos as publicity. Usually, you can post some videos of playing games on the platform. Anyway, you can do a lot of things."

"That can."

She doesn't pick if she can make money.

"I don't usually use the company to work, but I'll give you a contract tomorrow."

In fact, the company is profitable.

Lu Yunqi has already imagined how many people's desire for gold will be attracted by those appearances displayed on real people.

Luo Ci is a living sign.

Qin Nan's filming process was also very smooth, and he didn't need to change many sets of clothes, so the filming was completed quickly.

Luo Ci obediently allowed Sister Lan to remove her makeup and changed back to her original clothes, ready to go home and lie down.

There was originally a dinner party, but she refused, and everyone else went except her.

She went downstairs and took a taxi, and bought a raincoat and an umbrella at the supermarket on the way home.

Although she didn't know the specific salary, Lu Yunqi wouldn't cheat her, and now she could concentrate on playing games and getting along with the pieces.

I don't know what happened to the fragments if I didn't log in yesterday.

She went back to eat, and after a short rest, she came to the Internet cafe to turn on the computer and go online.

Seeing that the nickname in the mentoring column is on, chat with him directly.

Snowflake Cake: Master, good afternoon.

No Night: Hmm.

Nevernight: Invite me.

Snowflake Cake: Great!

Luo Ci created a team, and was about to type to ask him what he was brushing today, when she heard a slight coughing sound from the other party. She turned on the microphone, "Does Master have a cold?"

The cold voice is hoarse, not as cold as before, but a little soft, but as good as ever, "Well, I caught a cold yesterday."

"Does Master have a fever? Are you still feeling sick? Why don't you stop reading today? I'll level up myself." She actually wanted to find the fragments, but after all, she had only known each other for a few days.

Nan Heng pressed his lips slightly, his voice a little dull and nasal, "It's okay."

It's just that I caught a cold last night.

And... can't sleep.

He didn't know if she would suddenly disappear again.

"Why wasn't it online yesterday?" It seemed like a simple question.

Luo Ci didn't hear anything wrong in his tone, and answered truthfully, "I played games at an internet cafe, and I didn't buy an umbrella, so I didn't go out."

Nan Heng Bingxue's eyes flickered slightly, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, by the time she waited today, he had calmed down.

But what if this happens in the future?

Only relying on the game connection, only relying on the title of the game teacher and apprentice, there is no other interactive trajectory at all, as long as she no longer plays this game, she will not be found at all.

He pursed his lips and did not speak, his mind was chaotic.

No matter how complex the code can be accurately analyzed one by one in my mind, only she can't do anything about it.

The other party's sweet voice came from the earphone, "Master, let's add a wx, and call you when I'm online."

"Okay" was already in his throat, he deliberately slowed down for a while and said slowly.

- He didn't want her to know his urgency.

Mingming left without saying a word at the beginning, but now when he comes back, he easily worships a person who doesn't have much contact with him, even if this person is his own trumpet.

She didn't even remember him at all.

After adding the contact information, Nan Heng took her to brush the Ice Cave dungeon a few times and said, "Take you to complete the main quest."

Those who need to fight monsters in the main quest of "Long Night" can ask relatives and friends or the help of the master's love to complete the task as usual.

With the help of shards, her main quest is done quickly.

The previously jerky and stiff operation has gradually become proficient and has become very smooth.

Nan Heng glanced at the time in the lower right corner, it was already nine o'clock in the evening.

It is not safe for a girl to be alone in an Internet cafe.

He slowly considered his words, his tone was indifferent, "I will brush it tomorrow and go back earlier."

I don't want her to know that he cares about her.

He was not without resentment.

So deliberately cold.

But it seems that she is completely reluctant to be angry with her, and she can't see others targeting her.

He knew that she was probably short of money, so she would sell some rare materials as before. Speaking of which, she once mentioned to herself that she started playing this game to earn pocket money.

He had bought some gems from her before, even if he didn't need them, but she refused to accept the money, saying it was free for him.

He thought he was the special one.

She apprenticed to him, she followed him to brush books, she didn't earn his money, she promised to go online together on Qixi Festival.

But at the end of the day, it seems that he is self-indulgent.

All that was left for him was to say goodbye.

In the past three years, there have been many names of snowflake cakes, and he checked them one by one in the background.

——Even though she might give up the tour and never return, even though she might no longer be this nickname, he still held on to one in ten thousand hope.

But not all of her.

Until he saw this newly created character, he was inexplicably moved, and he silently looked at her from a distance, his thoughts were vague and unbelievable.

Obviously it's just a game character.

Even though he didn't know her name or her appearance and voice, he still couldn't help but be moved by her.

He silently watched her perform Qinggong, and there was a problem from the beginning, and she stumbled and fell in mid-air. He saw that she finally jumped in the air to avoid falling to her death.

He recognized it.

That's what he taught her.

But she didn't learn it, so the blood bar fell more than half.

At that moment, a subtle warmth came from the frozen heart, which was hot, and the brain was about to be overwhelmed by unknown emotions.

Totally indescribable.

It seems like the joy of meeting again, but with resentment.

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