After the gang war, Luo Ci and Nan Heng spent a month together and lived a relatively leisurely life every day.

Nan Heng is even more leisurely. He rarely goes to the company, and most of them work directly from home. It is enough for him to review the general affairs. As long as there is no major update, he will not be busy.

Luo Ci will post some game videos every once in a while, and she is now ranked in the top 80 in the battle power list. After more than a month of training, her skills have improved a lot, and things like falling to the bottom of the cliff and being unable to climb up will never happen again.

So the video is not only some lucky videos of chance encounters, but also some analysis and explanation of the nurse's career.

one day.

Luo Ci leaned on the sofa and ate cherries while watching the variety show, Nan Heng half hugged her.

During this time, she spent some time decorating the room. The flower arrangement she learned from the previous plane was used. The color of the house was simple, but now there are green plants and bouquets full of vitality, exuding a natural atmosphere, and the tone of the house is quiet. Peaceful and soothing.

She suddenly felt a heavy weight on her shoulders, and couldn't help turning her head to look at him, "What's wrong?"

Nan Heng rested her chin on her shoulder, her cold face was gentle and soft, her black hair was fluffy and soft, it tickled her neck a little, "I like living like this with you very much."

There are only the two of them, and no one else disturbs him. Whatever she likes, he will accompany her.

He was very happy to see her carefully selecting plants, decorating the house little by little, and trying to create a comfortable atmosphere.

Because this is their home.

And she was decorating their home a little bit.

Luo Ci Liuli's eyes were cunning, with a smile on her face, revealing her cute little tiger teeth, "Ah Heng, will I let you cook in the future?"

Nan Heng squeezed her hand, wrapped her big hand around her hand, and kissed the side of her hair lightly with his lips, "I want to cook for you for the rest of my life."

"Would you find it troublesome?"

"No trouble, I like to cook for you." He likes to see her satisfied and comfortable when she eats, like a lazy kitten, asking someone to touch her bulging belly.

And the little guy is a bit picky, and he can't eat too much if he doesn't like it. He wants to raise her to be fat.

In fact, there is also a little selfishness. As long as she is used to her existence, she will be reluctant to leave him.

Luo Ci leaned forward and kissed him, "This is a reward."

Nan Heng's eyes darkened, his white Adam's apple swallowed up and down for a moment, but he didn't do anything. Now he can't be too intimate with the little guy, lest he can't help eating people.

For her, his self-control has always been poor.

Luo Ci leaned in his arms, "If it wasn't for the food I made that I didn't even want to eat, I would also be willing to cook."

The skill of cooking is sometimes ineffective, and she is also very distressed.

Nan Heng responded lightly, stroked her long hair with her fingers, and said in a low voice, "You are the best by my side."

The phone rang at this moment, and he clicked to connect.

"Hello, Mom?" he said nonchalantly.

"A-Heng... How have you been recently?" It's not that the younger son hasn't called this month, but Mother Nan wanted to see the younger son's girlfriend.

After all, A-Heng is already 24 years old. She should consider getting married even if she can get along well with her girlfriend, right?

"I'm fine." Nan Heng glanced down at Luo Ci, who was nestling beside him, her cold voice mixed with a smile, "My girlfriend takes good care of me."

Luo Ci's face turned red silently.

It was obviously the fragments that took care of her more.

The mother Nan over there was obviously a little happy when she heard it, "Ah Heng, when are you going to bring someone's girl back? Since you two are living together, let's set the wedding date. Our family doesn't have a house or a car, so we're not afraid of delaying the family."

Nan Heng listened quietly, "I will arrange the wedding date, don't worry, Mom."

"That's good, that's good. Remember to bring her back to see!"

"Bring her back in a few days."

hang up the phone.

Nan Heng asked in a low voice, "When do you want to get married?"

Luo Ci tilted her head, "Marriage?"

Without further ado, handed him the household registration book and ID card, "Just pick a time to get the ID card, I can do it."

A completely unforced look.

Nan Heng: "..."

It feels a bit casual.

He was unable to say anything with the household registration book, and the little guy gave him everything like this.

But he still kept it, and warned, "Don't be so easy to deceive."

Luo Ci's face was serious and she tried her best to widen her eyes, to show that she was not lazy, but trusted him to give the account book, "I didn't give it casually, I kept it for you very seriously."

Nan Heng was dumbfounded.

He thought for a while, "Shall we go to collect the certificate on Qixi Festival? What kind of wedding do you want? Western or Chinese?"

"Okay." As for the wedding, Luo Ci didn't care much about it. After all, she had been married many times, and they ended up being together anyway.

And Fragment tried to give her a perfect wedding every time. In fact, as long as it was with him, it didn't matter.

"Wedding... it's better if it's simple." She originally wanted to say that it would be fine to get a certificate, but she didn't bring it up because she was afraid that Fragment would feel uncomfortable.

Nan Heng could see that she really didn't have any requirements for wedding arrangements, and she didn't like too many people, so she decided to give her a wedding in the game.

A wedding like no other.

"I'll take you home to meet my family in a few days."



On the day of going to Nanjia, Luo Ci wore a more elegant linen dress. It was hot in June, so she had a fluffy braid at the end of her hair, and there was a silver deer on the headband.

"Do I want to bring something?" Luo Ci felt that it would not be good to go empty-handed, and the fragment's family was good, and the things bought outside were too casual.

Nan Heng originally wanted to say it was okay, but seeing the slightly nervous mood on the little guy's face, a slight smile curved his lips. When he is not smiling, the corners of his lips are facing down, which makes people feel unhappy. When he smiles, there is a feeling of spring flowers blooming.

"Didn't you make some jam during this time? You can bring it over to make tea for them."

Luo Ci's eyes lit up, she ran to the refrigerator and took eight jars of jam, including grapefruit jam, cherry jam, strawberry jam, etc.

These are packed in special glass jars and labeled.

She's not good at cooking or something, but it's okay to make some jam.

Packed in a small refined basket that I bought with the fragments before, it is not tacky at all, but looks elegant and clean.

After finishing everything, Luo Ci carried a small basket and took Nan Heng's hand, "Let's go!"

Nan Heng felt that she looked even smaller today, she was completely a fledgling little girl, soft and tender, white and pure, and her whole body exuded a clean and pure aura.

Suddenly there is an inexplicable feeling.

The **** might think he kidnapped a minor.

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