Nan Heng asked lukewarmly, "Male or female?"


He glanced at the phone and said nothing, "Let's go shopping."

"Okay, I'll put on some shoes."

She tidied her hair, walked to the entrance and changed her shoes, "Let's go."

Nan Heng took her hand, took out the key and locked the door, rubbing her hair, "I'll drive the car over, you are waiting for me here."

Luo Ci watched him leave, and silently lowered her head to play with her mobile phone.

Finally, I made a video and uploaded it to the Internet, called "Those Years of Touching Adventures".

The first comment came quickly, and she looked at it, closing the phone and putting it in her pocket.

A black car drove over slowly, Nan Heng got out of the car and opened the car door for her, subconsciously resting his palm on the edge of the car to prevent her from kowtowing.

After parking the car, Luo Ci thought she was going to the supermarket, but who knew that the fragments were going to a mobile phone store, she was a little puzzled, and followed up, "Do you want to change your mobile phone?"

Nan Heng naturally stretched out his hand to wrap his arms around her waist, and pointedly pointed at the two new couple phones, "Does it look good?"

Luo Ci was successfully taken away by him, "It's okay."

His voice was a little cold, "Help me install these two phones."

Luo Ci looked at him with open eyes, "Why do you suddenly want to change your phone?"

Nan Heng lowered his head slightly, his clear eyes were icy, and he lowered his voice, "I want to use a couple's phone with you."

I don't want her to use a phone that other men have used.

Luo Ci glanced at him silently, took the new mobile phone, and muttered in her heart, obviously because she was jealous.

At that time, she felt that Fragment's expression was wrong. Although there was no expression on his face, she could still see some of his emotions.

This shard is a bit like the main deity deity. The joy and anger are indistinguishable, and it has always looked indifferent. It's just that she can see most of the emotions of the shard, but the main **** is not very capable.

Because Shard never hides his emotions in front of her.

The Lord God has few emotions.


Luo Ci walked to a relatively spacious shelf in the aisle, and was carefully selecting daily necessities for the fragments. Nan Heng stood beside her and lightly wrapped her left hand on her shoulder, looking very happy.

He likes the way she chooses things for himself, serious and careful, and occasionally asks what he prefers.

The sound of the wheel and wheel sounded behind him. It was a little quick, and the sound was a little noisy. A gust of wind whistled past. Nan Heng felt that his back was rubbed a little, and subconsciously brought Luo Ci into his arms to prevent her from being touched.

He looked at the person who had just passed by. A boy was pushing a big cart, and a girl was sitting in it. The two of them were smiling and extremely happy.

Nan Heng frowned slightly, lowered his head and asked, "Are you alright?"

Luo Ci shook her head, her eyes fell on the two of them, but she didn't move away.

His mind moved slightly, "You want to sit in it too?"

She blinked her eyes, "Why do you think that? I think it's easy for them to bump into people by pushing them too fast."

She wasn't too interested in this, and carts were not allowed.

Nan Heng was dumbfounded.

Her brain circuits are always different.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the couple to almost hit a child. The child was short and the boy pushing the cart couldn't see it. Fortunately, someone next to him took the child away in time, and finally criticized the couple.

They thought that if there were only a few people in the passage, they could push it wildly.

Luo Ci packed some things and put them in Nan Heng's basket, her voice jumped up, "Then go buy something to eat!"

Nan Heng followed quietly and took the initiative to take some snacks such as potato chips and cola. Bing Lingling's eyes were soft, "What else?"

Luo Ci looked at the half-filled basket and shook her head, "No more." She still has to buy groceries, and the basket will be full.

After turning the supermarket around halfway, she had bought all the basic things. She watched the fragments carry the heavy basket, reached out to help hold it, and tried to lift some to reduce the weight for him.

Nan Heng felt the touch in his hand, and looked down, his heart softened, "You wait for me at the door, I'll just come."

He knew that the little guy felt sorry for him, but he couldn't even mention this thing.

"I'm with you." Trying to act like a spoiled child.

Nan Heng stretched out his other hand and put it on her head, "Be good."

"...Oh." Luo Ci walked in front to help wait in line for him, there were still a lot of people at the supermarket.

When she didn't notice, Nan Heng glanced at the shelf lightly, took two boxes from above, put them in the basket, pushed with his fingertips, and let other things bury the boxes.

The whole process was completed in one go, without pauses, and there was not much emotion on the face, calm and peaceful.

The uncle behind him shook his head.

The world is down.

Nan Heng walked to Luo Ci's side, lightly held her round shoulders, leaned closer and said softly, "Why aren't you waiting for me at the door?"

Luo Ci hugged his empty arm, with a smile on her face and a glutinous voice, "It's too lonely for you to stand in line here alone to pay for the bill."

His chest trembled slightly, and he let out a sullen low smile, "Well, it will be like this in the future." He has to accompany him.

Even if it's just such a small thing.

But... he didn't really want her to see the two boxes when he paid the bill.

When it was his turn, Nan Heng took out the contents slowly, and the cashier swept them one by one. He handed her the scanned yogurt, "Drink this first."

Luo Ci was caught off guard by being stuffed with a bottle of yogurt, and she was a little dazed. She was in no hurry to drink it... But she lowered her head and slowly inserted the intubation, and drank it in small sips, while walking to the trash can to throw the trash.

Taking advantage of this time, Nan Heng took out two small boxes without changing his face, and poured out the contents, "Please get a bag."

The cashier's eyes were a little subtle, but he still took out the bag.

He quickly packed it up, and when Luo Ci finished throwing out the trash and walked back to drink while holding the yogurt in his hand, both small boxes were put into the bag.

She waited obediently beside her.

The little face was white and white, and the milky white paws were holding the yogurt and drinking it. They even picked it up and shook it. He lowered his head and spread out the corners earnestly, and continued to drink with big mouthfuls.

The cashier's sister gave her a peek at her, and suddenly cast a condemning look at Nan Heng, actually wanting to bully such a cutie!

Two more boxes!

Why are you still hiding it so that the little cutie can't see it?

Nan Heng ignored it, paid the money, picked up the bag, and walked away with the little guy in his arms.

After driving home, he took out the two boxes first, wrapped them in a towel to block them, returned to the room and put them on the bedside table, before placing other things.

He didn't say to eat now.

If he showed a little guilty conscience and blushing, Luo Ci might have found something wrong, but he never changed his face and his expression was indifferent.

At this moment, Luo Ci was taking apart the potato chips and eating slowly, when she suddenly thought of a question, "Which room do you sleep in?"

Nan Heng paused for a moment, turned his face and said seriously, "Didn't we sleep together?"

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