Luo Ci: "..."

She knew it was so.

There is an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

Always serious nonsense.

She bit her potato chips and thought about the game today, "Well, are we going to an internet cafe together?"

Nan Heng thought about the person who borrowed her mobile phone, and the male voice she heard in the game before. Originally, she didn't want to let her go, but it's not impossible to go together now.


The computer will be installed tomorrow.

He sat beside her, and Bingxue looked at her quietly, his tone was not ups and downs, but a little soft, "Hey me."

Eye-catching, seems to be a little obedient.

Luo Ci blinked slightly, handed a piece to his lips, he took a nibble, the potato chips made a crisp sound, and the crumbs fell on the sofa.

Can't help but glared at him complaining, do you have to be so gentle when you eat potato chips? A small bite at the corner.

Then he felt his fingers grabbed by him.

But it quickly loosened, as if it was just bitten by accident, Nan Heng slowly chewed the potato chips, his eyes still clear, "It tastes good."

It seems like a simple evaluation.

He licked his lips lightly, the soft lips were moist and shallow, the color was bright red, slightly raised, which was a bit confusing, but his face was cold and handsome, forming a strong contrast.

It's a pity that Luo Ci, who looked down at the phone with her head down, didn't see it.

Nan Heng's delicate chin rested lightly on the top of her hair, "What would you like to eat at night?"

"Whatever." Luo Ci replied indifferently.

The shards are delicious with anything anyway.

"By the way, don't you have to go to work?"

Today seems to be Tuesday, not a holiday.

Nan Heng embraced her halfway, narrowed his eyes slightly, and wrote lightly, "No, there has been no major update recently, so I won't be needed." As for those maintenance and bugs, of course, the staff will do it.

Thinking of the long night tree, he lowered his eyes slightly, hiding the emotions in his eyes.

That was where he had wanted to take her.

It's only June, and it's still a long way from Qixi Festival.

"Oh." She responded and continued to play with her phone.

At first she was leaning on the sofa, then when the fragments sat beside her, she couldn't help lying on top of him, and finally lay directly on his lap.

Probably because it was uncomfortable to play lying down, she wanted to sit up, but her body was held down. Nan Heng looked down at her, her voice slightly hoarse, "What's wrong?"

The little guy kept moving, too restless.

"I want to get a pillow to lean on." Luo Ci turned her head and couldn't help touching his body, mumbling in a low voice, "Your body is a little hard, and you panic."

Nan Heng was silent, with helplessness and doting in his clear eyes, a man just wanted to be tough.

But the little guy might be embarrassed to say it.

She stopped her hand from stroking around, and her cold voice was slightly hoarse, "Don't smack, you'll run away when you're done."

Luo Ci looked at him innocently, pretending to be stupid.

She lay in his arms, touched the side of his collarbone, and whispered, "You are so thin here." It's normal to have a collarbone, but there's no meat at all. .

Nan Heng was silent for a while, caressed her long hair, and whispered, "It's okay."

In recent years, his appetite has not been very good, and he has always had no appetite. Sometimes, in order to develop new gameplay, he only eats one meal a day.

But she has come back, and he will slowly change his habits.

"You have to eat more meat, I will stare at you every day."

Nan Heng smiled softly, "Okay, I'll listen to you."

He looked at Luo Ci earnestly with his brows and eyes, "Alright, look at me." Don't change, don't leave.

Otherwise, he doesn't know what to do.


After dinner, the two went to an Internet cafe together.

When passing the counter, the boss saw them appearing in pairs, and couldn't help but cast a meaningful look, "Is your girlfriend coaxed?"

Nan Heng smiled back and left Luo Ci, who was a little puzzled.

"A-Heng, have you been here before?"

He didn't answer this question first, and his clear and icy eyes suddenly lit up with firework-like scorching heat, which was too hot to ignore, "What do you call me?"

Luo Ci bit her lower lip lightly, "Aheng."

"That's what it will be called from now on."


He gently placed a wet and hot kiss on the top of her hair, with cherishing and affection, "Good girl."

This temperature quickly spread to her heart, and Bai Jing's face was red and hot, but it was not real in the Internet cafe, she was a little helpless and grabbed the corner of his shirt, "You haven't...answered me?"

Nan Heng took her inside and wrote lightly, "You were not online that day. I was afraid that you would leave without a word again, so I checked your login location."

He paused and said in a low voice, "I'm sorry. I was just too scared, so I sneaked here to see you later."

"I asked him to help me find out the girl who came during that time on the grounds that my girlfriend was angry, found you, and opened a computer near you."

But he dared to do it again.

Only she can never lose.

There is no turning back in life, one step is wrong, one step is wrong, and there is absolutely no room for mistakes to her.

Luo Ci's eyes were stunned, and she was lost for a moment.

She doesn't remember those things.

Fragment has known her since childhood, but her childhood impressions are very vague.

He couldn't fully empathize with what he thought and felt, but the part he felt from it was particularly distressing.

"You don't have to say sorry, I won't be angry." Don't be so careful.

Luo Ci silently hugged his arm, affectionate and reliant, "Let's start a machine first."


The two sat side by side in front of the computer. Nan Heng had no intention of exposing the large size for the time being. He invited her to join the gang, where he was just a small hall master.

The gang leader is the largest, followed by the deputy gang leader, then the elder, then the hall master, and finally the ordinary members. A gang has a maximum of 50 members.

This is his gang, the name is the name of the game, Chang Ye, and most of them are acquaintances or Chang Ye insiders.

He greeted them well in advance and told them not to reveal their identities.

After Luo Ci agreed, almost all the online staff greeted her in unison.

[Yunlu Qiwu]: Welcome to the newcomer! Welcome to the Snowflake Cake!

[Baldness]: Welcome to the Bald Alliance!

[Qixi Yu]: Welcome newcomers!

[Two rabbits are not bald]: Welcome sister-in-law!

【Kui Ye】:…

【Snowflake Cake】: Thank you.

Luo Ci looked at the list of gang members. Yunlu Qiwu was the gang leader, and then there were a bunch of nicknames that had appeared above. She also saw her former game friend H, who was just an ordinary member. The time is a day ago.

He couldn't help but be a little puzzled, "A-Heng, isn't this H God the number one in the combat power list? Why is he just an ordinary member?"

Nan Heng said without changing his face, "He doesn't fight gang battles, he doesn't take people to brush books, he doesn't do anything, and it's not bad that he keeps and doesn't kick."

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